The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
When he comes home asking if he has to prepare for world war 3 I need to answer that.
There is a timing for topics in a child mind, same as you don't discuss sex details with a 8y old, I don't think you can discuss complex geopolitics with a 12y old no matter how bright he is
When he comes home asking if he has to prepare for world war 3 I need to answer that.
There is a timing for topics in a child mind, same as you don't discuss sex details with a 8y old, I don't think you can discuss complex geopolitics with a 12y old no matter how bright he is
Just tell him you have a raft, I mean, boat, and 10k in convertible currency and you're all set.
I gotta see this boat, man. Canoe? Bunch of logs with a big rubber band round them?
Would be a bit ironic if you ended up having to sneak into Morocco or Algeria on your boat. Please post updates here for lols.
Just tell him you have a raft, I mean, boat, and 10k in convertible currency and you're all set.
I gotta see this boat, man. Canoe? Bunch of logs with a big rubber band round them?
1) I don't anymore
2) it was for specific localized Italian/south European risks, I don't think you can prep for an actual ww3
My life would be complete if you got busted trying to sneak into Algeria on a boat and your mugshot was in the Algerian papers with the Algerian president quoted as saying "Italy... tut tut... not sending their best. Negative selection at work."
The algerians need not worry because logic, the free market and his resourcefulness dictate that he is in fact positively selected
i mean, if she had a snowball's chance in hell of winning i would have just written in a candidate instead
If you were just picking a third party name out of a hat, I guess that it's lucky that no one who supported the Aryan Nation or the Khmer Rouge ended up on the ballot. It would have been awkward to explain that you only voted for that person because you were choosing at random from among the third party candidates. (I obviously am not suggesting that you ever would choose such a person deliberately. Just pointing out the potential pitfalls of choosing randomly.)
It pains me that no one ever bothers to correct the routine conflation of fascism with authoritarianism. They are not one and the same.
I have made this distinction a million times. Trump is clearly the latter. Arguments about whether he is the former rely heavily on which definition of fascism you are employing to support your argument, and which elements of fascism you are choosing to emphasize or ignore.
Problem is Trump is not authoritarian at all (or at least, he wasn't in his first term) with citizens.
He speaks a lot like an authoritarian and has very authoritarian tendencies against non citizens.
But he actually didn't do basically anything more authoritarian than a vanilla moderate president in his first term vs citizens, and quite a lot of his actions where on the opposite side of authoritarianism.
He didn't abuse the 2 emergency situations he got in 2020 at all, or at least far less than both the left (for COVID) and the right (for BLM riots) wanted him to.
He threatened to veto a renewal of the Patriot Act which expired under his watch, one of the most abusive violent authoritarian uses of state power in decades ended under him.
He didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton or her family.
I can go on but the idea is clear.
For those wanting to label him as authoritarian/fascist, yes.
For me Trump is a moderate center left nativist with outdated views about macroeconomics that were perhaps mainstream before bretton woods collapsed.
I know what you meant. I was trolling you. Your phrasing was inartful/unfortunate. "Problem" can refer to a number of things as phrased. "Problem with the argument" is what you meant. Taken on its own, it's trollworthy.
Let me know if you need me to put all that in a meme for you for expository purposes.
Calling the media, well any against him, an 'enemy of the people', isn't a great look
Can be listed under the authoritarian rethoric yes.
And then what exactly did he do against the media he labeled enemies of the people while in office?
He had the full power of the executive branch and a trifecta for 2 years (albeit a very slim majority one in the senate, sure), and he tried/did what exactly with that immense power in his hands, against the media?
He didn't even have them audited by the IRS in special ways (unlike Obama did with rightwing NGOs), he didn't use regulatory agencies to target them (unlike the democrats tried to do with the FCC and the twitter acquisition by Musk)
I know what you meant. I was trolling you. Your phrasing was inartful/unfortunate. "Problem" can refer to a number of things as phrased. "Problem with the argument" is what you meant. Taken on its own, it's trollworthy.
Let me know if you need me to put all that in a meme for you for expository purposes.
You know how you were saying that one of the traits you deplore about yourself is your long-windedness?
Just a HU.
Donald Trump’s plan to dismantle the Deep State.
1. “Immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the President's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats.”
2. “Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.”
3. “Totally reform FISA courts which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they're lied to in warrant applications.”
4. “Expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart.”
5. “Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately we false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy.”
6. “Make every Inspector General's office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.”
7. “Ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone's campaign like they spied on my campaign.”
8. “Continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington Swamp.”
9. “Work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate.”
10. “Push a constitutional amendment to oppose term limits on members of Congress.”
Thank goodness you guys voted for free speech.

Happy to hear gorgo is in favor of abolishing all rules about market manipulation and fraudulent commercial speech.
Sad to hear Trump is not.
Had no idea Gorgo was in favor of Exxon mobile claiming their product is emission free