President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I already watched it, but I will accept money to watch it again.
I did already post this, so I may as well go ahead and give this review blurb:
"A modern day version of a giant Mao portrait!"
I'll throw in a headline too:
"Bootlickers worship drone formation of Trump dancing!"
Fair enough.
I did already post this, so I may as well go ahead and give this review blurb:
"A modern day version of a giant Mao portrait!"
I'll throw in a headline too:
"Bootlickers worship drone formation of Trump dancing!"
My lucky day.
and LOL
The person that thought his dueling handjob dance should be memorialized by orchestrated drones has a sick sense of humor.
If we dont build the future then they will. If we carry on with the shaming nonsense instead of politcs then we will only aid them.
A self aware liberal?? I never thought I'd see the day. That said, we love what AOC, Crockett, Omar, Swalwell are doing so please, please keep it up!!! More trans talk, more Hitler talk, more being pro war, pro Venezuelan gang members, pro open borders, and pro gov't waste, anti gasoline, anti Christian, anti family, and pro higher taxes. We appreciate your self destruction.
A self aware liberal?? I never thought I'd see the day. That said, we love what AOC, Crockett, Omar, Swalwell are doing so please, please keep it up!!! More trans talk, more Hitler talk, more being pro war, pro Venezuelan gang members, pro open borders, and pro gov't waste, anti gasoline, anti Christian, anti family, and pro higher taxes. We appreciate your self destruction.
Amazing. Chezlaw is being condescending to you. He wants people to pat you on the head and pander to you like you're a moron....and you love the idea. Who do you think the "them" in his post was referring to?
C'mon, Clown World is the pre-eminent conservative news outlet. It's the Twitter Clown of record.
A self aware liberal?? I never thought I'd see the day. That said, we love what AOC, Crockett, Omar, Swalwell are doing so please, please keep it up!!! More trans talk, more Hitler talk, more being pro war, pro Venezuelan gang members, pro open borders, and pro gov't waste, anti gasoline, anti Christian, anti family, and pro higher taxes. We appreciate your self destruction.
Can you substantiate any of what you just said or do you just have OAN playing in the background 24/7?
We have our issues, a lot of European countries have been deteriorating democratic norms and laws. More and more citizens of European citizens are also starting to believe and support authoritarian strongmen and their lies about competence.
So, in that sense we should not ignore criticism coming our way.
That said, we must also recognize the hypocrisy. JD Vance belongs to an ideological arm of "conservatism" which actively works towards making the US into an autocracy. He has also directly inserted himself into European elections and supported parties with autocratic tendencies, so he is part of the problem here as well.
Vance himself recognized this movement for what it was a few years back, but when it became the only "conservative" path towards power and electoral victory, he boarded the train himself. In some respects this makes him and people like him the worst of the bunch.
A French scientist was denied entry to the US after immigration officials found text messages that were critical of Donald Trump which they said “could be considered to be terrorism”.
Totally cool, non-authoritarian, precedent to set.
So, those Epstein files....
I don't know anything about this guy, but I doubt he became PM without ever having any other government experience, was elected with the support of very few office holders in his own party, lied every time he spoke, and constantly posted online whatever crazy idea that popped into his mind.
He didn't post online but did publicly opine that Angela Merkel was "an un****able whore", claimed judicial investigations against him were leftist plots by lefty judges and justified having the army on the streets by proclaiming that Italian women were so beautiful, that the army was needed to prevent the beautiful Italian ladies being raped.
So he has said more than his fair share of batshit nuttery.
But he's dead now so it's irrelevant.
He didn't post online but did publicly opine that Angela Merkel was "an un****able whore", claimed judicial investigations against him were leftist plots by lefty judges and justified having the army on the streets by proclaiming that Italian women were so beautiful, that the army was needed to prevent the beautiful Italian ladies being raped.
So he has said more than his fair share of batshit nuttery.
But he's dead now so it's irrelevant.
Berlusconi was very good at being corrupt, which angered a lot of corrupt people.
He had alleged Mafia links and his name was allegedly on the infamous Propaganda 2 member list, which was a very dodgy masonic group allegedly involved in a plot to bring Italy back to its blackshirt days. The list in question also included top Carabinieri and secret service officers. So Berlusconi was an all round shady dude.