Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

I start this with some pictures:

nl2 -$8792.18 -82 buy ins below EV

nl5 (notice that pt4 shows party poker nl5 as nl4) -$5943.81

nl10 -$773.92 -15 buy ins below EV

Total loss -$15509.91

This is me playing nl2, nl5 and nl10 on party poker for one year.

My history begins somewhere in same period when they started to show WSOP shows in television. I think I have played 12-13 years nows mainly NL2, some amount of NL5 and little bit of NL10 what is the biggest stake i've ever played.

I've read all Sklansky, all Harrington, all Miller, watched huge amount of videos, bought trackers and calculators.

Still after those years and after that all I've lost huge amount of money on those stakes. I try to play my best but losing to huge suckouts like 95/5 favorite makes me really upset.

I've lost literally all my money including all my life savings to online poker. I want to try one last time to win those money back and little bit of extra. That's why $16k. What I need is support and guiding.

I had thread on micro forum but they deleted it just when people start to understand that this is real situation and not fake.

And if you wonder where that biggest loser comes from it was said by guy who has been playing for living many years. He said I'm the biggest loser in history counted as lost buy ins.

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18 March 2019 at 01:30 PM

1392 Replies


by J.E.C k

You'd think losing 150bi's in 7k hands would make you reconsider this stance but that's just me

I am very tempted to play 7k hands at 10nl just pure donking around to see how much I lose. I am certain it wouldn't be close to 150bi

Just can't believe this is real. Have to imagine Paistings is very autistic? Any other explanation?

I guess he has no job, lives with his parents who are happy he has a hobby and something to fill his day with.

by OFA k

I am very tempted to play 7k hands at 10nl just pure donking around to see how much I lose. I am certain it wouldn't be close to 150bi

Just can't believe this is real. Have to imagine Paistings is very autistic? Any other explanation?

I guess he has no job, lives with his parents who are happy he has a hobby and something to fill his day with.

It's close to impossible for a sane person to achive this with this much experience what he does basicly every month.

Having this loserate in a huge sample is like failing a kindergarten level math test without scoring a point as an adult. Or very close to it, for sure bottom 0.01 percentile.

The month started off strong. I walked over the whales like fire, successfully bluffed the rivers and made them pay with weak hands by shoving all in on the flop. I ruthlessly punished late position stealers and too small bet size donkeys.

About on 7200 hand mark 888's rigged RNG kicked in causing massive losses once again. I lost 33 times to bad beats in spots where I was 65–91% favored.

2x 90%+ equity suckouts
10x 80-90% equity suckouts
12x 70-80% equity suckouts
9x 65-70% equity suckouts

The situation is crystal clear and I've proven it over many years. I'm unquestionably one of the best players at those stakes and every whale should be busted and broke within 15 minutes. A great example is my first and only profitable month ever where I faced only a handful of bad beats. These stupid idiotic bad beats are clearly designed to keep the whales in the game.

The only positive thing is that 888 has finally started banning cheaters and collusion rings after initially ignoring the problem. Thanks to my efforts. Over the summer I filed a criminal complaint with authorities and reported a player with the username kox44x to the Gambling Commission. I provided clear evidence of their use of unauthorized software and their involvement in a larger network.

Let's see what kind this month is going to be.

I'm sure this has been asked previously but...if you truly 100% believe 888 is rigged against you...why do you keep going back each month?

by TeddyD k

I'm sure this has been asked previously but...if you truly 100% believe 888 is rigged against you...why do you keep going back each month?

This is him feeding the fish.

by TeddyD k

I'm sure this has been asked previously but...if you truly 100% believe 888 is rigged against you...why do you keep going back each month?

Because she is attention seeking moron that needs to prove a point to people he will never meet. Happy to see you keep feeding redwine and tenderloin to the regs out there.

Someone has to punish them whales boys lmao.


some fish keep playing because they won hands they shouldn't have.

other fish keep playing because they lost hands they shouldn't have.

If the site allocates the beats correctly, all the different fish are hooked.

by TeddyD k

I'm sure this has been asked previously but...if you truly 100% believe 888 is rigged against you...why do you keep going back each month?

In my opinion it's better to try and address something than to simply deny what's clearly happening and leave it at that. Most people on this forum do nothing but laugh and act like it's somehow normal to experience 25–35 suckouts every single month. And often in situations where I've completely dominated the fish and they panic call and then a miracle river card bails them out with a single overcard. People laugh and claim this is normal, but no one else can provide similar monthly results, even though it would only take a simple copy paste from their tracker to prove it.

It's also worth remembering that I've played so many hands at these lower stakes that if I'm not at the very top I'm at least in the top three globally in terms of volume. I have plenty of evidence to back up my claims. I believe that bringing these issues to light will push poker sites to operate more transparently or someone will eventually realize thereÂ’s something wrong and join me in taking action. No one should be happy with a situation where unethical measures are used to keep the player pool wide. That means losing with best hands again and again.

What's the biggest goal for poker sites? To keep 50/10 whale playing on the lower stakes and eventually move them up to higher stakes. How does this happen? What keeps a 50/10 limp calling sperm whales in the game? Winning. What doesn't encourage them to keep playing? Constantly losing to better hands and going broke quickly or getting frustrated. What tools do sites have to achieve this? This is something worth thinking about especially with everything I've pointed out so far.

Paisting, in your opinion who else would you say is also a good player in your pool? I mean you surely cant be the only strong player, right? Right?


Would you make a YouTube video or twitch live stream? You would make a fortune from them

by Paisting k

In my opinion it's better to try and address something than to simply deny what's clearly happening and leave it at that. Most people on this forum do nothing but laugh and act like it's somehow normal to experience 25–35 suckouts every single month. And often in situations where I've completely dominated the fish and they panic call and then a miracle river card bails them out with a single overcard. People laugh and claim this is normal, but no one else can provide similar monthly results, eve

Thank you for this response. Appreciate that you took time to put across your opinion/thoughts. Many will disagree with you and tbh theres many points we could argue about but that's fine and not an issue. I truly wish you well and id be delighted if somehow you were proven right in your beliefs. Just take care man, i assume you can afford to lose what you lose each month but dont get yourself in a financial mess if you cant afford these monthly losses. Hoping to prove you are right isnt worth wasting your life over dude. Even if you take a single month out thats circa $500 you can spend on enjoying yourself on a few treats or nights out pal. Anyhoo, obv upto you and thanks again for your reply and good luck going forward.

by TeddyD k

I'm sure this has been asked previously but...if you truly 100% believe 888 is rigged against you...why do you keep going back each month?

i can't believe people are still asking this after all these years

paisting has mental health issues and a gambling addiction - this leads to a bad combo, fortunately, he's still not so deep into the abyss that he's able to keep losses manageable to the point where it doesn't appear to bankrupt him, rather just prevent him from living a significantly better life

by rickroll k

i can't believe people are still asking this after all these years

paisting has mental health issues and a gambling addiction - this leads to a bad combo, fortunately, he's still not so deep into the abyss that he's able to keep losses manageable to the point where it doesn't appear to bankrupt him, rather just prevent him from living a significantly better life

I asked whilst kinda knowing what you say anyway tbh. Paisting was decent enough to offer a reply which is above. I've advised he just takes 1 month out as that's gonna mean he has at least $500 a month to spend on whatever...nice meals out, clothing, whatever. I agree with you 100% that his actions are at least stopping him having a significantly better life.
It just feels sad somehow despite me not knowing him. I really hope he's a super elite level troll but after so long thats somewhat unlikely and a mental illness is more likely explanation for his ongoing behaviour.

by TeddyD k

I really hope he's a super elite level troll but after so long thats somewhat unlikely and a mental illness is more likely explanation for his ongoing behaviour.

he's not, his poker persona is well known and established - these are his genuine volume and loss rates

by Paisting k

How much money would it take for you to post publicly (or send privately) the last 5000 hands that you played in that graph?

Paisting, you should try Omaha, your 25-35 monthly suckouts will become daily.

Pleaaaase stream bro.
I am also 100% convinced now that you're a masochist (that's cool btw)
You are indeed unique, and I respect that.

paisting streams would make everyone forget about tuff fish

by rickroll k

paisting streams would make everyone forget about tuff fish

tuff fish was cool though.

by Paisting k
  • to experience 25–35 suckouts every single month.
  • I'm at least in the top three globally in terms of volume. .

Your answer is above.
It's called "expected value"

Let's say there is a suckout in 1 in 100 hands.
If you play 3500 hands, you should expect 35 suckouts

Adjust the numbers as needed, but the concept does not change.

Happy to have solved this mystery for you!

Now Paisting with the narrative that he's top 3 in volume at small stakes... can you just stop?

You barely play, and you played low handcount even when you started your blog, how many hands do you think those eastern europeans play grinding 4+ tables of zoom all day every day?
I'm sure there are at least mid 2-digits amount of dudes that played more hands in the last 2 years than you played your whole life on nl10 or lower. Rush poker was first introduced in 2010.

Even your idol blackrain79 showed a database back in 2011 with 4 million nl2 and nl5 hands. You play 200k hands a year.

by legionrainfall k

Your answer is above.
It's called "expected value"

Let's say there is a suckout in 1 in 100 hands.
If you play 3500 hands, you should expect 35 suckouts

Adjust the numbers as needed, but the concept does not change.

Happy to have solved this mystery for you!

He could just share his database and let someone do some statistics on it. He would get all the answers he needs.

Paisting: How often were you all-in before the river last month? If you want you can add in how many of those all-ins you were a big favorite.

Without sharing this type of information you have 0 proof. If you were all-in hundreds of times last month, it would just be expected to get sucked out as often as you say every month.

holy ****ing **** zomg i can't believe I just found this thread.
story goes back to fall 2010, when my 21 yr old me got a 50$ bankroll from pokerstrategy; deposited that money on partypoker and started playing 2nl like a true nit.
Sadly lost my old HM database from that time, but I am 99% positive that a good chunk from the money I won to move up from the micros came indeed from Paisting.
I mean, even the people open limping 90% of hands back in 2010 knew what's up when he started tilting.
Paisting is actually one of the 2 players I still remember from my beginnings; the other one being a batshit crazy german dude at HU SSPLO.

Man those were the days.

edit: Paisting, maybe you remember a guy going by the screenname 'Crack******' on partypoker; well, hello!

I love this thread so much.
