Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban.

Pro sues Borgata after bad jokes lead to psych hold and lifetime ban.

Poker pro Scott Robbins is suing Borgata for over $1 million after his jokes about suicide led to a psych evaluation and a lifetime ban from Borgata properties.

A shocking outcome, since jokes about suicide are usually so well received.

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28 July 2021 at 05:33 PM

66 Replies


Dude is definitely in need of a psych hold, good God.

Am I missing something?

Someone just told you that people were talking **** again 6 months ago so you felt the need to bump a dead thread to "defend" yourself? lol

What you actually did was just throw yourself into the NVG fire. Let a dead thread stay buried.

Maybe a little self reflection on why everyone who has interacted with you at the table has a bad story to tell....

Dude seriously, how on earth did you think the writing on the shirt was real? Whoever done that wasn't going for realism, they were joking, you know a bit like you said you were and it was quickly mentioned by others it was fake if it even needed to be.

Above post is spot on you came on here and bumped a thread that hadn't been touched for almost six months and now it is the centre of attention again. I had forgotten it existed until now, good job.

by TheFly k

Dude is definitely in need of a psych hold, good God.

Dude, didn’t “bump a thread”. Was told about you trolls by others. Felt like defending myself from idiots who don’t have the balls to say anything to my face and use this forum to feel like big men trashing a guy who doesn’t bother anyone but just goes and plays poker trying to grind a living. But because you don’t like my demeanor at the table people like you decide to completely trash a guy who minds his own business and isnt as pleasant as you’d like him to be so you can call a guy names and insult him. Get a life. All I’ve done is make it clear that losers like you wait for a “bump” as you like to call it so you can get right back on here and bully a guy who has done nothing to you to justify it. Keep being real dude

by ledn k

Someone just told you that people were talking **** again 6 months ago so you felt the need to bump a dead thread to "defend" yourself? lol

What you actually did was just throw yourself into the NVG fire. Let a dead thread stay buried.

Maybe a little self reflection on why everyone who has interacted with you at the table has a bad story to tell....

Oh, I didn’t realize you spoke for everybody. I have hundreds of thousands of people who ****ing love me but it’s people like you who feel the need to continue to insult a guy. But you won’t have the balls to come up to me and tell me in person, will you? You’ll just use the form to hide.

by TheFly k

Dude is definitely in need of a psych hold, good God.

Psych hold because there are 20 pages of trashing of me that I was told continues to grow and today I see all these new posts and pictures of me that trolls take and post online. The people who should be in a “psych hold” are guys like you who have nothing better ti do with their lives than to talk **** about a guy who doesn’t harass, angle, or do anything but be a little unfriendly when he is getting destroyed at the table people I hope that trolling bully posts on a forum where anyone can post anything anonymously makes you feel more powerful

by ledn k

Most epic bump of all time?

Thank you. I actually wasn’t aware. That is helpful. I am genuinely thankful

The funniest thing in this thread is people thinking the NY Post should have good writing in it.

by Trex7777 k

Oh, I didn’t realize you spoke for everybody. I have hundreds of thousands of people who ****ing love me but it’s people like you who feel the need to continue to insult a guy. But you won’t have the balls to come up to me and tell me in person, will you? You’ll just use the form to hide.

I dont speak for everyone. I just notice that no one came to your defense in the thread, just a lot of people with their stories about how you are miserable to play with. Even of all of your friends who keep updating you on this thread, not one has jumped in to say "he is actually a really nice guy, you just have to get to know him better"

My advice.... let the thread die again

Lmao "I'm there for business".
If you were halfway good at poker you'd understand being enjoyable to play with instead of a miserable sack of crap at the table is good for business.

I've had the misfortune of playing with you 3-4 times and it was 3-4 times too many.

"I have hundreds of thousands of people who ****ing love me..."

Just relax.

...and when you get your money in good, but still lose ..... that's part of poker, not a valid excuse to vent or swear or get upset when the outcome goes against you ..... you got the money in good, that's all you can do.

Fwiw, "venting or swearing" is not treating people well at the poker table and it furthermore is likely bad for business

by marknfw k

You should investigate how to use the Quote function. Maybe?

Or how to apply multiple paragraphs.

by Trex7777 k

I don’t know who posted this, but the fact remains that I’m never miserable to actual people. I never criticize anybody’s play.

Lmao, I’ve played with you multiple times and this is so false and delusional it’s comical. You’re literally always a douche, always complaining, and always saying stuff to other players. Add in the fact you suck and most likely can’t beat 1/2 makes it even funnier.

by Picky Mosquito k

Lmao, I’ve played with you multiple times and this is so false and delusional it’s comical. You’re literally always a douche, always complaining, and always saying stuff to other players. Add in the fact you suck and most likely can’t beat 1/2 makes it even funnier.

All of this.

by borg23 k

I've had the misfortune of playing with you 3-4 times and it was 3-4 times too many.

Same. One time he was trying to show off for his lady friend (sitting behind him)by making fun of my shirt. It wasn’t light hearted ribbing. It was an insult out of left field completely unprovoked. I hadn’t said one word to him or beat him in a pot. This whole bit about “I’m always nice to players and staff” is complete BS. Guy is a miserable prick and his dog hates him too. FOH.

Once again I don't know how he can say he never disrespects other players with a straight face... Some people are delusional when it comes to their own behavior but the level of delusion to actually believe that would make him fit for an insane asylum.

by smoothcriminal99 k

…that would make him fit for an insane asylum.

Which is exactly where Borgata staff and Atlantic City PD involuntary placed him to begin with lol.

Actually, meets the requirements for being a total narcissist.

I don’t know what is funnier: the twelve posts in a row that don’t quote anything so you have no clue what he is referring to or his belief that he didn’t bump the old thread with his activity.

Broken YouTube Link

Certifiably insane. Insane in the membrane. Who makes jokes about suic-de? Only people who are desperate for attention. The casino was right.

He’s obviously desperate for approval. It seems like he gets off on trying to prove he’s right. And the long a- paragraphs. It’s like a boring novel that no one wants to read. Blah, blah, blah. And I’ve also seen him be disrespectful to poker dealers. Suggesting that they purposely give him bad hands. And an emotional support dog for a 6’2 tall man who’s disrespectful to both poker dealers and players is insane. Thirsty for attention.

by smoothcriminal99 k

Once again I don't know how he can say he never disrespects other players with a straight face... Some people are delusional when it comes to their own behavior but the level of delusion to actually believe that would make him fit for an insane asylum.

He’s delusional and rewrites history obviously.
