Quantum Entanglement (A Love Story)
Processed sugar withdrawal is here, and it's stupid.
I woke today with what felt like cigarette headaches. Which made no sense, and then I realized I'd unintentionally cut out all processed sugar from my diet. The health nuts should ****ing warn us that this may happen.
I really hope it's not a lingering thing because I will be adding sugar back to my diet at some point. If I have to feel hungover each morning after having a doughnut I will be having lots of doughnuts to prevent that.
I spent ~$4
This is one of the first posts back home in Michigan.
I skipped out on blogging about the end of my trip, and the drive back.
There was an hours promo at Venetian that me and the Housemate completed for the second half of April alone.
It was a helluva grind, and I didn't get out of bed for 4 days following.
Tuesday. Feb 25.
62 days after X-mas.
Not a mouse in this house.
Or sleep for this sheep.
I broke a rule and played an orbit of poker.
I flopped two sets in five hands.
I ate the crust off a nonpluss slice from little caesars.
I drank water from an oversized mug.
I fapped. Twice.
I dabbed. Zero times.
I'd be golden if I wasn't so subtarded with weed.
This post was on my Fifth day of Weed Sobriety.
The wheels would begin to fall off around now...
...and my spirit was fortified at the same time.
The rest was history, folks.
That concludes this 'Flashback' episode of Tuma's Blog.
I hope it has been half as fun to read as it has been to write.
Just a random molecule.
Physics was my favorite subject, but Chemistry was my best.
I showed a small amount of Savantism in Chemistry, but my mental health evaporated before I could really find my gifts.
I'm still in a reflectory mood and wish to expand upon this.
Because 'savantism' is such an outlandish and rare thing to claim.
Okay here's the story.
I attended next to zero classes in Organic Chemistry at Michigan.
My friends were having a study session before an exam, which I attended.
I asked them a question so basic, they informed me it would not be worth their time explaining and I was a lost cause.
I spent the rest of that evening exploring the basement of the study place on North Campus. It may have been called 'Pierpont Commons', I have no ****ing idea.
Anyway, the night before the exam an Honors College student was hosting an official study thing at the Chem Building.
Over the course of an hour, he put 5 or 6 molecules on the chalk board and showed us how to manipulate them and solve a few problems.
I went home and played video games the rest of the night.
The next day, I took a shot of Jack Daniels before leaving for the exam, just to make my roomates chuckle.
I ended up getting an A on the exam, and did well in the course overall.
I wish to know what would have happened had I applied even one ounce of effort to my studies;
but that would have been so out of character for me back then it wasn't in the realm of possibilities.
To be perfectly honest, and especially in 2p2's heyday, my achievement(s) would have been average at best compared to the real geniuses who used to and still populate this forum.
But it was a great moment in my tattered history that I am proud to share.
Ryan DePaulo Rules.
I am glad He Who Must Not Be Named is no longer associated with HSP Productions.
Hide my head
I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow
No tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best ive ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
...Mad World...
****Saturday Night Fever****
The casino was packed.
My table was from a dream.
Everyone came to play and gamble.
I doubt anyone knew what a Range was.
The biggest pot I won was $9 before rake.
My Hourly has improved from -$35/hr to -$32/hr.
Sometimes I wonder if I should be doing something else with my life.
I swear when these dudes experience Anthropogenesis and Theory of Mind we are so ****ed.
RIP to a real one.
*Sleep Chart*
Sleep - Something like 3 hours straight, and then a 2 hour rest following. Ativan-free.
Awake - 6:30am, Sunday
Technically I still have insomnia, which is any chronic disruption of normal sleep. But last night I wasn't even that tired, I put my head to my pillow in the night hour, and fell asleep almost immediately.
Your last post in this thread popped up a day after you made it for some reason. Thanks for commenting, and together we will march to the promised land while totally sober.
Radiohead got back together a few days ago.
I'm rapidly re-attaining my peak in Guitar.
I can't believe it took so long for me to pickup my own Accoustic.
When I go back to Electric it's going to be like having been on Steroids.
Currently playing:
Fake Plastic Trees (Radiohead)
White Summer/Black Mountainside (Led Zeppelin)
I won't try and give too many guitar tips because I'm no expert. But for those learning, it's a chance to let your autism shine....
And what I mean by that is playing short phrases (like 3 notes in a row for example) very repetitively , over and over again, until it becomes second nature to you.