Trump 2nd term prediction thread
So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.
Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.
A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.
Uncertainty still not over, it truly makes a MASSIVE difference if democrats somewhat get the house (10% odds currently) or not.
It also makes a massive difference how much leeway republicans have in the senate, in the sense that at least 2 republican senators are not going to rubberstamp everything, so 52-48 is materially a lot different from say 55-45.
Ukraines ****ed
Gazas ****ed
Hopefully nato hangs on
My biggest hope is we (brit) aee compelled to rejoin the eu
I guess at the very least, winning the election is Trump's get out of jail free card on all his pending cases, I doubt any state is going to attempt to put a sitting president on trial (if that's even possible).
Well the war in the Ukraine should end in the next week .
I predict Trump will provide military aid to cats and dogs to defend themselves against Haitians or bad Hombres or whoever non Americans were eating them.
Stormy Daniels will suffer a bizarre accident involving a window.
Aid to Ukraine will be decreased to one slingshot and one board with a nail hammered through it.
UK people will chortle at his Trump'll Fix it slogan
Something Something crooked Joe Biden
Benjamin Nethanyahu will cackle evilly for the remainder of his term in office.
HAMAS will dm a certain 2+2 poster asking what went wrong. As will the IRI. As will Vladimir Putin.
we are so back

Vance os going to have a tough time getting Trump's endorsement in 2028. Have no idea who will be making decisions and in the cabinet. Pretty marginal bros last time at the end.
Jack Smith your fired
Vance os going to have a tough time getting Trump's endorsement in 2028. Have no idea who will be making decisions and in the cabinet. Pretty marginal bros last time at the end.
Leave that to Peter Thiel and Musk to solve, the pieces are in place for a techbro libertarian takeover of government down the line.
Both those guys are authoritarian. Which I guess is what libertarianism is these days.
Both those guys are authoritarian. Which I guess is what libertarianism is these days.
You guys have a use of words that isn't the same we have.
Which personal negative freedom do those guys want to limit more than democrats do? ie how would they use government to reduce freedom more than democrats want to do?
This is a sitting senator (Utah)
Mike Lee
Which federal agency do you want to see dismantled first?
You guys have a use of words that isn't the same we have.
Which personal negative freedom do those guys want to limit more than democrats do? ie how would they use government to reduce freedom more than democrats want to do?
Musk sued a media company for negative stories about twitter. The stories were 100% legal and probably even true, but it is expensive to litigate against even baseless claims.Morally or ethically, Musk has no problem with that. Most libertarians probably don't either, but it's authoritarian.
think Trump will devalue the dollar early in his presidency that way it can be blamed on the Dems ,who would have naturally let it happen once the debt was unsustainable..
Musk sued a media company for negative stories about twitter. The stories were 100% legal and probably even true, but it is expensive to litigate against even baseless claims.Morally or ethically, Musk has no problem with that. Most libertarians probably don't either, but it's authoritarian.
Musk sued for cartel behaviour.
And using all legal tools to try to achieve your preferred outcome isn't authoritarianism, it's selfish rationalism. NO PRIVATE ACTOR ACTION can be labeled as "authoritarian".
Authoritarian is something you can only strictly use to describe the use of state power. And it requires such a use to reduce freedom.
Introducing any regulation is authoritarianism. Banning or mandating something is authoritarianism.
With Trump we also get Kennedy, Musk and Vance... 😵
Musk sued for cartel behaviour.
And using all legal tools to try to achieve your preferred outcome isn't authoritarianism, it's selfish rationalism. NO PRIVATE ACTOR ACTION can be labeled as "authoritarian".
Authoritarian is something you can only strictly use to describe the use of state power. And it requires such a use to reduce freedom.
Introducing any regulation is authoritarianism. Banning or mandating something is authoritarianism.
Musk lied. It was a frivolous suit but since he can afford it he went through with it. The merits were irrelevant. If you want to criticize Musk it’s harder than it is to criticize a non authoritarian
Musk lied. It was a frivolous suit but since he can afford it he went through with it. The merits were irrelevant. If you want to criticize Musk it’s harder than it is to criticize a non authoritarian
Private actions cannot definitionally be "authoritarian" in political parlance. Authoritarianism is exclusively about the willingness to use STATE POWER to violate other people freedoms (even when it's legal to do so) for whatever reason (note that the justification is completly irrelevant to define an act as authoritarian or not).
You can only claim Musk is authoritarian by using something he asked to be done with state power that is authoritarian. In which case you then have to compare the whole extent of his wishes about how to use state power in the totality of situations with other people to see who is more authoritarian.
Given the widespread hatred for regulation of Musk, he comes out definitionally as less authoritarian than most people.
Prediction? Pain.
I predict people still won't understand the difference between sex and gender, despite it REALLY not being very complicated.
Keep going there are still some men votes to lose, even if under 30 men moved 30 points against your tribe (and yes, for them, it's clear wokism played a huge part)