The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by TookashotatChan k

counting them alongside the day-of votes

Early votes don't get counted or even opened in a lot of states (all?) until election day..
And they don't start getting reported until the polls close.

Designed for an early R lead.

by d2_e4 k

I'm not arguing with you about the benefits of nuclear power. If I could be bothered to research it, I'd probably agree with everything you're saying. Try and read the words I wrote - the point I am making has nothing to do with nuclear power.

I am saying that approving of solar and not of nuclear because of nuclear waste is a further, ulterior proof of a lack of basic mental abilities in assessing reality, given the above.

by Luciom k

Half democrats voters are against the easiest and most palatable solution for radical emissions reduction that doesn't require any lifestyle change for the population (and so would be far easier to pass as policy).

If you actually believe that reducing emissions is a relevant priority, having half of your tribe against the solution is absurd, insane, a level of incoherence that rarely has equals in politics.

But I don't expect any intellectual integrity from you

Hard to have a nuclear meltdown using Wind and Solar.

I think you are being incredibly intellectually disingenuous if you look at that infographic and think the Dems are being inconsistent in their messaging.

The theoretical nuclear energy cycle ends with zero radioactive waste, but it requires building money-losing plants at the end of the chain, and that will likely never happen.

Regardless, there isn't enough uranium on earth to meet humanity's energy needs. It would help, but it's not a solution. It is however positively mind-numbing to see California give multiple one-time extensions to its sole remaining nuke plant (Diablo) simply because it would be ****ed if it didn't. Most people don't know, or don't care, but a lot of California's energy is generated in other states like Nevada to get around that state's "totes scientifically literate bro" legislation.

Oil and gas isn't going anywhere, and neither is coal. The only real solution to carbon is some form of carbon capture which hasn't been invented yet. But basically humanity is just straight ****ed one way or another. We can't even universally agree what a man and woman is.

by Luciom k

I am saying that approving of solar and not of nuclear because of nuclear waste is a further, ulterior proof of a lack of basic mental abilities in assessing reality, given the above.

Why? You actually need to read up on things like what the dangers of nuclear waste are and how they can be mitigated to be able to have an informed opinion on that subject. It's not something that jumps out at me like it should be self-evident. Unlike, you know, the god stuff, which I figured out was bullshit by the time I was about 7 years old.

by the pleasure k

I get why Nuclear power fans say its OP but my issue is that im afraid of having a) private companies built or clean them up, its all for ****ing profit
b) govt cleanup means it will take 20x yeas over expected to build or cleanup but regulations need to be enforced and tight which at times its not somehow.

I think solar is so ****ing good with littel to no actual ev. the fact biden admin gave buinesses a tax benefit to build them is maybe one of the best laws a POTUS has pushed out in the last 14

by TookashotatChan k

The theoretical nuclear energy cycle ends with zero radioactive waste, but it requires building money-losing plants at the end of the chain, and that will likely never happen.

Regardless, there isn't enough uranium on earth to meet humanity's energy needs. It would help, but it's not a solution.

Oil and gas isn't going anywhere, and neither is coal. The only real solution to carbon is some form of carbon capture which hasn't been invented yet. But basically humanity is just straight ****ed one way

I want to say something witty and throw it into your face, to say how smug you are and blow that statment in your face

but I have nothing, absolutely nothing . Noboy can actually respond to a checkmate

by the pleasure k

I want to say something witty and throw it into your face, to say how smug you are and blow that statment in your face

but I have nothing, absolutely nothing . Noboy can actually respond to a checkmate

I find it hard to believe that there are hordes of democrats out there who think men can get pregnant or women are sitting around windmilling their massive dicks on Omegle or whatever.

by d2_e4 k

Why? You actually need to read up on things like what the dangers of nuclear waste are and how they can be mitigated to be able to have an informed opinion on that subject. It's not something that jumps out at me like it should be self-evident. Unlike, you know, the god stuff, which I figured out was bullshit by the time I was about 7 years old.

Be cause as I wrote nuclear waste is solved since decades ago, it's not new stuff, many countries including the USA have nuclear already and have been dealing with the waste regularly, it's a complete non issue, a made up problem.

While solar panel waste isn't solved yet so if you worry about waste you should pick nuclear over solar every time

by TookashotatChan k

The theoretical nuclear energy cycle ends with zero radioactive waste, but it requires building money-losing plants at the end of the chain, and that will likely never happen.

Regardless, there isn't enough uranium on earth to meet humanity's energy needs. It would help, but it's not a solution.

Oil and gas isn't going anywhere, and neither is coal. The only real solution to carbon is some form of carbon capture which hasn't been invented yet. But basically humanity is just straight ****ed one way

The people who believe in sky fairies and souls who think that down syndrome is gods plan also think that a man being born with a woman's soul is so thoroughly impossible that they have to apply science to philosophy where they typically apply philosophy to science

by Luciom k

Be cause as I wrote nuclear waste is solved since decades ago, it's not new stuff, many countries including the USA have nuclear already and have been dealing with the waste regularly, it's a complete non issue, a made up problem.

While solar panel waste isn't solved yet so if you worry about waste you should pick nuclear over solar every time

A lot of things were solved decades or even hundreds of years ago that most people today would still struggle with. I don't think someone is a total moron for not being able to derive calculus from first principles, and that's been known for quite some time. Maybe you need to read what I wrote a few times to understand what I'm saying, I don't know. I'm not going to keep repeating it.

Here’s a fun fact:

In the event trump wins he will almost certainly do so while losing the popular vote

And he in all probability will name 5 Supreme Court justices without winning a single popular vote

Had to check to see when Roberts was appointed to see it all 6 conservative justices were from popular vote losers but it’s just the 5

by d2_e4 k

I find it hard to believe that there are hordes of democrats out there who think men can get pregnant or women are sitting around windmilling their massive dicks on Omegle or whatever.

22% of democrats believe men can get pregnant.

It gets to 36% of liberal women with a college degree (so much for the value of education)


by Luciom k

22% of democrats believe men can get pregnant.

It gets to 36% of liberal women with a college degree (so much for the value of education)


I mean, ok, that is pretty ****ing wild, I'll give you that.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Here’s a fun fact:

In the event trump wins he will almost certainly do so while losing the popular vote

And he in all probability will name 5 Supreme Court justices without winning a single popular vote

Had to check to see when Roberts was appointed to see it all 6 conservative justices were from popular vote losers but it’s just the 5

2005 for Roberts and Alito and in 2004 bush Jr had won the popular vote.

Clarence in 1991 and bush senior had won the popular vote.

by d2_e4 k

I mean, ok, that is pretty ****ing wild, I'll give you that.

He linked a propaganda tank that references another propaganda tank as its source

I would bet 500$ its completely made up polling

Lol this guy seriously quotes focus on the family in an Internet poker forum based in the United States without a hint of awareness of irony

by coordi k

He linked a propaganda tank that references another propaganda tank as its source

I would bet 500$ its completely made up polling

by StoppedRainingMen k

Lol this guy seriously quotes focus on the family in an Internet poker forum based in the United States without a hint of awareness of irony

Ok, that explains it. Thanks.

by housenuts k

Why would you vote on election day? Long lineups.
Ample opportunity to vote the days prior with little to no lines.

I never understood how there are such long lines in some places. Are we really that short on volunteers and locations? There are over 50k people in my town, and not once have I had to wait in a line.

by coordi k

He linked a propaganda tank that references another propaganda tank as its source

I would bet 500$ its completely made up polling

So do you agree that men can't get pregnant?

by Luciom k

2005 for Roberts and Alito and in 2004 bush Jr had won the popular vote.

Clarence in 1991 and bush senior had won the popular vote.

Read my post and ask yourself why I said trump will in all probability appoint 5 justices when he’s only appointed 3

Or don’t, I don’t really give a ****, you can’t be bothered to read

by StoppedRainingMen k

Read my post and ask yourself why I said trump will in all probability appoint 5 justices when he’s only appointed 3

I thought you imagined court packing to happen

by zers k

I never understood how there are such long lines in some places. Are we really that short on volunteers and locations? There are over 50k people in my town, and not once have I had to wait in a line.

You live in a small town. Cities are busy. So I should rephrase that people that vote on election day in big cities are idiots.

by housenuts k

Why would you vote on election day? Long lineups.
Ample opportunity to vote the days prior with little to no lines.

Not everywhere 😡

by coordi k

The people who believe in sky fairies and souls who think that down syndrome is gods plan also think that a man being born with a woman's soul is so thoroughly impossible that they have to apply science to philosophy where they typically apply philosophy to science

I'm willing to bet a very similar argument was made by settlers and genociders of native Americans (bunch o' savages!!) in the 17, 18, and 1900s...to our collective loss. The right you have to take away other's beliefs now is about the same as the right we had then to do it to them---I don't think you have that right.

You don't think there's any value holding transcendent or cultural beliefs even if they're not scientifically sound?

Unfortunately I think progressives will eventually win and force consensus on everything but materialism and peak efficiency, at precisely the cost of everything but materialism and peak efficiency---namely, everything that makes us human. Which is a depressing enough thought for today, so I'll be back tomorrow.

by Luciom k

I thought you imagined court packing to happen

You see what happens when you just make blind assumptions so you can arrive at your imagined point that has nothing to do with anything I’m talking about?

