Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban.

Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban.

Poker pro Scott Robbins is suing Borgata for over $1 million after his jokes about suicide led to a psych evaluation and a lifetime ban from Borgata properties.

A shocking outcome, since jokes about suicide are usually so well received.

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28 July 2021 at 05:33 PM

66 Replies


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Just a friendly reminder to everyone this guy still plays and is still a misraeble annoying pos. Plays terrible and complains every hand. That poor service dog he has with him yikes.

by WilliamLang k

Speaking of service puppy ��'s. I saw a cute �� the other day sitting in the lap of a feeble old slip n fall lawsuit broken down tourney player. At first glance, I thought our hero was in a slip n fall wheelchair �� - maybe we haven't seen the new lawsuit yet ��

p.s. how much per month for his Angry�� IPTV service?

Guy looks like Walter White from breaking bad in this picture. That cheer up shirt lmao. Probably a present from a friend with good humor.

if he gets paid from the lawsuit does the money have to play at the poker table?

by Helllsreal k

Guy looks like Walter White from breaking bad in this picture. That cheer up shirt lmao. Probably a present from a friend with good humor.

John Malkovic

by BulltexasATM k

John Malkovic

Lol I really thought that cheer up shirt is real for a moment.

The funniest part about this story is this Chrysler Sebring. Nothing is special about this car. Horrendous car really. I get when people drop money on specific/rare cars when the overall car isn't rare or valuable (I did this) but a Sebring isn't even close to one of these cars (3000GT VR-4 vs. just a normal one, 300ZX TT, etc.)

''Sebring, by Chrysler...a heck of a motor carriage''

I will just say this. It’s amazing that threads like this can continue to exist where people can slander anybody and say whatever they want about anybody. I read the stuff and it makes me sick. My ex-wife Who is a complete narcissist psychopath illegal immigrant who I’m sure married me only for a green card is able to say that I try to commit suicide twice and then fat pieces of **** who run illegal games can also add whatever they want and write whatever they want, even though it’s a blatant lie? And that guy was completely off. His ****ing rocker just randomly decides to text me threatening my life constantly. He thinks he’s a ****ing tough guy because he knows some wrestlers, but I could easily write how I filed police reports against the guy because he’s a complete psychopath. I never spoke one word negatively about him publicly and yet he would contact me out of the blue telling me that I did. Well now I am because he’s decided to go public. But he already knows what I think of him now so this is his only way of trying to get back at me and my bitter ex-wife who used me for everything she could feels that this is a good forum to post garbage about me as well. Virtually nobody knows exactly what happened at Borgata. I’ve tried to explain it a few times even on this forum, but people will say whatever they want about whomever they want and sadly there’s no way to stop anybody from writing anything on this forum. Nobody polices it so people can write anything that they’d like and it becomes a cesspool full of garbage

Whatever idiot chose to take this picture obviously put a logo on the shirt with Photoshop. I never wore that shirt. But it’s nice that everybody can slander whoever they want and post whatever they want on this forum. Get a life people. Don’t you have anything better to do with your life than knock others? Maybe you should look in the mirror

I don’t know who posted this, but the fact remains that I’m never miserable to actual people. I never criticize anybody’s play, but people misinterpret my being upset over losing massive huge pots constantly when I get my money in good and when I vent or swear or get upset people call me a POS or they say that I’m mean to people. I certainly am not. I just don’t get my personal needs met at a poker table. I’m there on business. Most people are there for pleasure and recreation. But I guarantee you the people who bitch and moan on these forms about me are also grinders who are ****ing miserable and this is their way of feeling better about themselves by trashing a guy. I always treat people well at a poker table. Maybe you should take the time to understand a person‘s position before ripping him apart on a public forum.

I appreciate whoever took the time to write this. I couldn’t agree more. And I assure you that my behavior at a poker table would never involve a floor manager or anyone who works at a casino because I don’t break the rules and I don’t angle and I don’t demean players and I’m not mean to anybody. Sometimes I have a dry sense of humor or I’m not really that talkative or I get upset over a bad beat, but I never directed towards a person. But I do appreciate someone taking the time to actually point out how people are just attacking somebody online

Yeah, that’s an intelligent post based on zero knowledge of who I am. I’ve never scammed anyone in my life. And I’m certainly not a grifter. I’ve been a grinder for 25 years. I play with respect for the game and the people that I play with. Am I miserable sometimes internally because I’m getting beaten up or on a bad run? Absolutely! I’m not a perfect person, but I don’t insult people at the table I don’t make fun of how they play. I don’t get mad at a specific person unless they’re rude to another person directly and then I stand up for those people. I’ll never understand why people are so full of so much hatred that they feel the need to go on a public form and just destroy a guy for no reason whatsoever. But apparently they feel better about themselves when they knock others

It’s funny how you hide behind some username instead of being a real man and coming up to me and talking to me. I’m sure you live a perfect life. I’m sure you’re not a loser. It’s not my IPTV service you’re moron. I make zero dollars from it. I offered to people to help them, but it’s idiots like you that make the Poker world horrible.

Whoever chose to write this, thank you. It’s pretty painful to have to be told by strangers that they found this online about me and there’s nothing I can do about it. It just continues to go on and on and on for people to pile on.

Hi Scott, how are you? You seem to be doing great

Yes, T. Rex was making posts on there trying to defend himself because people choose to attack and write false things online and the only thing I can do is clarify and try to help people understand the truth. But the truth will never be told on these forms because they’re just gossip and garbage and it’s pathetic

You’re such a great guy. I love what you post on here. Makes you look like a bigger man. It’s fun to hide behind usernames on an anonymous forum. You’ve probably never run bad. You’ve never worn a poker table. It’s nice to call people dicks. I’m sure everyone loves you. Why don’t you grow up and get a life and not spend your time on a gossip group trying to trash a guy to make yourself feel better. Do you think it makes you a bigger man?

Why on earth would I need to post a screenshot of the money that I settled for in a lawsuit you idiot? I don’t brag about my lifetime earnings so why are you bringing it up? This is a perfect example of a miserable loser. Who feels better when he trashes a guy online And the guy can’t defend himself and when he tries, he gets idiots like you to continue to trash him, but your gutless and you won’t walk up to me and say these things to my face so you use a forum to do so. All right, tough guy. You’re my hero

Just so you know, you moron, I make not a penny from the IPTV service. I do it as a courtesy to people to try to help them save money. I make zero dollars. But it’s idiots like you who continue to post moronic threads like this on a form. You don’t have the guts to say a word to me in a poker room so you go on 2+2 and spew garbage. I’ve been helping people get rid of cable and save a ton of money forever and I do it because I’m actually a good guy. Again just to be clear I don’t make one Penny From the IP TV service!

Because you and everyone else seems to have to know everyone else’s business, the settlement was for $21,000. I gave the lawyer 1/3 and I ended up with $14,000. I lost a fair amount of money traveling to Jersey and for the entry into the satellite And of course, having my name dragged through the mud by a ton of morons who don’t know at all about what happened that day. Not anything close to what people post all over the Internet about what happened is true. But nobody wants to know the truth because it’s more fun to trash a guy constantly because you don’t like his demeanor at the poker table. I didn’t realize it was my job to be Mr. friendly and entertain everybody. I thought I was there just to play poker. But apparently this form gives every idiot the ability to just rip people apart and post pictures of him and say how bad they feel for my dog who loves me and sits with me and is very happy. The people like to say that I try to commit suicide or I’m selling IPTV service to try to make money, etc.. It’s pathetic what I read on here. Absolutely disgusting and yet it’s allowed. And then we have people like you who feel the need to have to know the details of a settlement. Why do I owe you or anyone these details? I don’t. But even when I post this, which will then be public people will pile on and talk about slip and falls at Walmart, etc. It’s disgusting. But it will continue.

Most epic bump of all time?

No, it took me a lot longer because I was just told again about the endless garbage posted on here. You are incorrect! And yes, this is my only way to defend myself is to tell the truth, but you don’t wanna know the truth. You just rather continue to trash me. No security or the EMTs didn’t make me go. If you knew what happened, you would understand. The state police came to my hotel door plus security plus EMTs. I attempted to leave, but they told me that I was not allowed to leave, and then I was forced to be evaluated because the woman at the front desk who didn’t speak English as her first language misinterpreted what I said, and because she was trained that if she hears the word jump to call security, that’s what she did so I do not blame her. When they came to question me, I laughed at how absurd their accusation was and said it was tongue in cheek. , and because she was trained that if she hears the word jump to call security, that’s what she did so I do not blame her. When they came to question me, I laughed at how absurd their accusation was and said it was Tongue In Cheek and I should’ve said if there was an earthquake or natural disaster or fire and I had to jump would I make it and then none of this would’ve occurred. But I didn’t include the first part. Anyone who was there and heard the context would’ve known that it was in no way a representation that I wanted to kill myself! I just crushed the satellite and had every chip in the room and I was taking a day off to relax and then play the main event the following day. It was the most absurd Situation you would’ve ever seen. And they would not have settled with me at all if they thought they were right. The fact of the matter was I was mistreated and even after they asked me if everything was OK and they saw that everything was OK. They could’ve just said hey in the future Scott don’t mention the word jump under any circumstances And it would’ve been over and done with. But instead they chose to ban me and force me to go to the hospital where the doctors and nurses were laughing hysterically at how foolish the whole ordeal was. They then wrote me a note saying that Scott was of no threat to himself or anybody else And that at worst “the patient suffers from an awkward sense of humor.” Which I thought was very funny for the doctor to have written but again it won’t matter people will read what I write right here and they’ll just trash me again because that’s the nature of this forum. It’s away from miserable people who have miserable lives to make themselves feel better by trashing a guy who can’t defend himself

You should investigate how to use the Quote function. Maybe?

Sorry that happened to you. Glad you got it sorted out through the legal system. Better to ignore the internet trolls.
