Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)

Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)

) 6 Views 6
08 October 2023 at 02:00 AM

1030 Replies



by Tuma k

My first love:

Tera Patrick.


When I realized the best player in history is Shohei Ohtani.


by Tuma k

Found an artist. Next step is alpha phase, a meeting with "the scientists", and then building a prototype.

If the art isn't perfect I will share it itt soon. The odds of me giving my life's work to a poorly skilled artist is zero. Therefore, don't expect to see my idea for a while.

Okay. It was in Atlana Georgia a few years prior when I was awake for 72 hours and began hallucinating mathematical shapes and patterns.

One of which, I had decided, could be implemented into a handheld device, that when gazed upon would alleviate symptoms of Depression.

It was a grid of arrows that were all connected to each other.

The top left arrow rotates 90deg East, then an arrow on the right rotates to the south, then a Southern arrow rotates...etc...all at a very fast pace.

I convinced my friend Jay, an artistic BEAST, to work on this, but he couldn't come close to replicating my thought so we scraped the project.

In hindsight, it was nothing else besides cool architecture that probably wouldn't help treat mental illness.


by Tuma k

I'm still not up to shape for writing a work of fiction, or much of anything. I puked my guts out the other night and have had a lingering fever. This happens around 40% of the time when the cold season arrives.

Mario Wonder is a really good time. I beat it last night on Twitch... it's been a while since I last completed a game.

If things go according to plan, I'll be leaving for Vegas this Sunday. I really just kind-of want to disappear though. The darkness in the world is almost too much for me

My first hint at Major Depression.

Anytime I mention quitting poker - my favorite thing in the world - is when I am going through one.


by Tuma k

Wesley So is an American hero and a world class chess assassin. He was one of my major inspirations to keep living during the hard times.


by Tuma k

He said, "never again"
And it was all over, for him.

But I am back, writing abysmally, with my thumb.

It feels like an absence of creative freedom. Each sentence - a chore - in lieu of re-writing at effortless blazing speed.

This isn't why I'm here with you tonight. I did not log-in to bemoan my infinitely poor luck of having to type using a pocket-sized super computer. The tragedy is lost. Let's get on with it, shall we?

I moved to Las Vegas. Only time can tell you this was a great idea.

What I can

This post was purely masturbatory.

I was settling in to my new diggs in Vegas, feeling at the bottom of the totem pole while on top of the world.


by Tuma k

5. Eric Clapton, "Tears in Heaven"

One of the saddest (and most moving) song there is.

Truly one of the very saddest songs ever written by a mourning father.

What happened is too harrowing for me to describe.


by Tuma k

From my daily walk to Las Vegas BLVD.


by Tuma k

I am positive about meeting David Sklansky in Vegas. It will be like a union between positive and negative infinity.

I didn't see or meet DS during the Vegas expedition.

I did get a chance to play with, and meet Mason Malmuth, 8 months prior, after a mutual acquaintance introduced us at Bellagio.

I stood there mostly silent while he spoke, and I'm mostly certain he had no idea who I was lol.


by Tuma k

This guy taught me how to swing.

Allusions to my father being a complete ****tard dipshit are a quiet yet everpresent theme in this blog.

One of the greatest things he did for me was signing me up for hitting lessons with Tigers Legend, Barbaro.

I remember him needing a cigarette break during the first lesson.

He showed me the fatal flaw in my swing: I was not keeping my weight back.


by Tuma k

Cascading, colored windows in the third person. Those are the shapes I just saw while analyzing a previous, incremental thought.

It would be nice to see the shapes more often.

A tiny description of synethesia.

It is an extremely mild form that puts an accent on some thoughts I occasionally have.

It's "cool", but hardly useful in any meaningful way.


by Tuma k

Just a random molecule.

Physics was my favorite subject, but Chemistry was my best.

I showed a small amount of Savantism in Chemistry, but my mental health evaporated before I could really find my gifts.


by Tuma k

A bulk of my daily food intake consists of pumpkin seeds, seaweed, and frozen fruit. If this could be gamified on The Price is Right, the winning bid would be an imaginary number.

I have little to no idea what I was attempting to say here.

I smoked a TON of weed in Vegas with my Housemate.


by Tuma k

Ran hot at seeing famous pros tonight at a particular casino. First I saw Koon, which is like getting dealt a straight flush. The night was already a success. Then I saw Dominik Nitsche who I gave a head nod to but didn't get one back. Then Chidwick, Petrangelo, and Fedor walked past in succession; I'm peaking my head around the corner for Ivey or whichever legend was lurking.... but that was all.

These chance encounters were the result of The Wynn Buffet ****ing up my comp, forcing me to shuttle back to the poker room.

I was extremely disappointed with their buffet. Tons of options, mostly average food. I'm not a buffet guy.

I also contracted an illness after waiting in a tightly packed line with another 2p2'er for over an hour.


by Tuma k

I don't understand why it took almost two months for me to adapt and start having fun at the tables. I switched rooms to where the local, older degenerates like to play and I feel like I fit in better.

This is a leak that may never get fixed. I remember taking a one orbit shot at PLO 5/10 a long time ago, and feeling cold emptiness around me at the table. I remember it VIVIDLY and I couldn't cope with the atmosphere.

The Good Ol' Orleans Poker Room.

I had my best results here by far.


by Tuma k

I hope this blog is good enough to warrant the thousands of views it has gotten.

The truth is that my writing could be interpreted as sanctimonious, or worse. I'm not really sure either way, that's for you to decide.

Writing blog posts of past yonder...the quality of writing wasn't as good...but the topics felt more "cutting edge", if not creative, and interesting.

The throes of mental illness is pure agony. Oh boy, it sure is. But some of my writing samples were golden. I'm a more boring person

I'm not supposed to mention the other writing project I had very much, and I take that very seriously because I was granted extra privileges by 2p2 Admin.

Thank you for that, I was serious in my initial request and I hope I have lived up to that.

I'm only mentioning this post because there ARE other writing samples from me that were pre-covid and course through devastations of treatment resistent Bipolar disorder. Along with poems about love, and a deep dive into what my mind was experiencing at the time.

Thanks again for your trust, MH.



by Tuma k

I might be cutting off 5 hours from now. My new friend, Mr. Pennies, AKA "The best wingman in Vegas" wants to watch the Lions game with me across the street.

Yep, I made a new friend.

Man, I only have one regret about my stay in Vegas and this was it.

A very jovial 'King Degen' of that poker room befriended me and treated me like a King.

He was always there for me, and he bought me a lot of stuff against my will.

One night I mentioned I was going to Bellagio, and he texted back asking for a Ride. I was high and forgot to check my phone until I arrived, then let him know I was there. We never spoker again after that.

I'm really sorry dude. I know you're not reading this, but I am and will always value your friendship.


by Tuma k

It's January 1st. The smell of napalm perforates last evening's musk at The Orleans Gaming Hall. I am strong, I am fierce, and my barrels are full. I went to sleep a lazy POS, and woke up as the hardest worker in poker.

I'm still the King of the Midwest, but now I'm Vegas Mike, a Hebrew Prophet, a fearless stacker of cheques.

Prescient as they come, I will continue to divide & conquer the poker sphere.

Rise and grind, MFers. Get up, stand up.

Get hype, stay hype.

A great post to kick off the new year.

This is me at my best. Kicking ass at poker, writing in the voice of of a Prince, and generally enjoying the hell out of life.

(Placing 'cheques' and 'conquer' near each other in a passage is pure excellence.)


by Tuma k

The 75-hour dreams are over. I'm doing 55 now. This will give me ample time to read and play guitar.

I remember when this post took place.

I had been murdering the games all week to start the year, and was doing the hours promo for the second consecutive week.

I was falling asleep at the table and was hopeless to continue.

I did finish 55 hours I'm pretty sure. 130 hours in two weeks was no slouch.


by Tuma k

I have a cubilux. It is almost cube shaped, and it connects my guitar to my computer. With the help of a friend, I was able to plugin to a program, play & record, and play back again. I was hoping that it would also serve as an amp for jamming, but there's a quarter-second delay between strumming and sound. So it's just for recording, which is pretty cool nonetheless.

I've also become a robot. My main decisions are binary: feel good, play poker; 001... feel less good, go home; 010 ... at home,

I really like this post, and it is perhaps my first flash of brilliance in this blog.

"Lil' Robot, I am much happier, even if the day's events cascade downward like dominos falling into one another."

I am hugging my past self right now.


by Tuma k

Won at Wynn, Bellagio, and Aria before dumping it all and back and some at MGM.

Secret Pizza at Cosmo is amazing. It's too bad I won't be able to find it again lol.

This was a great night with a very close friend who was in town visiting.

The game at MGM Grand was amazing, and I have never seen my friend so composed at the table before.

And yeah...Secret Pizza is just ****ing fun to go to.


by Tuma k

One of the best pictures I've taken.

I have a knack for photography that hasn't really been explored.


by Tuma k

I remember someone close to me telling me I should consider not playing poker. The reasoning was that I had mental problems, and poker is tough mentally.

I actually am thankful for the show of caring. And while I didn't take the advice, I thought about it and felt they had a good point.

What I couldn't anticipate was that the opposite was actually true. Playing online poker was one of the best things I could do to help treat my mental problems.

I'm certain to not be alive today had I not played poker.

The only thing I can think of that would have replaced that experience is some hard deadly drug that I would have sought after during the worst of times.

Plus, poker was mental exercise that I couldn't replicate elsewhere.


by Tuma k

My projection for the year has a 5% chance of netting me 38k, 5% chance of 68k, and the rest in between.

My projection for 10 years has a 5% chance of netting me 500k, 5% chance of 586k, and the rest in between.

That's assuming I don't move up stakes and remain at 300nl.

The jist is one year results have insane variance, while 10 year results do not.

This stuff ended up being nowhere close. I still had a great year anyway.

by Tuma k


Man, I only have one regret about my stay in Vegas and this was it.

A very jovial 'King Degen' of that poker room befriended me and treated me like a King.

He was always there for me, and he bought me a lot of stuff against my will.

One night I mentioned I was going to Bellagio, and he texted back asking for a Ride. I was high and forgot to check my phone until I arrived, then let him know I was there. We never spoker again after that.

I'm really sorry dude. I know you're not reading this, b

you should text him this
