

This is the support thread for CardRunnersEV, which is hand EV analysis software.

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16 March 2008 at 05:11 PM

600 Replies


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It may not be a top priority, but it would look very nice aesthetically if you can implemented something similar on turn & rivers agg reports:

by Mates. k

It may not be a top priority, but it would look very nice aesthetically if you can implemented something similar on turn & rivers agg reports:

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I think that I prefer our current approach.
In the screenshot, you actually need to check the percentages and distributions one-by-one in order to see a difference between the cards.
Our colour coded approach makes the differences clear at a glance.

I ran a db, saved it, re-opened it everything was normal all the sims were there. Next morning, I open the file and it immediately crashes after trying to click on the run solver button to access the db? I can send the .gto file if necessary

update: now all of my saved ranges are gone

by JTF2 k

update: now all of my saved ranges are gone

Virus scanner?
I get the impression that your virus scanner has deleted some files from GTO+.

It's probably best to uninstall, and reinstall to a different directory.
After that, set an exception in your virus scanner.
It may be advisable to run the installer again, and selecting the option "Repair" (just in case your virus scanner deleted some of the newly created files).

Restore ranges
Your ranges are stored to /config/newdefs3.txt.
Backups of this file are regularly stored to /config/backups.

To restore to an earlier state, rename one of the files in /config/backups to newdefs3.txt.
After that, store it in place of /config/newdefs3.txt.

The savefile
If the issue persists with the savefile, then please send it to support, and we'll see if we can figure out the issue.
Judging from your description though, it sounds like your virus scanner has deleted some file that's required for displaying the interface for "Run solver".
Restoring the installation should fix that issue.

by scylla k

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I think that I prefer our current approach.
In the screenshot, you actually need to check the percentages and distributions one-by-one in order to see a difference between the cards.
Our colour coded approach makes the differences clear at a glance.

Sorry, I didn't express myself well. The functionality of GTO+ is fine, I was just suggesting improving the visibility of this part, while keeping everything else as it is ( change only the aesthetics of the button layout).

One more tiny thing: when hovering the mouse over a runout, could the remaining runouts be "hidden or have their visibility lowered"? Something similar to the model used in the matrix.

by Mates. k

Sorry, I didn't express myself well. The functionality of GTO+ is fine, I was just suggesting improving the visibility of this part, while keeping everything else as it is ( change only the aesthetics of the button layout).
One more tiny thing: when hovering the mouse over a runout, could the remaining runouts be "hidden or have their visibility lowered"? Something similar to the model used in the matrix.

Ok, I'll see if we can work something out here.

The program crashes every time when the tree is large (115 GB) while saving the solution. I have sent the savefile but have not gotten any fixes.
Thank you.

sorry, 115MB tree size

by asif00 k

The program crashes every time when the tree is large (115 GB) while saving the solution. I have sent the savefile but have not gotten any fixes.
Thank you.

We replied to your mail, but did not receive a response.
For this reason I have just sent our reply again.
Can you please check your mail?

Hi Scylla,
Maybe this feature is already in software. If not, I suggest having each combination show villain's value hands blocked and trash unblocked scoring similar to what gto wizard offers.
Thank you for your time in answering questions.

by asif00 k

Hi Scylla,
Maybe this feature is already in software. If not, I suggest having each combination show villain's value hands blocked and trash unblocked scoring similar to what gto wizard offers.
Thank you for your time in answering questions.

Generally, unless ranges are really tight, the blocking effects of range vs range are very minimal.
You can tell this by turning card removal ON/OFF, and looking at the effect on the frequencies.
On the other hand, I don't believe that this feature is particularly complex.
It basically just looks at how many matchups there are for each hand, versus how many matchups there would be if villain's hands did not lock out hero's hands.
So, I'll make a note for development, and we'll see if we can add it for future releases.

Scy, Dev Pio about his blocker feature:

"I tried to make a video about blockers and I got stuck a little when I tried to explain the differences in EV of few actions based on blockers and realized that current model is useful in only half cases.
The blockers seem to be mostly relevant for bluffing or calling with bluff catchers.
For bluff catchers we want to know the ratio of valuebets / bluffs we block, which can be done quite well with current equity thresholds,
But for bluff we basically want to know how much of a calling (or defending ) range we're blocking and how much of folding range we block. Good bluff blocks calls, bad bluff blocks folds.
So I'm adding a feature to be able to show it directly - how much of those action ranges our combos block"

Its a bit tricky, but its good feature

by Mates. k

Scy, Dev about his blocker feature:
"I tried to make a video about blockers and I got stuck a little when I tried to explain the differences in EV of few actions based on blockers and realized that current model is useful in only half cases.The blockers seem to be mostly relevant for bluffing or calling with bluff catchers.
For bluff catchers we want to know the ratio of valuebets / bluffs we block, which can be done quite well with current equity thresholds,
But for bluff we basically want to kno

We'll make a note of it, and see if we can do something with it in an upcoming update.
Looking at the feature, it's probably a feature that's nice to have, although I don't really see anyone using it.
The influence of blockers is typically minimal, and the calculations are labour intensive from a human perspective.
It's basically a lot of work for a minimal return, with the required time probably better being spent elsewhere.
On the other hand, it's not a difficult feature to write (it's just comparing matchups-with-blockers and matchups-without-blockers), so we'll take a look at it.

Thank you. I agree it is most effective with tight ranges. However, in certain situations it can be very helpful and importantly reduces analysis time.

by scylla k

We'll make a note of it, and see if we can do something with it in an upcoming update.
Looking at the feature, it's probably a feature that's nice to have, although I don't really see anyone using it.
The influence of blockers is typically minimal, and the calculations are labour intensive from a human perspective.
It's basically a lot of work for a minimal return, with the required time probably better being spent elsewhere.
On the other hand, it's not a difficult feature to write (it's just compar

In terms of EV, yes. There isn't much difference and there probably won't be one against humans.

But understanding the suits and the flop morphology, and how they affect strategies, is relevant when building "relatively" theoretical ranges.

There are often combos that the solver prefers to bet/fold or even shows preferences for certain suits when constructing value/bluff or bluffcatch strategies.

On later streets (river), blockers become quite relevant.

In 6-max, situations like 3-bet pots are also very relevant. It would be a good idea to add those, as it helps think and interpret why X action is preferred, and be able to extrapolate it to other situations.

Also, I take this opportunity to ask again for the improvement of the trainer regarding the hand replays. Sorry for being repetitive on this, but it's not very practical to review hands with mistakes in the current format!


Thank you, Mates. I agree with your reasoning on the blockers value.
Another question, if I solve the tree to 0.25% then after selecting the turn and river card do the subtrees need to be further solved to get to 0.25%? What is the default accuracy level after the flop?
Thank you very much.

by asif00 k

Thank you, Mates. I agree with your reasoning on the blockers value.
Another question, if I solve the tree to 0.25% then after selecting the turn and river card do the subtrees need to be further solved to get to 0.25%? What is the default accuracy level after the flop?
Thank you very much.

The accuracy on the river is 0.25% by default.
Accuracy on the turn depends on how often the line is reached.

If the line on the turn is reached very often, then it will have a high accuracy.
If the line on the turn is rarely reached, then the accuracy will be a bit below the accuracy of the entire tree.
You can click the "Resolve" icon to resolve any turn/river line to a dEV of basically 0.

By default, river lines are calculated to 0.25% when they are navigated to.
River data is not stored after solving the tree, so the results that you see when navigating to the river lines is by live recalculation.
Therefore, the accuracy of any river line will be 0.25%, regardless of the accuracy of the main solve for the entire tree.

What is the significance of the white dot on 97s

by tommyaces k

What is the significance of the white dot on 97s

from release notes:
When mousing over any item in the editor, the moused over hands are highlighted in the matrix, while all other hands are darkened a bit. Hands that are barely present are given a small circle icon, to clarify that combos are present for this hand. (pic)


Solver path question:
Does the algorithm always follow the same iteration paths? For example, if I am trying to solve a tree to 0.25% accuracy, and it doesn't converge in the time allotted (6 hours in my case), will a second recalculation possible converge in allotted time because of different paths taken?
Thank you.

by asif00 k

Solver path question:
Does the algorithm always follow the same iteration paths? For example, if I am trying to solve a tree to 0.25% accuracy, and it doesn't converge in the time allotted (6 hours in my case), will a second recalculation possible converge in allotted time because of different paths taken?
Thank you.

The solver will always follow the exact same path.
We have invested a significant amount of development time into ensuring this, so that, regardless of which computer the software is run on, the path remains consistent.
This is extremely helpful when users report issues or when checking for bugs.
If the solver's path were random, rare issues could become nearly impossible to reproduce.

Hi guys , sorry for my english ,
Can someone explain me the rounding hands filter function ???
