The "LOLCANADA" thread...again
So what's new?
I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.
Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.
This is man that moved his Brookfield Properties shareholders to move to NY and supports pipelines in other countries but not ours
I've seen conservative trying these attack lines out, so no surprise you are parroting them here. When someone says jump you try a little hop. But are they really effective? Highlighting that Carney is extremely experienced in finance and economics with a pedigree like Brookfield that Poilievre couldn't be part of in his wildest dreams seems...weak? And I think everyone understands there is a difference between executing the incendiary duties of maximizing shareholder revenue as a private company and being in public service. The kind of anti-pipeline leftists surely isn't going to vote conservative, so telling us that Carney wasn't opposed to pipelines (although we know almost nothing about is positions internal to the company) isn't going to swing that type of person to the conservatives who are pro-pipeline.
I think this is one of those throw everything and the kitchen sink at Carney and hope some3thing sticks
Yes the liberals are woke and personally i think feminine products mandated by the liberals in Men's washrooms is just stupid along with men having babies, men in women's prisons Also A child should never be allowed to make a life long decision to mutilate or castrate themselves. If your an adult all the power to you and Im even Ok with our healthcare system paying for it
I understand why someone like yourself is back on the Liberal bandwagon as Carney is a refreshing choice compared to Justin
Does not compute .
What seat carney had for 9 years ?
Wasn’t he at the central Bank of England till 2020 ?
The very BASIS of Pierre, is to say anything to get elected. The guy's whole platform is that.
So that simply can't be the deciding factor. Pierre is all show. He's a literal showman, like the guy down south.
Obviously +1 but it doesn’t matter for them .
Crysta Freeland will be on Bill Maher Friday night
So its clear now that Carney lied in the debate about his status on the board when he moved the Brookfield Office to NY .
Funny I can only imagine If Trump said we balanced the budget but we are not including interest payments, defense or Social Security as those are investments in our people they would laugh at him
I still don't understand the critique. It is great that Carney has experience on boards of major financial companies. Isn't this part of the whole Trump appeal that he was a "real" businessman unlike career politician Poilievre or drama teacher Trudeau? And while he is on these boards he has an absolute fiduciary duty to do what is best for the company, not acting as a public servant. Just like how Trump says he tries to minimize the tax he pays at his companies while in private sector. And note it wasn't like jobs are being lost in Canada or office buildings closed, the Toronto office is staying exactly like it was it sounds. I do think just for purely political purposes he should have argued as I did and not try to make the technically correct but significant context missing claim about the "formal decision" of the ratification vote from shareholders happening after he left, but this is a good example of being politically fresh here.
Funny I can only imagine If Trump said we balanced the budget but we are not including interest payments, defense or Social Security as those are investments in our people they would laugh at him
Is this you making things up? I mean "social security" is the wrong ****ing country, so probably, but can you provide a link to where he says operational budget excludes interest and defense and whatever you think "social security" is?
I didn't see anything about this here:
I partially sympathize that - as of today, we are told details are coming - the precise definition of "operating budget" is not tightly defined. But the way I've heard him speak about it thus far, loosely speaking you want to take all the revenue and all the operating expenses (including provincial transfers etc) and have that balanced. Then you might make an "investment" such as for a new home building or a new rail corridor and THOSE might be deficit financed.
I was curious, because looking at this thread one would guess Liberals are the favorites right now; but betting markets have the conservatives at -500 to win the federal election. So either the betting markets are way off, or you guys are.
lol the bar for Trump lies vs Carney lies
You cannot actually make sense of the logic anymore
I was curious, because looking at this thread one would guess Liberals are the favorites right now; but betting markets have the conservatives at -500 to win the federal election. So either the betting markets are way off, or you guys are.
Polling today had Cons winning
I think the interesting question is: majority?
lol the bar for Trump lies vs Carney lies
You cannot actually make sense of the logic anymore
I never said Carney lies as much as Trump but he lied in the debate and now avoiding the media
I would still have the Conservatives as the favorites . Of course the Liberals will say Pierre is like Trump and conservatives are racists trans phobes and misogynists
I was curious, because looking at this thread one would guess Liberals are the favorites right now; but betting markets have the conservatives at -500 to win the federal election. So either the betting markets are way off, or you guys are.
Not really. The long term expectation from everyone ITT has been that the conservatives win easily. Carney has surged in the polls and it is not "easy", but ya I'm still betting on the conservatives.
election night!
my unresearched take is current polls have libs ahead slightly but smart money is still on the cons by big margins .The libs recent surge is being held up by anti American sentiment and that likely wont stick around as strongly until the election until we all remember how insane the housing and immigration issue is. Hatred can only take you so far
Also only idiots answer polls
Not really. The long term expectation from everyone ITT has been that the conservatives win easily. Carney has surged in the polls and it is not "easy", but ya I'm still betting on the conservatives.
my unresearched take is current polls have libs ahead slightly but smart money is still on the cons by big margins .The libs recent surge is being held up by anti American sentiment and that likely wont stick around as strongly until the election until we all remember how insane the housing and immigration issue is.
Also only idiots answer polls
ID be a whole heck more confident if Pierre was running against Trudeau . Carney is very capable and will see how he does in the french debate
I agree about only idiots answer polls 😀
And while he is on these boards he has an absolute fiduciary duty to do what is best for the company, not acting as a public servant. Just like how Trump says he tries to minimize the tax he pays at his companies while in private sector.
So are you saying companies are better off operating in the US rather than Canada?
Brookfield is still operating in Canada, its Bay Street offices all remains. But if you mean HQ? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Obviously many companies that work on both sides of the border HQ on Bay Street and many on wall street, for a range of market based reasons. It is tragic, but after your Dear Leader got elected and made clear he is going to be unrelenting attacking Canada, it is quite understandable that this is going to shift the calculus.
This guy may be the only good thing at CBC
I never realized Canada way back pulled the same trick Donald Trump is pulling though back than things were less complicated
It looks like we have tariffs coming Monday and will see how JT reacts . This may be a total wake up call for Canada and hopefully whoever is the leader of the country and the provinces act that way.
All provincial barriers must come down Yes Quebec and BC maybe act in Canada's best interest
Should the government remove all Tariffs on Chines Cars?
On another note will Mark Carney be the first CDN PM that was never elected to any position ?
Broken YouTube LinkBrookfield is still operating in Canada, its Bay Street offices all remains. But if you mean HQ? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Obviously many companies that work on both sides of the border HQ on Bay Street and many on wall street, for a range of market based reasons. It is tragic, but after your Dear Leader got elected and made clear he is going to be unrelenting attacking Canada, it is quite understandable that this is going to shift the calculus.
It's been happening since before Nov. Good try attempting to blame Trump though, straight out of the liberals playbook.
It's been happening since before Nov. Good try attempting to blame Trump though, straight out of the liberals playbook.
Carney been lying alot
Said he helped Paul Martin balance the budget and had resigned from all his positions both blatant lies . Hope Uke calls out these lies like the previous one
It's been happening since before Nov. Good try attempting to blame Trump though, straight out of the liberals playbook.
Noting that Trump's relentless tariffs threats attacking Canada and Canadian businesses with maximum uncertainty is going to shift the equilibrium towards wanting to move to the US isn't a "liberal playbook". It's reality. That's the destruction your guy is causing. This isn't to say Canada is some utopia that doesn't have its own share of competitiveness problems sans Trump, but Trump absolutely accelerated them and will decimate them if he moves forward with tariffs.
Carney been lying alot
Said he helped Paul Martin balance the budget and had resigned from all his positions both blatant lies . Hope Uke calls out these lies like the previous one
Eek we are really getting into the weeds of "lies". It's always a bit frustrating on the left because the right has adopted politicians who relentless lie day in and day out such that even trying to enumerate say Trump's lies and the frequency they are repeated gets exhausting. But for the left the occasional slightest of embellishments and technical inaccuracies seems to blow up as this sort of false equivalence.
Ok so let's google the two "blatant lies". I guess your paul partin point stems from a Brian Lilley (lololololol) article. And the lie seems to be that YES Carney DID work as associate deputy finance minister under Paul martin during years paul martin had balanced budgets. But since Carney said paul martin "balanced the books and kept the books balanced" but Carney only worked with him during the "kept the books balanced" portion so that is technically the slightest of embellishments? Ok.
Next was on a MASSIVE list of various charitable foundations etc in addition to his more private companies. It seems that the national post went and tried calling every possible thing he has ever been on. And it sounds like there are a few small charities where it seems Carney has done precisely zero active work but hasn't received a like official notice severance from? And that is the complaint? Ok guys. Bad bad carney.
Wonder what the soundest script is to equate Pierre to a Trump sympathizer. That more or less wins the election if done right at this point.
Noting that Trump's relentless tariffs threats attacking Canada and Canadian businesses with maximum uncertainty is going to shift the equilibrium towards wanting to move to the US isn't a "liberal playbook". It's reality. That's the destruction your guy is causing. This isn't to say Canada is some utopia that doesn't have its own share of competitiveness problems sans Trump, but Trump absolutely accelerated them and will decimate them if he moves forward with tariffs.
So do we just suck our thumbs and yell Trump bad and any Canadian that is friends with him and doesn't immediately denounce him is a traitor. Or do we actually try to solve the problem, break down provincial trade barriers and embrace our natural resources to share with the world?