Trump 2nd term prediction thread
So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.
Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.
A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.
Most prolific hypocrite (post Cuepee era)?
Prediction: Trumps plan of drastically cutting gov't spending will create a short and mild recession that will lead to growth over the next 50 years that most economists thought was impossible from the US in the future. Cutting taxes and regulation will help make the drastic cuts in gov't spending palpable in the short-term.
I saw a good example of the gov't hurting people when they claim they are trying to help:
"Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program created the Department of Housing and Urban Development to reduce housing costs and increase homeownership. ...
What are the results? In 1967 the U.S. homeownership rate was 64%. Nearly six decades and $3 trillion of spending (in 2024 dollars) later, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the home ownership rate is nearly . . . 64%."
"Home prices have increased at a 5.5% annual rate since the establishment of HUD, while overall inflation has averaged only 4%. In 1967 the average home cost about three times an average family’s income; today, it’s seven times."

My prediction: Trump won't live through 2028. He's very old and unhealthy. JD Vance will be the last American president.
To the belt tighteners: When has austerity ever produced prosperity?
To the MAGAs: Where does Trump's first presidency rank according to historians? Why will this one be less of a disaster?
To all Americans: What will you do without social security and medicare?
Our government in USA is in a pretty odd place that seems near irreconcilable. Unregulated campaign money combined with social media addiction have made people very detached from reality and what is important in their day to day.
Numerous Republican lawmakers told Donald Trump and his team that they believe his pick to be attorney general, controversial Rep. Matt Gaetz, has little chance of being confirmed, according to multiple Senate Republican and people around Trump. And they’re privately hoping Trump doesn’t make them walk the plank.
said the poster (HP) with several *1 post* alias'.
Man up, stay a while.
Numerous Republican lawmakers told Donald Trump and his team that they believe his pick to be attorney general, controversial Rep. Matt Gaetz, has little chance of being confirmed, according to multiple Senate Republican and people around Trump. And they’re privately hoping Trump doesn’t make them walk the plank.
Trump wants to be able to bang young tail without repercussions. So do most GOPtards today. Gaetz is on board with that and thus will get confirmed and he should. Trump won. America is now Trumpistan.
Im surprised your still watching MSNBC now that Mika and Joe sucking up to Hitler . Were they not scared Trump would shoot them when they arrived at Mara Lago
WSJ recently published a piece about how the next POTUS will be inheriting a robust economy. The economy is fine. Trump won because people are irredeemable idiots, not because the economy is bad.
Very good Hanania on RFK
Richard Hanania
If you haven't looked into their claims, you are always going to underestimate just how much and how blatantly anti-vaxxers lie.
If you are on the right, I want you to open your mind and realize that no matter what problems you have with the left, Robert F Kennedy is a uniquely sinister figure who should have no role in public life. Here's just one example as to why.
RFK wrote the foreword for a book by an anti-vaxx organization he once led that claimed to list young people dropping dead from the covid vaccine. The 12-year-old boy on the cover hadn't even been vaccinated against covid. He was just a random kid who died for unrelated reasons, anti-vaxxers put him on the cover of a book, and RFK promoted it.
When the family tried to tell them about this, the publisher ignored them.
The AP reports:
When 12-year-old Braden Fahey collapsed during football practice and died, it was just the beginning of his parents’ nightmare.
Deep in their grief a few months later, Gina and Padrig Fahey received news that shocked them to their core: A favorite photo of their beloved son was plastered on the cover of a book that falsely argues COVID-19 vaccines caused a spike of sudden deaths among healthy young people.
The book, called “Cause Unknown,” was co-published by an anti-vaccine group led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, who is now running for president. Kennedy wrote the foreword and promoted the book, tweeting that it details data showing “ COVID shots are a crime against humanity.”
The Faheys couldn’t understand how Braden’s face appeared on the book’s cover, or why his name appeared inside it.
Braden never received the vaccine. His death in August 2022 was due to a malformed blood vessel in his brain. No one ever contacted them to ask about their son’s death, or for permission to use the photo. No one asked to confirm the date of his death — which the book misdated by a year. When the Faheys and residents of their town in California tried to contact the publisher and author to get Braden and his picture taken out of the book, no one responded.
They finally took the boy off the cover of the book after it became a story during Kennedy's 2024 run. Kennedy supporters have harassed the boy's parents, maybe because they believe they're lying about the covid vaccine and part of the conspiracy.
12-year-old Branden Fahey isn't the only person they were lying about. They were just taking random people who died and made a book about them. One even died in 2019, before covid vaccines were invented.
The AP found dozens of individuals included in the book died of known causes not related to vaccines, including suicide, choking while intoxicated, overdose and allergic reaction. One person died in 2019.
AP asked Kennedy’s campaign, CHD, Dowd and Skyhorse president Tony Lyons several questions about the book, including why they chose to feature Braden, why they didn’t speak to his family first and what steps they took to fact check.
Kennedy's former organization says that Fahey's obituary didn't list a cause of death, so they just decided to take his picture and put it on the cover of their anti-vaxx book. I'm serious. This is how anti-vaxxers reason. "Maybe your son who died in 2019 actually died because he was vaxxed? Just asking questions! Why are you afraid of debate? What are you hiding?"
In emails, Lyons did not address why Braden specifically was chosen for the cover but defended his inclusion by saying that news stories and his obituary did not mention his cause of death.
Hundreds of deaths are cited in the book, though Lyons said it only attributes nine of them to the vaccine. Lyons said Braden’s death and others are never explicitly attributed to the vaccine, and that the book explores many possible reasons for deaths that have appeared in headlines since 2021.
Still, the book several times refers to its “thesis” that mass administration of COVID-19 vaccines caused a spike in deaths. Braden’s parents said his appearance in the context of the book implies he died of the vaccine, putting his death in a false light.
Anti-vaxxers are very dedicated and put out a lot of material. People see this and assume that there must be something to what they're saying. How can they produce so many books, papers, and podcasts if vaccines are safe? What's wrong with opening up a debate?
You'll never have the time to go through all of their claims. The thing to realize is that these are some of the stupidest and most dishonest people in public life. They've been shunned from mainstream institutions for good reason, and it's a troubling sign that they're now being given political power.
If you think elites are the problem, know that they at least want nothing to do with anti-vaxxers. I consider this a litmus test. The degree to which institutions reject these people can be taken as a direct measure of how well they're functioning.
WSJ recently published a piece about how the next POTUS will be inheriting a robust economy. The economy is fine. Trump won because people are irredeemable idiots, not because the economy is bad.
Economy is fine but kinda late on the cycle.
If a recession comes in the next 18-24-30 months that's on the economic cycle as well though, not trump, and we both know democrats will lie through their teeths like republicans did now, about that, blaming Trump.
Prediction: Trumps plan of drastically cutting gov't spending will create a short and mild recession that will lead to growth over the next 50 years that most economists thought was impossible from the US in the future. Cutting taxes and regulation will help make the drastic cuts in gov't spending palpable in the short-term.
I saw a good example of the gov't hurting people when they claim they are trying to help:
"Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program created the Department of Housing and Urban D
If only it was only in the U.S. this happened …..
Ho guess what , when you are among the people earning the most money in the world , prices do end up going higher .
I’m shocked .
Economy is fine but kinda late on the cycle.
If a recession comes in the next 18-24-30 months that's on the economic cycle as well though, not trump, and we both know democrats will lie through their teeths like republicans did now, about that, blaming Trump.
None of that has anything to do with the fact that Trump is irredeemable dogshit.
Very good Hanania on RFK
Richard Hanania
If you haven't looked into their claims, you are always going to underestimate just how much and how blatantly anti-vaxxers lie.
If you are on the right, I want you to open your mind and realize that no matter what problems you have with the left, Robert F Kennedy is a uniquely sinister figure who should have no role in public life. Here's just one example as to why.
RFK wrote the foreword for a book by an anti-vaxx organization he once led t
Go Trump! Go RFK!! Fill my coffers with $$$ and eliminate idiots at the same time! DoubleWin!!!
Count me among those who thinks RFK as head of HHS is frightening. Should I resign myself to accepting it, or is there a real chance he won't get confirmed?