Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
If you ask 100 republicans why Harris lost I think you will get nearly 100 different answers. Its whatever spoonfed reason that stuck with them the most.
Incompetent DEI elect who slept her way to the top and refused to do interviews but when she did she was too loyal and not herself enough but when she was herself we just didn't like how uppity she was and did you hear her laugh and oh there was that phrase that we willfully misconstrued and Biden is senile and I just don't really like women or black people
Cool, thanks.
Where's your sufficient sample showing his other speech to compare pitch and volume to? You're not even using speech from even the previous sentence let alone anything sufficient from that conversation. Why would you do that?
Your dB map is 50-100 with at least half not being used by the data and only the 50 and 100 labeled and no other lines or numbers indicating volume. Why would you do that?
Your Hz graph is from 75 to 500, with 99.99% of the data located in the bottom 1/4 of th
Every vowel has a different resonance because the shape of the vocal tract changes as the tongue moves positions. These are called 'formants' and it's going to differ by vowel so you can't just compare someone saying [a] to [I] because the [I] vowel is going to be higher pitched. Of these resonances the lowest (for a given vowel) is called F0.
The average male voice has an F0 that's around 100hz. The average female voice around 120hz. If you took any two adult males you're going to find that the bulk of their vowels are produced between around 100-120 Hz. So the fact that you aren't finding anything "outside of an octave" is meaningless.
As for why those are the way the are, it's probably the default settings and I apologize for not having things labelled. When looking at speech you do want the high end though as that can be helping in differentiating between sounds like [s] and [f].
If you ask 100 republicans why Harris lost I think you will get nearly 100 different answers. Its whatever spoonfed reason that stuck with them the most.
Incompetent DEI elect who slept her way to the top and refused to do interviews but when she did she was too loyal and not herself enough but when she was herself we just didn't like how uppity she was and did you hear her laugh and oh there was that phrase that we willfully misconstrued and Biden is senile and I just don't really like women or
Why do you think she lost?
If you ask 100 republicans why Harris lost I think you will get nearly 100 different answers. Its whatever spoonfed reason that stuck with them the most.
I'm not a Republican.
They should have. Even when Biden was running.
Every vowel has a different resonance because the shape of the vocal tract changes as the tongue moves positions. These are called 'formants' and it's going to differ by vowel so you can't just compare someone saying [a] to [I] because the [I] vowel is going to be higher pitched. Of these resonances the lowest (for a given vowel) is called F0.
The average male voice has an F0 that's around 100hz. The average female voice around 120hz. If you took any two adult males you're going to find that the
Bro, this is exactly what you said:
"Basically the "grab them by the pussy" part is too low pitched for Trump but it's also spoken with higher intensity (e.g. it's louder) than the other part of what he said."
And you said the same thing in those two posts and nothing about formants, so I addressed this. Now you're changing goal posts.
If you want to talk vowels, then make your case because you made no such case before. If you make your case, then actually use data comparing dozens of one particular vowel being the same and how it's different in that one line.
I'll wait.
Indeed. Both how it's supposed to work, and how it works with you, as well.
Dave: "Hey guys, did you see the game last night?"
Tyler: "Yeah, wild finish! I can't believe the kicker missed that chip shot at the end."
Dave: "They should've gone for it on fourth down!"
Luckbox: "The interesting thing is the footballs are made from the hides of aliens they have hidden in secret tunnels under Disneyland!"
Dave and Tyler: **Slowly backing away**
Indeed. Both how it's supposed to work, and how it works with you, as well.
Dave: "Hey guys, did you see the game last night?"
Tyler: "Yeah, wild finish! I can't believe the kicker missed that chip shot at the end."
Dave: "They should've gone for it on fourth down!"
Luckbox: "The interesting thing is the footballs are made from the hides of aliens they have hidden in secret tunnels under Disneyland!"
Dave and Tyler: **Slowly backing away**
If that were the case I'm pretty sure people would want to know about it.
her running a terrible campaign might fall under
2. uninformed voters
since no one knew what the hell she was doing or what she stood for
You had her as part of the anti-crypto administration and didn't do any diligence beyond that.
You were also calling her DEI
I know 100% you had written her off before learning a single thing about her but sure, talk your nonsense
Basically the "grab them by the pussy" part is too low pitched for Trump but it's also spoken with higher intensity (e.g. it's louder) than the other part of what he said.
what if he was just really into saying it?
also, like roc, i too always found grab to be an awkward phrasing, but somehow loving caress would not fit nearly as well
Whatever. She only had around 100 days to run her campaign. Voters didn’t get much time to really know her. Her opponent didn’t have that problem.
yeah if only she could have had one of the most high profile jobs and positions in the world for the 4 years leading up to the election perhaps people could have gotten to see the real kamala... wait...
like it or not, she and hillary were the two worst presidential candidates we've had in recent history, trump faces biden who himself was not a good one but not one of the worst in living memory and he gets curb stomped
this is 100% on kamala being a terrible candidate
Just woke up and couldn't believe how great we are now.