Cheating on the gulf coast

Cheating on the gulf coast

What exactly is going on down south, the same stable of players literally has won every event for the past year.. i know i can't be the only one thinking something smells fishy

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14 January 2025 at 05:10 PM

588 Replies


I know a good amount of the players that frequent all of the southern circuit and yearly stops. I am not a pro or even that much in the know, however I always ask my buddies about what they think is going on.

From the information I hear, it seems that there is a network of good, competent tourney players that are using every possible “advantage” afforded to them within the rules and ecosystem of casinos and cardrooms without actually cheating (but still could be).

They swap/stake/have same backers, they study together online and in person (I have had buddies try to spend money to get in the “courses”), they chip dump in important spots in tourney’s similar to passing a baton in a relay race, they squeeze play unknowns when its profitable. None of this is really trackable or so egregious that it gets noticed so its tough to stop things that are in the grey area and preplanned by these players.

I think once the high level numerical anaylsis invaded poker, high level numbers analysis type people naturally came along with it, and start to approach it like high level investing with the main objective to be profit by any means.

I'm not sure where exactly on the Gulf Coast you're talking about, but I just made a trip to Biloxi for a big series and definitely had some suspicions that some shenanigans might be going on. Specifically I suspected that some of the dealers might be working with some of the players setting decks.

I saw dealers cutting and dealing using methods that I am aware mechanics often use. I didn't actually see anyone dealing off the bottom of a deck or anything, but certain grips and ways of cutting are often used by mechanics when they're stacking a deck.

The other thing that made me suspicious is that I witnessed dealers seemingly choosing which tables they were rotating to, and in some cases staying at the same table for extra rotations. Usually dealers follow a set pattern for changing tables and could care less where they're moved to. But I saw several instances where dealers randomly told other dealers , "I'll deal here, why don't you go to table X." There was no obvious reason for why they would do this. Maybe they were working with a partner on that table?

Anyway that's my two cents.

by GreatWhiteFish k

But I saw several instances where dealers randomly told other dealers , "I'll deal here, why don't you go to table X." There was no obvious reason for why they would do this. Maybe they were working with a partner on that table?

Anyway that's my two cents.

This is a huge red flag.

I saw this thread and expected to see that Preston shipped another Main Event lol, never seen him lose a flip in my life.

But no, it was Cody's turn to crush this series.

There definitely is a crew that studies and travels together and probably have swapped action with each other but I have never suspected collusion or cheating. They are just really dialed into the psychology of the average Southern rec and play highly exploitative poker.

by ledn k

I saw this thread and expected to see that Preston shipped another Main Event lol, never seen him lose a flip in my life.

But no, it was Cody's turn to crush this series.

There definitely is a crew that studies and travels together and probably have swapped action with each other but I have never suspected collusion or cheating. They are just really dialed into the psychology of the average Southern rec and play highly exploitative poker.

So that group is just that much better than everyone else that fires those?

by GreatWhiteFish k

I'm not sure where exactly on the Gulf Coast you're talking about, but I just made a trip to Biloxi for a big series and definitely had some suspicions that some shenanigans might be going on. Specifically I suspected that some of the dealers might be working with some of the players setting decks.

I saw dealers cutting and dealing using methods that I am aware mechanics often use. I didn't actually see anyone dealing off the bottom of a deck or anything, but certain grips and ways of cutting are

Ive seen loads of this precisely at the events run by this crew

by Hell2Heaven k

I know a good amount of the players that frequent all of the southern circuit and yearly stops. I am not a pro or even that much in the know, however I always ask my buddies about what they think is going on.

From the information I hear, it seems that there is a network of good, competent tourney players that are using every possible “advantage” afforded to them within the rules and ecosystem of casinos and cardrooms without actually cheating (but still could be).

They swap/stake/have same backer

You contradict yourself. You say they are taking every legal advantage but then describe actions that are definitely outside the rules.

by Hell2Heaven k

This is a huge red flag.

It happens all of the time at these events. It reeks

I am also very suspicious of all southern WSOP circuit stops at Tunica, Cherokee and Choctaw. A group of dealers are likely setting deck for a stable of players. I have stopped playing hands with Preston and a few other regular winners. They never lose a hand at big spots and will often have very unlikely preflop holdings that win big pots.

Can we put a list of speculative names together? Will be useful to put together a list of dealer names as well.

Shaun Deeb had posted a video of mechanic dealers from Legends Poker Room, Houston, a few months ago. Some of those mechanic dealers have likely moved on from Texas card clubs to tournament circuits. Too much money involved not to be cheating.

Thanks OP for starting this thread.

I have played many tournaments over the last few years all along the Gulf Coast, and I have more than a time or two had a feeling / suspicion that there might be some shenanigans occurring.

The squeezing, suspicious All In's, etc., not just in tournaments but some of the Cash games.

I'll be watching this thread as I am interested.

by gamboolman k

Thanks OP for starting this thread.

I have played many tournaments over the last few years all along the Gulf Coast, and I have more than a time or two had a feeling / suspicion that there might be some shenanigans occurring.

The squeezing, suspicious All In's, etc., not just in tournaments but some of the Cash games.

I'll be watching this thread as I am interested.

A one post derail...Gamboolman I know you and the Mrs. come through sometimes so passing along. The Horseshoe Westlake (old Isle of Capri) poker shut down this past Sunday.

This was no surprise as it has been lucky to get a single game and list even on weekends. More than once the room was dark by 9PM on a Friday. I am sorry they closed if only because a) really liked a couple of the dealers (and supposedly GN roster is full) and b) it gave some competition to GN.

Now back to the Cheating discussion.

by Fore k

A one post derail...Gamboolman I know you and the Mrs. come through sometimes so passing along. The Horseshoe Westlake (old Isle of Capri) poker shut down this past Sunday.

This was no surprise as it has been lucky to get a single game and list even on weekends. More than once the room was dark by 9PM on a Friday. I am sorry they closed if only because a) really liked a couple of the dealers (and supposedly GN roster is full) and b) it gave some competition to GN.

Now back to the Cheating discuss

Horseshoe was awful they allowed a couple of guys to act like belligerent animals, a very big part of why they closed is how they allowed people to conduct themselves and treat others awfully

I guess if you are playing well enough for people to accuse you of cheating you must be doing something right. Unsure if all of you play enough poker to know that on every break both decks get setup to their original form so this alone would make it almost impossible for a dealer to setup a deck in my favor…. In order to do so they would have to have a deck in their pocket and switch it out AFTER players return and they show the deck is setup. I believe it would be hard to pull a deck out of their pocket and put it on the table without anyone watching, if they can they should be doing magic in Vegas… As far as dealers pushing in and out, they have a push order that they follow unless a dealer has signed the EO and a dealer is replacing them. I know my truth and I know there is zero cheating going on. If any of you have any questions you can hit me on Facebook or come talk to me in person at anytime, but to try to come to a public forum and accuse me of cheating when you have zero proof is just dirty

This is a legit scumbag thing to do. Accusing someone of cheating without proof is literally the worst thing you can do as a poker player.

Either show some proof or shut yer disgusting Pie Hole….

Why would you assume it’s you? Do some of these things sound familiar? I’ve heard people in your stable who are no longer with you tell stories about things they were asked to do and didn’t feel right about including said squeeze plays, soft play, chip dumping, etc. It might not be stacking a deck, but it’s still cheating. I’m not surprised this is being posted. That was 2-3 years ago when I first heard of these things happening. I wouldn’t play a hand with someone wearing weird purple glasses either unless I covered my cards completely. Too many cases of people marking cards to not be suspicious. Hope none of it is true but it does stink.

This is the most ridiculous thread of read in a long time ...
I personally know some of the people these absurd accusations are being thrown at . Those guys are stone cold killers on the felt . But some of the best human beings off of it . They are professionals , they work their asses off to consistently beat the extremely soft fields in the Gulf Coast . Have you ever thought that maybe just maybe the player pool is that ****ing bad ? Because let me tell you it is . Those guys have unlimited bullets to fire at these extremely soft fields . The rec does not ! So no it does not surprise me that the professionals keep beating a bunch of redneck recreationals who cant even count how many outs they have when they flop a straight draw . You guys on here talking this mess are just sore losers who need to play better and put the amount of work in that they do instead of trying to throw dirt on good people's names . I don't play as much as I used to but those guys I still consider friends and I'd bet my right arm to a bucket of **** they are just better than all of you . I bet ya didn't know one of them fired 30 bullets in Biloxi in one event . That doesn't sound like someone who cheats to me . Get over it ! You're just not good at poker dude.

by JohnnyGroomsTD k

This is a legit scumbag thing to do. Accusing someone of cheating without proof is literally the worst thing you can do as a poker player.

Either show some proof or shut yer disgusting Pie Hole….

Defending cheaters is a scumbag thing to do. He did provide proof(the behavior of the dealers, the results).

I assume it’s me because my name is “Cody” and my name is mentioned above? Are you blind? Also unsure which horses you are referring too but it’s untrue. If it was someone would be sharing some type of proof. People don’t think. It I were bossing around horses to chip dumb don’t you think I’d be spreading it around and make sure all horses stay out of makeup. I have over half a million out in makeup. Maybe those said horses are no longer working with me because of different reasons but I can tell you it’s not from me asking them to chip dump

The results doesn’t prove anything? Also the proof of the dealers? What proof? If you think a dealer can somehow set up a deck and have it in their pocket and pull it out in front of everyone and get away with it then I guess you’re just delusional… Dealers are left alone with decks on breaks and when players return the decks are shown face up to the entire table

Just because you like someone doesn’t mean they can’t be doing scumbag things. If there wasn’t suspicion after the run of results that there has been, then you’re naive to say the least and maybe just an idiot. Cheating in poker happens everywhere. Why not the south? And nobody did anything wrong in this thread by discussing.

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!!! I've known Cody forever and and have played with all of these guys for years.. Preston etc.... There's absolutely no cheating as far as I've seen and from my standpoint these guys have impeccable character and actually put work in their games. Maybe just maybe you should play better!!!

Gulf Coast Poker has some of the softest fields in AMERICA and everyone knows it. These guys may back each other or study with each other but so what.... Nobody ever cries when Cody f×cks up 20K buying in 40x to a $400 tournament.... I've also seen both run bad asf for awhile!!!

If you gonna accuse these folks of cheating then come with some proof! People saying they don't want to play hands with them etc etc... that's because you are scared! I can't wait to get in a hand with Cody and *** his world up!!!! Period!!!! I'm sure he tries to do the same ti me because we are competitors!

This post is lame ASF if you don't have solid proof! I just know what I've seen and what I know for years.. Cody is a stand up guy that will literally give you the shirt off his back...

You want to show some proof on that other than delirious speculation this is CJ... ATL.... other than that yall need to delete this BS Thread... ��


Two sides to every “story”. Usually neither of them are the truth. And idk why anyone would make that up that they were asked to do those things but maybe they did. Again, doesn’t hurt to speculate because anyone who didn’t suspect something is naive to think it can’t be happening. If it’s not, then great. I don’t think it’s right if someone mentioned specific names.

by tandt k

Two sides to every “story”. Usually neither of them are the truth. And idk why anyone would make that up that they were asked to do those things but maybe they did. Again, doesn’t hurt to speculate because anyone who didn’t suspect something is naive to think it can’t be happening. If it’s not, then great. I don’t think it’s right if someone mentioned specific names.

You started a thread about cheating in the Gulf Coast right after Cody just demolished the fields down there in the gulfs biggest tournament series of the year - but can’t fathom why he’d think you were talking about him. Then you claim his old horses told you some ****, but you still weren’t talking about him huh? Lol

Anyway - I’m a dealer all over the mid south. I know **** yall can only speculate about and it doesn’t seem you’d have the knowledge to figure it out on your own. If one of yall wants real proof - I’ve got it. $10k and I’ll share everything. But it’s gotta be worth me losing my job. Hit me up.

You sound hella bitter OP. Everyone on that stable studies and have really high profile. Shame on you for accusing someone with no proof. Provide evidence before posting!
