President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I still would, tho.
It's funny, the joke is always "I can fix them", but I think the reverse is more likely and the fixee becomes the fixed. Like, I would come back in here after a couple weeks with Valentina and I'd be advocating for a 500-foot-tall wall on the border and mandatory firearms for all Americans.
Y'know Karl, very much in spite of myself...I'm starting to like you. 😀
it's all so funny.
for the record, people like you are the biggest pieces of **** in this whole deal. you know better but choose to joke to PWN DA LIBS!!!
**** head
I see a picture of a guy. I know nothing else about him. Is that your story? I can do that too.
This is one of the guys the US government killed

are we allowed to tell people to die in a grease fire still, or do we have to secretly wish it?
I still would, tho.
It's funny, the joke is always "I can fix them", but I think the reverse is more likely and the fixee becomes the fixed. Like, I would come back in here after a couple weeks with Valentina and I'd be advocating for a 500-foot-tall wall on the border and mandatory firearms for all Americans.
Probably not. My wife is a lefty, yeah I know you don't believe it but she actually is, but we've been together for 22 years. She'd put thumb tacks in my underwear if I voted for trump but there isn't really any attempt to change the other person - although im not a hardcore rw'er. She's changed her opinions on gun ownership and I've changed my opinion on climate change but I don't know how much of that was due to the other person v just naturally adapting to reality. But the only valuable thing that I learned from it was to not let politics ruin your short life.
But you're probably closer to her dad's age.
Not that I have any guns. I don't really need any and don't want to spend any money on that, but I think left wingers should really get into guns. 2A!
I mean, i've obviously owned and shot guns for a very long time but generally speaking, I still think guns are dangerous obviously and I would actually prefer that most people, even those who are cautious of guns, to not go out and buy them for w/e fear based, self defense, or lefty revolutionary ideas that they had in mind.
From my experiences, and what I think my wife may have experienced, is there is a certain degree of grounding involved even as something as basic as trap shooting. There is respect that is needed for your own self-worth and those around you and that kind of intensifies when you often operate a weapon that can so easily kill someone else. You realize that life isn't GTA 5 or personal beefs/fights aren't worth escalating.
I think part of it was that my wife understands better now than most lefty leaning people that we are in world with literally a half a billion guns that aren't going anywhere in our lifetime, and it would be better to work along side that reality.
But nothing scarier than someone who has never held a gun, holding one. It's always a mess and often worse.
People who bring guns when doing politics strikes me as more interested in bringing the gun than they are in bringing the politics, at least in societies where free speech and assembly is still somewhat respected. I guess it is some kind of weird self-affirmation.
And if people are worried about the growing autocracy of the current US government and its executive branch, your primary weapon against that is organization and joining up with people with similar concerns, even if you do not see eye to eye on all things politics. Fantasizing about the second revolutionary war while in the shower won't accomplish much.
For what it is worth, I'm also gun owner and for a few years in my younger life I had a profession were guns played a part. My issue isn't with guns. Though as a non-American this view is easier to hold; my life is free of people who fetishise guns as some kind of universal solvent for problems.
It’s literally impossible to say something is criminal fraud based solely on looking at an accounting spreadsheet. That number is never going any to be anything but zero
“Nobody likes a bad picture or painting of themselves, but the one in Colorado, in the State Capitol put up by the Governor, along with all other Presidents, was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before,” Trump wrote in a post Sunday on Truth Social. “The artist also did President Obama, and he looks wonderful, but the one [of] me is truly the worst. She must have lost her talent as she got older.”
Heh. He looks 30 years younger and has a better head of hair. If they used a digital still picture, he'd be flaming mad at how awful he looks. I guess he really thinks he looks like his NFT images.
This is weird. As LoL said, the picture doesn't look bad at all. Plus Polis has been trying to play nice with Trump for the most part.
There are a lot of concerns here in CO that as a blue state, Trump is going to take things away. Not sure where it stands, but they were talking about moving some space stuff to AL. And there is the general concern about fed jobs going away. I didn't realize this until recently, but Denver is considered kind of a mini DC in the west with the level of government jobs and activity. I think that's why Polis has been trying to tone down the more inflammatory voices in the state, like the ******ed mayor of Denver, who even the lefties in Denver can't stand. Maybe Trump was disappointed Polis hasn't wanted to do battle with him so he's making this up as a way to get it started?

eh, just give it a couple days 😀
Probably not. My wife is a lefty, yeah I know you don't believe it but she actually is, but we've been together for 22 years. She'd put thumb tacks in my underwear if I voted for trump but there isn't really any attempt to change the other person - although im not a hardcore rw'er. She's changed her opinions on gun ownership and I've changed my opinion on climate change but I don't know how much of that was due to the other person v just naturally adapting to reality. But the only valuable t
I can believe you're married to a left-wing woman. You've never struck me as an incurious person or a hardcore ideologue. And I like your posts just fine 👍
My post was obviously me just messing around, but the degree by which the average spouse affects their spouse's politics would be an interesting thing to study. And in which direction does it flow? I remember those political ads that were like "ladies, don't worry, your man's not gonna know if you vote for Kamala!", and nothing with the reverse sentiment, so I assume the patriarchy is too powerful for the wokeness and the women are disproportionately caving to their partner's politics (or maybe they all just quietly carry around those thumb tacks you speak of). I certainly could be wrong.
Confused about your last sentence as it usually works in the reverse; the common trope is that leftists and/or Marxists are dorm-room college students who will drop that nonsense once they have a wife and baby. Anyway, I'm in my 30s.
Trump is furious that they made him look a bit more like a normal human instead of the orange cotton candy head-ass, fat-ass dope that he actually is
Only the best
Appearing on Fox News after Trump was indicted for the unlawful retention of classified documents in Florida, she said of Trump, "He's the most ethical American I know."
Part of the fraud was bogus reporting to the SEC, yes? Of course Trump is cutting everywhere so soon it won't matter what anyone reports to any government agency - Hello IRS - there won't be anyone there to look at it.
[URL]"The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans
U.S. national-security leaders included me in a group chat about upcoming military strikes in Yemen. I didn’t think it could be real. Then the bombs started falling."[/URL]
The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans
U.S. national-security leaders included me in a group chat about upcoming military strikes in Yemen. I didn’t think it could be real. Then the bombs started falling

[URL=""The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans
U.S. national-security leaders included me in a group chat about upcoming military strikes in Yemen. I didn’t think it could be real. Then the bombs started falling.""]https://www.theatlant
I will communicate in the language of these esteemed men and women:
Can't wait to hear how this is the fault of the main stream media
The radical left has done it again