Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

I start this with some pictures:

nl2 -$8792.18 -82 buy ins below EV

nl5 (notice that pt4 shows party poker nl5 as nl4) -$5943.81

nl10 -$773.92 -15 buy ins below EV

Total loss -$15509.91

This is me playing nl2, nl5 and nl10 on party poker for one year.

My history begins somewhere in same period when they started to show WSOP shows in television. I think I have played 12-13 years nows mainly NL2, some amount of NL5 and little bit of NL10 what is the biggest stake i've ever played.

I've read all Sklansky, all Harrington, all Miller, watched huge amount of videos, bought trackers and calculators.

Still after those years and after that all I've lost huge amount of money on those stakes. I try to play my best but losing to huge suckouts like 95/5 favorite makes me really upset.

I've lost literally all my money including all my life savings to online poker. I want to try one last time to win those money back and little bit of extra. That's why $16k. What I need is support and guiding.

I had thread on micro forum but they deleted it just when people start to understand that this is real situation and not fake.

And if you wonder where that biggest loser comes from it was said by guy who has been playing for living many years. He said I'm the biggest loser in history counted as lost buy ins.

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18 March 2019 at 01:30 PM

1371 Replies


by Paisting k

Those kind of whales are the easiest on whole poker industry. When you spot that kind of player your first thought in mind needs to be running over. You need to show that everything that kind of player is doing is not working. You can't just play and watch what develops because if you're not the player who is keepin the lead you can be sure that whale is. And he's dominating table really quickly.

So your main goal is to make he's every move not working. If he steals blinds and won't stop when you

Hey pasting. Can you share EVERY hand you went all-in either pre-flop or on the flop last month? It's easy to filter in HEM/PTR. If you don't want to share all the hands, you can just tell us how many times you were all-in (called or shoved and got called). It's hard to tell if you're just unlucky only by seeing a couple suckouts without knowing how many times you were all in in total. If you lost 20-30 times with 80% equity in a month, that information is useless without knowing how many times you were all-in and what your equity was in ALL the hands.

EDIT: I just checked the database and regs are all-in about 70 times out of 20 000 hands played, on the flop or earlier. I don't know paistings numbers but I'm pretty sure he's in several hundreds if not 4 figures on a 20 000 hand month. In which case his suckout frequency would be normal.

by Paisting k

Those kind of whales are the easiest on whole poker industry. When you spot that kind of player your first thought in mind needs to be running over. You need to show that everything that kind of player is doing is not working. You can't just play and watch what develops because if you're not the player who is keepin the lead you can be sure that whale is. And he's dominating table really quickly.

So your main goal is to make he's every move not working. If he steals blinds and won't stop when you

So basically immediately establish dominance at the expense of losing my entire bankroll? What if I want to keep my money?

by MastaAces k

So basically immediately establish dominance at the expense of losing my entire bankroll? What if I want to keep my money?

Youre misunderstanding! Who on earth plays poker to keep or even make money? You should be there to PUNISH! (especially the Russians as Putin is to blame for the rigged RNGs or something).
Hope that clears things up for you?

by Paisting k

Those kind of whales are the easiest on whole poker industry. When you spot that kind of player your first thought in mind needs to be running over. You need to show that everything that kind of player is doing is not working. You can't just play and watch what develops because if you're not the player who is keepin the lead you can be sure that whale is. And he's dominating table really quickly.

So your main goal is to make he's every move not working. If he steals blinds and won't stop when you

Lol, the way you approach poker is full of the most r*tarded ideas ever. Nothing you have ever done has worked long-term so maybe quit being so sure of yourself since you're completely wrong about everything.

You’re not punishing anyone bro, you’re donating money to them.

Jesus f*cking Christ dude..

by Paisting k

Those kind of whales are the easiest on whole poker industry.

Then why do they crush you for hundreds of buyins every month?

by Paisting k

When you spot that kind of player your first thought in mind needs to be running over.

No, it doesn't.

by Paisting k

You need to show that everything that kind of player is doing is not working.

No, you don't. You need to come up with exploitative strategies vs their tendencies except you don't know how to do that.

by Paisting k

You can't just play and watch what develops because if you're not the player who is keepin the lead you can be sure that whale is. And he's dominating table really quickly.

Who cares who's "dominating the table". You have no idea how to construct a strategy.

by Paisting k

So your main goal is to make he's every move not working. If he steals blinds and won't stop when you raise and keeps sticky on all boards you need to go all in.

No, that should not be your main goal, and the exploit to people opening a lot of pots is not to 3b shove 100bb you dolt. Have you EVER seen anyone habitually shove 100bb and think it's a winning strategy? You're literally the only person who does this. And since you haven't figured it out - It's not a winning strategy.

by Paisting k

You don't have any other option.

Yes, you have many other options.

by Paisting k

If he raises you every time you need to rereraise him brutally and at start you should raise bigger your open raises so you make his raising strategy costly.

Once again, no you don't. He's not 'raising YOU' . Why do you take people opening pots when you're to act afterwards as a personal attack on you?

UTG: Raises

Paisting (in cutoff): "OMG WHY IS THIS GUY RAISING ME!?!?!"

by Paisting k

Everytime you confront something you think is aggressive and dominant move from them, think what you can do to be more dominant.

Your strategies are so bad that 2nl players are exploiting you..

This loss rate is just insane.

In the next few weeks I'm going to fire up and just go allin every hand ay 10nl for an hour. I feel I still won't lose as much as Paistings does.
Will then try playing an hour without looking at my cards once. Again I think I lose less. Will report back results.

Not that insane, because he'll open shove 800bbs effective or whatever is possible.

by OFA k

This loss rate is just insane.

In the next few weeks I'm going to fire up and just go allin every hand ay 10nl for an hour. I feel I still won't lose as much as Paistings does.
Will then try playing an hour without looking at my cards once. Again I think I lose less. Will report back results.

Tell the time you are there. We can then check how the suckouts goes.

by Paisting k

Tell the time you are there. We can then check how the suckouts goes.

So you admit that everybody deals with suckouts and not just you?

by IOnlyReadNVG k

So you admit that everybody deals with suckouts and not just you?

We can check how many hands he sucksout against me.

by Paisting k

We can check how many hands he sucksout against me.

This doesn't affect your EV line.

Paistings kind of active as of late, early paycheck busto?

by DeeKayBee k

Paistings kind of active as of late, early paycheck busto?

Excessive punishing accomplished.*

by Brokenstars k

Paistings could easily make >$1k a month streaming.

Paistings bto start streaming you could blow up. That way you could actually grind back up what you've lost... There is a lot of entertainment value in what you're doing.

by Paisting k

Tell the time you are there. We can then check how the suckouts goes.

If you want to message me I'll happily play at your table. I'm a big rich whale

by lukee k

Paistings bto start streaming you could blow up. That way you could actually grind back up what you've lost... There is a lot of entertainment value in what you're doing.

If he starts streaming, he'll just lose that money. Instead of losing 2k that he gets from the Finish government, he'll lose 3k or whatever it is.

If Paisting really wanted to win he could use his imagine which he built over the years, now everyone gives him action, his open jams getting called way lighter, if he only jammed top 5 starting hands from now on he would stack off players for sure but imo he wants to stay loser forever and we can't cure him

by heat555 k

If he starts streaming, he'll just lose that money. Instead of losing 2k that he gets from the Finish government, he'll lose 3k or whatever it is.

I don't think he'd make that much anyway. He's terrible at poker and he's not smart or funny. He might make a bit of money for a week or two but the novelty would wear off quickly and people would stop watching.

by IOnlyReadNVG k

I don't think he'd make that much anyway. He's terrible at poker and he's not smart or funny. He might make a bit of money for a week or two but the novelty would wear off quickly and people would stop watching.

Exactly this. People would tune in once out of curiosity and then never again.

He's not going to be the least bit entertaining unless he's open ripping hands and even then he's not going to show his face or speak so after about 2 days nobody will care.

Smart on his part to not out himself imo because I'm sure there'd be more than a few people calling up the Finnish authorities about how he's pissed away their money all these years.

by Snowstorm k

Exactly this. People would tune in once out of curiosity and then never again.

He's not going to be entertaining unless he's open ripping hands and even then he's not going to show his face or speak so after about 2 days nobody will care.

Smart on his part to not out himself imo because I'm sure there'd be more than a few people calling up the Finnish authorities about how he's pissed away their money all these years.

Finnish authorities probably don't care. We even have government backed student loans which are basically free money because if you finish school in time (planned time + a couple years if i remember correctly) you get something like 20-35% repaid instantly by the government which for many is an easy 7000€ free money just for being a normal student. Many people who work on the side or otherwise don't even need the loan, take it anyway and invest the whole amount (it's no secret, the government is well aware). As a former student I obviously loved this, but it just doesn't feel right.

by Snowstorm k

Exactly this. People would tune in once out of curiosity and then never again.

He's not going to be the least bit entertaining unless he's open ripping hands and even then he's not going to show his face or speak so after about 2 days nobody will care.

Smart on his part to not out himself imo because I'm sure there'd be more than a few people calling up the Finnish authorities about how he's pissed away their money all these years.

1. I would watch regularly, as I am sure many others would.
2. He will be open ripping a 100% range for hours at a time. Unsure why you think he wouldn't - he has zero tilt control. An overwhelming amount of proof is found in this thread.
3. He had previously st(r)eamed on webcam. It's been discussed several times ITT.

I feel you're going out of your way to put down our hero. It's very obviously not needed.

by MastaAces k

1. I would watch regularly, as I am sure many others would.
2. He will be open ripping a 100% range for hours at a time. Unsure why you think he wouldn't - he has zero tilt control. An overwhelming amount of proof is found in this thread.
3. He had previously st(r)eamed on webcam. It's been discussed several times ITT.

I feel you're going out of your way to put down our hero. It's very obviously not needed.

1) Yes I suppose I am being a little harsh since he doesn't answer any questions people actually want the answers to and hasn't listened to any word of advice I or anyone else has given him.
2) Did you really like your own comment? lol
3) He streamed his screen with his voice, not webcam.
4) I never said he wouldn't shove for hours at a time - we all know he would

5) The way he treats other people both at the table and in this thread warrants at least a little bit of directness. I like many others have offered him real advice and asked real questions to try to get to the root of his problems and like everyone else I've never gotten a direct answer. I'm not going out of my way to put him down, I'm pointing out how he needs to improve if he ever wants his graph to stop plummeting to record setting levels.
Let's not pretend he's some lovely well-meaning soul who deserves to have it sugar-coated for him. It's been proven time and time again he's an a-hole, most recently with that screenshot of the table chat where he goes off for no reason, like he's done many times before at people who probably don't say a word to him 99% of the time.

by Shipnickle k

Finnish authorities probably don't care. We even have government backed student loans which are basically free money because if you finish school in time (planned time + a couple years if i remember correctly) you get something like 20-35% repaid instantly by the government which for many is an easy 7000€ free money just for being a normal student. Many people who work on the side or otherwise don't even need the loan, take it anyway and invest the whole amount (it's no secret, the government is

Since Paisting will never answer any questions about this I'll ask you since you seem familiar with their system. Does the Finnish government give out assistance for people who just choose to not work for personal reasons or does there have to be some type of disability, physical or mental, to qualify?

by IOnlyReadNVG k

Since Paisting will never answer any questions about this I'll ask you since you seem familiar with their system. Does the Finnish government give out assistance for people who just choose to not work for personal reasons or does there have to be some type of disability, physical or mental, to qualify?

I'm also not an expert on this subject. But you will get benefits/assistance by basically choosing not to work, and you will do OK. I think the amount you get depends on if you meet some criteria like you've applied for x amount of jobs and been to x amount of interviews or attended some other government arranged events/courses to better your chances to land a job. And you need to do this continuously to maintain the level of benefits. If you aren't an "active jobseeker" in the eyes of the government, the benefits will drop significantly afaik. And disability is also something that is considered, but like I said I'm no expert but you can probably get more accurate information by doing some searches online.
