Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

15336 Replies


Wow if you think drinking makes a bad leader, you best not read anything about Churchill

by diebitter k

Wow if you think drinking makes a bad leader, you best not read anything about Churchill

Bessie Braddock MP: “Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk.”

Winston Churchhill : “Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow
I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”

by chillrob k

I don't know anything about this guy, but I doubt he became PM without ever having any other government experience, was elected with the support of very few office holders in his own party, lied every time he spoke, and constantly posted online whatever crazy idea that popped into his mind.

Yes he literally did in 1993. He created his own party out of nothing and won elections and became prime minister. He was previously a telecom enterpreneur with no political experience whatsoever.

He owned the party (in the literally sense, owned the logo and the hymn and the headquarter building) and hand picked all it's candidates to parliament.

Didn't post online because there was no social media at the time. But he routinely phoned in live TV shows to criticize what they were saying and stuff like that.

Lately though he even opened a tiktok account before dying posting funny videos.

by chillrob k

I don't remember anything like that, but I probably wouldn't remember that kind of thing more than 10 years later.

Italian politics certainly doesn't get much coverage in the US.

Obama is young, handsome and tanned, says Silvio Berlusconi
This article is more than 16 years old
The Italian prime minister raises eyebrows with more of his off-key remarks, this time about Barack Obama
Lee Glendinning
Thu 6 Nov 2008 19.39 CET
Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, offered his own particular form of praise today for America's president-elect Barack Obama, describing him as "young, handsome and tanned.''

Berlusconi, who is known for his regular off-key remarks, subsequently claimed to be joking after he spoke of Obama at a news conference, following talks with the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev.


It is not the first time Berlusconi's descriptions have jarred with the public. When he took over the rotating presidency of the EU in 2003, he likened Martin Schulz, a German member of the European Parliament, to a concentration camp guard.

In the same year, at an event sponsored by the New York Stock Exchange in America, he said people should invest in Italy because the women there are pretty. "We have beautiful ladies and beautiful women, so my suggestion from the bottom of my heart is to try to make investments in Italy,'' he said. "The secretaries are beautiful.''


So can you admit that even with the strongest purely parliamentary system possible (the italian one), there are absolutely 0 guardrail to the human qualities of the head of the executive?

Yeah that guy does seem pretty nutty, but hopefully not as hateful as Trump, and didn't take over an existing party. If Trump had been elected as a 3rd party candidate, he probably wouldn't have had the ability to infect so many people to whatever brain disease he has.

But I thought that in parliamentary systems, a party has to have candidates win elections in at least a plurality of local jurisdictions to get their leader as the PM. With no prior political experience he was able to suddenly field candidates in, and have them win, a large number of local elections?

by chillrob k

Yeah that guy does seem pretty nutty, but hopefully not as hateful as Trump, and didn't take over an existing party. If Trump had been elected as a 3rd party candidate, he probably wouldn't have had the ability to infect so many people to whatever brain disease he has.

But I thought that in parliamentary systems, a party has to have candidates win elections in at least a plurality of local jurisdictions to get their leader as the PM.

He substituted the political role of a party which was collapsing with his own. Think reform in the UK now eating at the tories, except it all happened in 3 months

Yes because he owned the main private televisions in the country, and some magazines, and the largest advertisment company in the country. So he directed his ad people to build a marketing campaign for his party and won.

He allied with a local party in the north (that wanted to secede from southern italy) and a local party in the south (the ex-fascists) that hated each others and was a political genius who for a while managed to keep them togheter anyway.

His coalition won 42.8% of the popular vote and 58% of seats.

"only" 75% of the seats where first past the post, 25% proportional representation.

This was the election

by Luciom k

Wtf? Shor had been fully canceled by the democratic party by the time Harris was the candidate.

How was he responsible for her campaign? Are you drunk?

You are showing your antisemitism here with the unproven accusations at the end

uhhhh, the same cancelled guy who... was just extensively interviewed by the NYT...literally yesterday... with the author (a well-known Democratic pundit/reporter) repeatedly calling him a "top Democrat"? The same one who is still one of the bosses at his Democratic polling firm?

I suppose you're alluding to Shor getting fired from some Dem consultant group back in 2020 (whereafter he immediately joined another one) and/or the Harris campaign slowly relying less upon his set and going hardcore nepotist by instead giving a prime spot to brother-in-law and Uber head lawyer Tony West?

On my accusations about his drug use, well, let's just say there's so much smoke there you can get high from inhaling it. Everybody on the planet (except for you) knows the dude takes Elon-style quantities of ketamine, which I'm not opposed to unless you're getting millions of dollars from Democrats for your sage advice at the same time.

Antisemitism, eh? Oh yeah, I forgot, the guy is Jewish. Have fun pretending that's what I care about, instead of all of the stuff that I, you know, have posted.

by checkraisdraw k

Had to look this guy up. How can some random guy be the reason the Dems lost. IÂ’m so confused.

He's certainly not "the reason", there is no single reason that dwarfs all others for something this complex, but I can promise you that he definitely did not help. And for this non-help he was, coincidentally, showered with money from rich Dem morons.

Luciom over here acting like Shor is a political prisoner who was put into ADX Florence Supermax. Actually, he's still hosting ketamine parties in NYC and getting thousands upon thousands of dollars from influential Dem donors. He's still getting asked by the New York Times if they can put his stupid opinions in their paper.

He is the head of data science at Blue Rose Research, which is a big Democratic consulting firm that does a huge amount of political surveying, data interpretation and message testing.

classic "cancelled" business right here -- same reason why Bill Cosby is currently a leading exec over at Fox.

So Karl admits Shor had nothing to do with Harris campaign at all and was at the time canceled by the democratic party, and only came back when he was proven absolutely right about what he had been saying for years and after democrats are scrambling for solutions to get power back.

by Luciom k

So Karl admits Shor had nothing to do with Harris campaign at all

I never said nor implied that. On the other hand, I DID say a bunch of stuff demonstrating that he's still a prominent member of the industry from which he was allegedly cancelled, which utterly refutes your nonsensical assertions about him being "cancelled by the Democratic Party".

You should try actually reading the stuff people are posting before spazzing out and severely misrepresenting everybody else's arguments. I mean, I get that's less fun than going to holy war against all the basic/normie Democrats who you pretend are Marxist revolutionaries existentially opposed to your very existence, but can you try it for just a bit, for the sake of the forum?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

uhhhh, the same cancelled guy who... was just extensively interviewed by the NYT...literally yesterday... with the author (a well-known Democratic pundit/reporter) repeatedly calling him a "top Democrat"? The same one who is still one of the bosses at his Democratic polling firm?

I suppose you're alluding to Shor getting fired from some Dem consultant group back in 2020 (whereafter he immediately joined another one) and/or the Harris campaign slowly relying less upon his set and going hardcore n

I mean looking at why he was cancelled I’d say that it is a pretty good indication of why we lose. He was kicked out by the most obnoxious types of people.

Also your inductive argument is not great because it’s confusing correlation with causation. That the guy is supported by people who want to moderate the party doesn’t give us inferential reason to say that he had anything to do with Kamala losing.

by checkraisdraw k

I mean looking at why he was cancelled I’d say that it is a pretty good indication of why we lose. He was kicked out by the most obnoxious types of people.

Also your inductive argument is not great because it’s confusing correlation with causation. That the guy is supported by people who want to moderate the party doesn’t give us inferential reason to say that he had anything to do with Kamala losing.

Radicals kicking out the smartest people in the party (askhenazi Jews) because they are rabid antisemites is the main reason democrats lost in 2024 yes
