The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


by Luciom k

Recommended by whom? by the same experts that recommended double masking and stopping to live for years because a nasty cold was around?


Listen you're an alcoholic, your posts trying to justify it are terrible. Only an alcoholic would try to claim we need alcohol because it allows introverts to be more social.

by Luciom k

Man the experiment has to be judged upon freedom not upon "societal results" if you aren't a leftist. The role of the state isn't to "optimize society" in any way or form, is to play referee while we do the **** we want with our lives and only intervene when we directly damage other people (not STATISTICALLY: directly).

Nope. There are plenty of places where you can go live and have freedom to do all the drugs and drinking you want. Somalia, Haiti, Liberia go be free!! No drinking and driving laws in Liberia.

by Shifty86 k

No, they completely banned thousands of nicotine pouch products, allowing 1 too be sold, while legalizing Weed and allowing candy themed edibles to be sold. You claim this is the obvious common sense approach. Since that is the case Im sure you can provide some data on a decrease in youth psych ward visits since the BAN of 6mg wintergreen zyns.

LOLOLOLOL it’s Christmas Eve and the gift keeps giving.


You are team ban ****.

You are the one that wants ALL alcohol and ALL weed banned.

You’re the big government guy.

You’re the pro-banning guy.

You’re the anti-recreational drug guy.

You don’t have a right to be “sad” that you can’t get triple berry nicotine pouches while still being allowed to get nicotine pouches.

Unless you’re a a hypocrite.

by Shifty86 k


Listen you're an alcoholic, your posts trying to justify it are terrible. Only an alcoholic would try to claim we need alcohol because it allows introverts to be more social.

LMAO my dude - the decades long nicotine user - trying to accuse everyone else ITT of being an addict is hilarious.

by uke_master k

LOLOLOLOL it’s Christmas Eve and the gift keeps giving.


You are team ban ****.

You are the one that wants ALL alcohol and ALL weed banned.

You’re the big government guy.

You’re the pro-banning guy.

You’re the anti-recreational drug guy.

You don’t have a right to be “sad” that you can’t get triple berry nicotine pouches while still being allowed to get nicotine pouches.

Unless you’re a a hypocrite.

Still nothing eh, can't find any data on why it's common sense to ban "kid friendly" nicotine pouches but allow teenage weed induced psychosis to massively increase.

by uke_master k

LMAO my dude - the decades long nicotine user - trying to accuse everyone else ITT of being an addict is hilarious.

My drug of choice isn't directly involved in ~50% of murders and violent crimes. Wait, unless you have some data on crimes being committed while under the influence of nicotine?

Lololololol my dude woke up and immediately started giving.

Buddy, you can’t get mad at the government restricting drug access when you want complete bans on alcohol and weed. Someone else can quibble about details like whether bans on marketing to children are strong enough etc, or inconsistencies in regulations between different drugs, but you can’t. Your team Big Government total bans. You lost that right. You get pointed at and laughed at. Sorry, that’s your destiny when you - a decades long drug user - tried to ban all the drugs you don’t use while crying about how “sad” it was that there was regulation (not bans) on your drug.

And my dude still hasn’t figured out the harms from nicotine are not the same as the harms from other drugs. Lol.

by uke_master k


And my dude still hasn’t figured out the harms from nicotine are not the same as the harms from other drugs. Lol.

Hmm I think that's you. Alcohol is poison, nicotine is a nootropic. For something that's obvious common sense you haven't defended it very well. There's obvious reasons why alcohol and weed shouldn't be legal. You haven't provided any for nicotine..

I can walk into:

A weed store and buy sour patch or peach blast gummies

A liquor store and buy black cherry white claw or peach vodka

I can walk into a tobacconist and buy nicotine pouches. Nope, gotta go to the pharmacist for that.

Ya kiddo someone who is sensible like uh everyone else in this thread can have a nuanced discussion about consistency between different types of regulations on different drugs.

You can’t.

Because you’re a hypocrite.

Who finds regulations on your drug “sad” while advocating for complete and total bans on other drugs.

Please please please keep this up through Christmas, this is the funniest you’ve been since your PPC days (hey you should go spout your Big Government ban alcohol take with them!)

by uke_master k

Ya kiddo someone who is sensible like uh everyone else in this thread can have a nuanced discussion about consistency between different types of regulations on different drugs.

You can’t.

Because you’re a hypocrite.

Who finds regulations on your drug “sad” while advocating for complete and total bans on other drugs.

Please please please keep this up through Christmas, this is the funniest you’ve been since your PPC days (hey you should go spout your Big Government ban alcohol take with them!)

One hypocrite calling another a hypocrite even though I think shifty is nuts on this argument

by lozen k

One hypocrite calling another a hypocrite even though I think shifty is nuts on this argument

lmao what pray tell do you think I’m a hypocrite about?

Is this the PATHETIC bit from earlier where you pretended that because I support a deficit neutral carbon tax I must magically not care about inter generational debts?

by uke_master k

Ya kiddo someone who is sensible like uh everyone else in this thread can have a nuanced discussion about consistency between different types of regulations on different drugs.

Your arguments are stellar. Really convincing as to why nicotine is banned but weed and alcohol are not. I'm more than happy to discuss why nicotine should be legal and weed/alcohol should not be. But instead of defending you're position you just repeat the same thing over and over again thinking you are clever. But really it's because you have no idea what you are talking about, you just know Trudeau did it so you have to support it. Like a good shitlib.

I've posted data on why legalizing Weed was a mistake. Are you going to share the data of crimes committed under the influence of nicotine or teenage psych ward admissions from 4mg berry pouches? No? Didn't think so, I wonder why.

by uke_master k

lmao what pray tell do you think I’m a hypocrite about?

Is this the PATHETIC bit from earlier where you pretended that because I support a deficit neutral carbon tax I must magically not care about inter generational debts?

yes as the debt will be a issue we can actually control climate change we can not

by Shifty86 k

Your arguments are stellar. Really convincing as to why nicotine is banned but weed and alcohol are not.

LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL. The guy who regularly consumes nicotine in various forms for decades believes nicotine is banned?!?!??!??!?!

The only one wanting to ban ALL instances of a drug is you. You moan and cry and drone on about how "sad" it is that your drug is regulated (not banned - regulated), but the TEAM BAN DRUGS dude is you. You. You want the big bag government to come in and enforce your preferences on everyone else. It isn't just that you are hypocrite on drugs, your entire conservative small government personal freedoms MAGA/PPC orthodoxy has just gone burned up in flames if you want the government to be banning red wine.

Are you going to share the data of crimes committed under the influence of nicotine or teenage psych ward admissions from 4mg berry pouches? No? Didn't think so, I wonder why.

lmao you really keep droning on about this weak sauce ****? If you can't figure out that the harms from nicotine addiction are not the same as the harms from other types of drugs I don't know how to help you.

by lozen k

yes as the debt will be a issue we can actually control climate change we can not

Can you explain in detail - use your big kid words please - how supporting a deficit neutral climate change policy means I don't care about intergenerational debt?

Maybe try drawing a picture with crayons first to help you generate some ideas.

by uke_master k

Can you explain in detail - use your big kid words please - how supporting a deficit neutral climate change policy means I don't care about intergenerational debt?

Maybe try drawing a picture with crayons first to help you generate some ideas.

Ill try and speak in big words and my crayons may not work on the screen

You voted for a Liberal Party because you feel they have the best climate strategy . You obviously did not vote for them for their fiscal responsibility .

Now let me explain in simple terms . We could turn off all the electricity in Canada that is not from green sources and live in tents with outhouses and it will have no effect on climate change which we both agree will effect your kids and grand kids.
Now the deficit which we control and I know Justin says it will balance itself it never will will have a dramatic impact on your kids and grand kids future but we can do something about that

But lets be honest its probably not in your top 5 of concerns . Even though Climate Change would be in my top 5 closer to fifth I realize Canada will not solve it nor have any impact on it

by uke_master k

What I find strange is how you've going "****ing dipshit" and "either dumb or doesn't care" and "extremely aggravated" over this counterfactual guess.

It is out of character for me, and I've got it out of my system, at least for now. :p

Edit to add: To be clear, I see this as far from a guess. I honestly can't see how a switch anywhere from a few months ago to a year ago wouldn't have been breakeven at worst, more likely a positive, and if nothing else would have allowed the party to move on to a new future all the sooner. As you say, that can't be proven, but I certainly don't see it as guessing. It seems obvious to me. Just wanted to provide the context that in my viewpoint, I wasn't getting frustrated over a guess.

by uke_master k

Perhaps I'll phrase it this way, *IF* we supposed I was right that it wasn't going to make a different, then does all your frustration dissipate?

Of course. If I assumed they would end up in the very same state in terms of number of seats and future prospects whether he stayed or resigned, then I'd have no issue with him staying to the end. In fact, that could be helpful, because it's an awkward spot here where it's hard to know whether you want their best prospective future leader (if there is a single one) to step in now or keep their powder dry until after they lose. Although I could do without silliness like this rebate, so I suppose more of that would get me back on the resign bandwagon, but I wouldn't have cause to be mad at him for not doing so.

On another note, hopefully you guys are almost done with this this silly back-and-forth about legalization of marijuana. I don't know which argument is sillier - Shifty's where he ignores any positive benefits of marijuana and declares that alcohol prohibition was good, or yours that it's hypocrisy to want different rules for marijuana and tobacco. I strongly disagree that it's in any way settled that legalizing marijuana was a net negative (I actually believe the opposite), but I also believe it's legitimate to treat things like alcohol and marijuana differently than tobacco due to the possible harm to others from impairment, even though I disagree with Shifty's end goal. My apologies if I have either of your positions incorrect; the debate has gotten weird enough I may have missed some nuance. I'm certainly not going to wade any deeper than that. 😀

Merry Christmas, ya bunch of weirdos! Hope you all get some quality time with loved ones, or even some relaxing time on your own.

Shoot you should have tried the crayons because somehow I’m all that furious typing you forgot to make any case for why I’m allegedly a hypocrite for supporting a deficit neutral policy that doesn’t pass lots of debt to future generations. Like you can repeat the Canada is small and this can’t change the entire global climate change situation non-point as much as you wish, but you never get me to hypocrite from there.

Maybe read a post or two of shifties and then you will find out what a hypocrite actually is.

by uke_master k

LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL. The guy who regularly consumes nicotine in various forms for decades believes nicotine is banned?!?!??!??!?!

The only one wanting to ban ALL instances of a drug is you. You moan and cry and drone on about how "sad" it is that your drug is regulated (not banned - regulated), but the TEAM BAN DRUGS dude is you. You. You want the big bag government to come in and enforce your preferences on everyone else. It isn't just that you are hypocrite on drugs, your entire conservative sma

Your schtick isn't funny or clever. We've all seen it before. You chime in on a subject you have no idea about, get proven wrong, then rather than admitting your wrong you play stupid games and start every reply off with LOL, HAHA, etc. like a child.

by uke_master k

lmao you really keep droning on about this weak sauce ****? If you can't figure out that the harms from nicotine addiction are not the same as the harms from other types of drugs I don't know how to help you.

Ok, use your big boy words and explain to me the harms of nicotine, weed and alcohol and which ones contribute to the decay of society more. Because I just can't figure it out for hell of me. Or is this going to be time when you say, I'm not doing the googling for you.

LMAO please keep this up over Christmas Mr. Big Government Paternalism.

Since you seem to be struggling, have you tried googling the number of deaths per year for people consuming products with nicotine in them, people consuming products with alcohol, and people consuming products with marijuana?

by Shifty86 k

Hmm I think that's you. Alcohol is poison, nicotine is a nootropic. For something that's obvious common sense you haven't defended it very well. There's obvious reasons why alcohol and weed shouldn't be legal. You haven't provided any for nicotine..

I can walk into:

A weed store and buy sour patch or peach blast gummies

A liquor store and buy black cherry white claw or peach vodka

I can walk into a tobacconist and buy nicotine pouches. Nope, gotta go to the pharmacist for that.

both alcohol and nicotine are nootropic and as all psychotropic substances, they become poisonous at high enough quantities (quantity range varies a lot depending on the individual).

there is no obvious reason why a substance we co-evolved with for millennia and which was always a big part of all western societies should be banned or regulated or limited in access (alcohol).

there can be doubt for substances which weren't of widespread use until recently maybe under a "security first" model but hit for alcohol which we consumed profitably for millennia evolving with it and improving massively at producing it in better quality with minimal side effects for adequate consumption.

you need basically to be a totalitarian, revolutionary leftist that hates and disregards history and tradition to suggest something we did everywhere in the countries that achieved the best results in human history (drinking alcohol) for millennia was terrible and has to be banned.

especially when our cultural historical enemies against which we fought bloody wars for many centuries do indeed ban alcohol in their societies and lost the race badly against us.

by Shifty86 k


Listen you're an alcoholic, your posts trying to justify it are terrible. Only an alcoholic would try to claim we need alcohol because it allows introverts to be more social.

we need freedom because life is worse than death without it, that's the general principle and people on the right usually understand that.

we need the government out of our lives in general only interfering when it's absolutely indispensable.

when is it absolutely indispensable? when it's impossible for a country to work properly without that interference. which means you need all countries in history that worked well to have shared that intervention without exception (like say, making murder illegal). if any example of a working country without rule x exists, rule x is illegitimate.

given there are countries that work properly where alcohol consumption is allowed you don't need anything else to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, alcohol shouldn't be banned.

the same is true for nicotine ofc. our countries worked before the leftist demonization of smoking happened which proves the state should stay out of it.

I just listed one if the many positives of alcohol in introverts getting more social because you asked which positives there are in consuming alcohol.

ofc the identitaria and traditional positives are way more important and filly sufficient by themselves for all cultures that had a tradition of alcohol consumption to never ban it.

and western culture does have a heavy tradition of alcohol consumption.

why do you hate the west and western culture? are you a woke radical manoac leftist? banning alcohol is the same as toppling statues of "white men" from our past

by uke_master k

LMAO please keep this up over Christmas Mr. Big Government Paternalism.

Since you seem to be struggling, have you tried googling the number of deaths per year for people consuming products with nicotine in them, people consuming products with alcohol, and people consuming products with marijuana?

You can do it for me. Are those products that contain nicotine still sold at convenience stores?

by Luciom k

both alcohol and nicotine are nootropic and as all psychotropic substances, they become poisonous at high enough quantities (quantity range varies a lot depending on the individual).

Alcohol is NOT a nootropic. That's something alcoholics tell themselves. Alcohol is literally poisoning you the first drink you take.

by Luciom k

you need basically to be a totalitarian, revolutionary leftist that hates and disregards history and tradition to suggest something we did everywhere in the countries that achieved the best results in human history (drinking alcohol) for millennia was terrible and has to be banned.

especially when our cultural historical enemies against which we fought bloody wars for many centuries do indeed ban alcohol in their societies and lost the race badly against us.

History bro! Weak arguments. I'm not expecting alcohol to be banned anytime, but weed is still illegal in most places. alcohol consumption is declining thanks to the internet, fitness trackers and a booming non-alcoholic market.

Just pointing out prohibition worked and the major reason it was lifted was for tax revenue and jobs during the depression, pretty sure USA didn't become a leftist totalitarian state during that time.

Also the societies you claim have a strong culture around alcohol, mostly European have contributed basically nothing in moving human civilization forward since before the industrial revolution.

by Shifty86 k

You can do it for me. Are those products that contain nicotine still sold at convenience stores?

Yes? Is this some game where you pretend to be even stupider than the guy who wants to ban alcohol while being sad at restrictions on child-friendly nicotine products?
