What's the deal with accusations made about Anthony Zinno at Wynn/Encore at WPT December 2023?

What's the deal with accusations made about Anthony Zinno at Wynn/Encore at WPT December 2023?

Was listening to Only Friends Podcast Episode #443 and at approximately 16:52 an accusation is made about Anthony Zinno.

I'm having a hard time believing the accusation made, that Zinno took some dude named Corel's backpack during batting up of a 3k at Encore during WPT.

Does anyone have additional information or context?

27 January 2024 at 04:15 PM

325 Replies


My biggest take from this entire thread:

There are people on this forum who (apparently) play poker, and they know about MTTs, and they actually believe having 11M in cashes on Hendon means you aren’t broke and in debt.

There is truly a sucker born every minute lol

A degen criminal would've parlayed the 20k into 50-100k on the spot, not pocket it for a rainy day. It'd look bad if he was seen torching in a high limit room that morning. Still not enough evidence but a more entertaining story.

by Starks Pizzeria k

My biggest take from this entire thread:

There are people on this forum who (apparently) play poker, and they know about MTTs, and they actually believe having 11M in cashes on Hendon means you aren’t broke and in debt.

There is truly a sucker born every minute lol

And there are sharp people on this forum who seem to think it’s a guarantee that every MTT player is in the red. As if everyone is like Chino Rheem.

This is truly a forum filled with the best minds in society, well maybe not

Leave it to Scotch to donk up a thread 😃

by SetTheLine k

Leave it to Scotch to donk up a thread 😃

Lol sorry, sometimes when I see dumb stuff, I’m just compelled to speak out

by SetTheLine k

Leave it to Scotch to donk up a thread 😃

at this point, it's your own fault for not having him on the ignore list

by rickroll k

at this point, it's your own fault for not having him on the ignore list

It’s your own fault for being soft in the belly and having to run to your safe space

A quote would be nice so this man can see this important message

Logging in and the ignore list are your friends here

by smartDFS k

his parenthetical ("it was a late night") seems an attempt to explain/justify his terrible "first instinct" to take the bag off premises, but it makes his story even less sensical: you've just wrapped play for the day, it's a late night, and you have another grueling donkament day ahead of you tomorrow. instead of instantly resolving the situation by alerting encore staff and getting some sleep, your first instinct is to take the bag to the cosmo and play detective all night so you can maybe con

Right?! It’s such a ridiculous explanation it makes me think he was taught law by Lionel Hutz.

From reading the police report, seems like zinno knew exactly what he was doing and the whole point was that Corel wouldn’t be able to prove the bag contents. So zinno pockets 18k for a petit larceny citation

by kerr k

Wild for someone to walk away from a table and leave behind their bag.

But I know people leave keys (and kids) in the ignition of their car so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

Some people have more dollars than sense.

ive done it twice. both times returned. i dont do it anymore.

Reading the police report is a bit disappointing. The cop seems like an idiot.

He omits the important detail that Zinno first took the bag to the bathroom, before taking it to The Cosmo (an important, and pretty damning fact).

But it makes note of the fact that Zinno walked past a few security guards with the bag before taking it out of the Encore.

I can’t see this crime getting a lot of resources from the DA or LVPD, but I’d interested to see Zinno’s search history on his phone or laptop between when he took the bag and when he returned it to the Encore. Maybe he looked up the legal distinctions between various levels of larceny?

Anyway, based on my 10 minutes of Twitter scrolling I’m comfortable convicting him. Someone grab the pitchforks.

From the looks of it I assume Zinno was able to bluff police/Corel off the best hand. And wins the pot.

It should be more clear than ever that the cameras won’t save you. No one knows how much was in bag.

Catching up with this thread a bit. The convo sure took a few turns for a while (not surprising).

So Zinno was indeed cited for petit larceny, assuming that screen shot is legit. Was this because only $1K was in the bag upon its return, so that's the only figure for which he could be charged?

Also, Zinno's story is rather odd to me, but not in the way you might think. That part where he opted to "assume responsibility for the bag and get it to the owner" is neither here nor there, and actually strikes me as somewhat reasonable by itself. I've done the same with plenty of lost items – wallets, phones, keys.

The difference is I'm usually doing this process right where I found it because that's the mostly likely place to locate the owner. Hell, if Corel's account to the police is accurate, he had left his seat for less than 10 minutes. How is Zinno's first guess for the rightful owner NOT the guy who had been sitting here just a few minutes earlier? According to his Tweet, Zinno spotted the bag as he got up at the end of the tournament day. So it stands to reason that the player's chips are still waiting to get bagged for Day 2. Going home to look for an ID, as he ostensibly did, is a pretty inefficient solution.

Finally, I think I want to incorporate the word "approxitmelty" into my vocabulary. Not sure why, maybe because it sounds like cheese. And I like cheese.

by Wilbury Twist k

So Zinno was indeed cited for petit larceny, assuming that screen shot is legit. Was this because only $1K was in the bag upon its return, so that's the only figure for which he could be charged?.

I believe the charge was for taking the bag. He technically stole the bag by taking it off premises. He returned it with 1k so he wasn’t charged for taking 1k. I believe the officer determined since Corel couldn’t prove 19k, 1k was assumed to be the amount in the bag when zinno took it. I could be wrong but I can’t understand it another way. Idk how the officer would have determined what amount to assign to the bag.

Which is more likely, a guy leaving a bag with no money under the table, hoping a high profile MTT player finds it and steals it so he can file a fake police report and freeroll him for $20k, or he actually had the money in the bag?

Tough one, can somebody run this through GTOW so we can get past this debate?

I have my suspicions but I don’t want to take another swing at the king and miss.

by rickroll k

at this point, it's your own fault for not having him on the ignore list

ScotchOnDaRocks has to be a paid poster. Why else would they flood pretty much every thread with their nonsense

by ProffesionalMalaka k

Which is more likely, a guy leaving a bag with no money under the table, hoping a high profile MTT player finds it and steals it so he can file a fake police report and freeroll him for $20k, or he actually had the money in the bag?

Tough one, can somebody run this through GTOW so we can get past this debate?

I have my suspicions but I don’t want to take another swing at the king and miss.

Another mighty swing and a miss. No one is saying Corel filed a fake report and lied about the 20K. But Zinno did outplay him assuming there was the 20K in there.

No more chances at the King for you

by auralex14 k

Right?! It’s such a ridiculous explanation it makes me think he was taught law by Lionel Hutz.

I'm embarrassed to admit I had to google who is Lionel Hutz! I'm also a huge fan of The Simpsons! Well played Sir!

by ProffesionalMalaka k

Which is more likely, a guy leaving a bag with no money under the table, hoping a high profile MTT player finds it and steals it so he can file a fake police report and freeroll him for $20k, or he actually had the money in the bag?

Tough one, can somebody run this through GTOW so we can get past this debate?

I have my suspicions but I don’t want to take another swing at the king and miss.

I largely agree with your argument and Zinno's story makes little sense; however, I think the scenario you pose as an alternative is a bit of a straw man. The more likely alternative to Zinno taking the bag with the intention to pilfer it is:

Guy accidentally leaves bag under table and once it has been returned decides to exaggerate the amount of money in said bag knowing it would be impossible to prove otherwise with the intent to freeroll the person who took it, file a false insurance claim, try to deduct as an expense against any winnings, etc.

My point is I think Zinno's actions clearly indicate bad intent as a rationale person would have taken different actions at every point, but the alternative scenario is not quite as crazy as player leaving the bag assuming it would be taken off property and with the intent to claim more money than was actually in the bag when taken. Could be an opportunistic freeroll vs a pre-planned freeroll.

Down the rabbit hole of googling "Smart Bags."

by ScotchOnDaRocks k

Lol sorry, sometimes when I see dumb stuff, I’m just compelled to speak out

You must have looked in the mirror.....

by Ace upmy Slv k

You must have looked in the mirror.....

Well I’m untouchable in debate. But you don’t need to be at my level to point out some of the silliness in this thread

Like, “leave your chit, it’s fine cuz there are cameras!” or “duffel bag on ground just like chips on table!” or “you said earnings, it’s really cashes, waah!”

I can try and be less condescending but honestly it’s tough when a dummy acts uppity. Let’s all try and be better, starting with yourself. Your next valued contribution will be your first.

Looks like the "king" is having another "emperor's new clothes" moment.

by jjjou812 k

Looks like the "king" is having another "emperor's new clothes" moment.

Not easy being King but I do it because it’s important and I’m quite good at it
