What's the deal with eggs?

What's the deal with eggs?

Now I don't think this will catch on like the highly entertaining "What's the deal with cereal?" thread, but a lot can h

) 4 Views 4
16 April 2020 at 03:14 AM

269 Replies


that looks a lot like Egg Foo Young...

nothing fancy, sharing anyway
2x egg s+p
2x ham
2x wheat toast
2x cheese below


Share to your heart's content RedEYES, it dont have to be fancy, can just be simple and damn good.


by REDeYeS00 k

nothing fancy...

what makes this exquisite are the huge chunks of Pepper... love it.

Red inspired me to have breakfast for dinner. Not a great pic but pretty ****ing good. Hashbrowns scattered, smothered, covered. 3 eggs over easy with hatch green chilis.

sure wish i was able to have some hatch chiles in my life

It annoys me to no end that Walmart stopped carrying hatch chiles in glass jars. I don't even shop at Walmart, but I went when I needed to restock.

Last year my 25lb box lasted exactly a year. Hopefully this bunch lasts til next season.

Trying to make pretty omelets--not there yet.

Hash of potatoes, onions, and bell peppers with spinach boursin "omelet."

hatch and eggs... NOM!

by VoraciousReader k

Trying to make pretty omelets--not there yet.

Hash of potatoes, onions, and bell peppers with spinach boursin "omelet."

Looks pretty awesome.

by marknfw k

Red inspired me to have breakfast for dinner. Not a great pic but pretty ****ing good. Hashbrowns scattered, smothered, covered. 3 eggs over easy with hatch green chilis.


haha, no, not really, but tasty! I had the exact same thing last night for dinner, lol.

by VoraciousReader k

Trying to make pretty omelets--not there yet.

Hash of potatoes, onions, and bell peppers with spinach boursin "omelet."

pair with a couple of rye toast points and i would eat this every sunday morning

Original plan was to make a Spanish tortilla but I got lazy halfway

love it
looks like a bear snuggled in a blanket perched atop a sauteed potato couch
did you eat his head first or start at the feet?

also curious what type of pan you and VR are using

by REDeYeS00 k

love it
looks like a bear snuggled in a blanket perched atop a sauteed potato couch
did you eat his head first or start at the feet?

also curious what type of pan you and VR are using

I put chili sauce all over it and started at the feet.

Pan is brand new second time I've used it. Cooked on induction this time although I have gas too.

attempted six minute jammy eggs with wheat toast, maldon and pepper
they were not easy peelers and look like a crime scene, but a delicious four bites nonetheless
will try again

by stabn k

I put chili sauce all over it and started at the feet.

Pan is brand new second time I've used it. Cooked on induction this time although I have gas too.

is it non-stick at all or do you have to rely upon fat to get things to release?


Looks great.
I don't think I've had anything like that. Crime scene or no.

by Tom Ames k


Looks great.
I don't think I've had anything like that. Crime scene or no.

pretty sure 27 has made them before with better results
i tried eggs in a small pan barely covered, brought to a boil then low simmer for 6 minutes. shocked under tap cold water before peeling
toast the bread to your own preference

by REDeYeS00 k

pretty sure 27 has made them before with better results
i tried eggs in a small pan barely covered, brought to a boil then low simmer for 6 minutes. shocked under tap cold water before peeling
toast the bread to your own preference

Thanks. I thought I had seen similar somewhere previously.

Am I the only one with a seemingly increased craving for eggs as I keep hearing of their increasing prices?

Strongly dislike soft-boiled eggs that don't peel. Sullies the enitre event.

My egg limit is $6/doz for farm-grade. I will not go higher on principal alone. Had a great connection at $4/doz, but them ladies have slowed down over the winter.

Fun fact: Mexico has no such egg problems. Why is that?
