Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom

Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom


there is so much out there about this - I don't really need to provide a lot of sources - a quick google search will find you thousands of links

of course there are the climate change deniers

and there are those who say what little we can do won't be nearly enough

just one link:

from the article:

"Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

couldn't resist one more link - story about Siberia, one of the coldest places on earth where there is human habitation - they now face 100 degree days and multiple wildfires caused by them


) 4 Views 4
18 July 2021 at 08:52 AM

1060 Replies


by Luciom k

lol there are plants that make their enviroment EXTREMELY toxic , like rosemary. Maybe you should learn how cruel and without any "empathy" real life is

Sometimes I wonder why human have a brain .
Seem it wasn’t to be used to be more smarter then Plants …
Or w.e else living organism .

by Luciom k


When the Maori reached NZ, it was a cataclysm for NZ environment, and it was a mass exctinction event.

My point is ALL HUMAN SOCIETIES MASSACRE THE ENVIRONMENT. That's what we are built for. We made all the world megafauna extinct lol. We are death. We should embrace who we are. We are the masters of the realm, we decide who lives and who doesn't in the "natural world", we are the apex predator. No shame in that, no moral virtue in denying our role among living species.

There's a shitload of shame in that. We can be better. We just aren't.

by biggerboat k

There's a shitload of shame in that. We can be better. We just aren't.

man the claim by ohana is that it's capitalism that causes that.

my counter is we always did it.

do you accept anyone claiming capitalism is uniquely bad for the environment is tragically wrong?

then you can go on pontificating how we "should be better" (which we obviously are by a wide margin to any other culture in human history).

we alone for the first time in human history stopped killing the last few megafauna last.

we conservate the environment immensely better than anyone who came before per resource extracted.

and so on and on.

you want for us to do EVEN better sure, even if we are already by far the best the world has ever seen with no comparison.

can keep going ad infinitum but at some point you have to acknowledge no one ever came close to us *and take some pride in that* and fight against all claims to the contrary.

it's only when as a society you are immensely rich that you will start giving a **** about conservation. else, the short term demands for survival will always prevail and everything and anything will be destroyed if it allows a mother to feed her children one more day.

so it's only capitalism that can ever hope to conserve anything

by Luciom k

so it's only capitalism that can ever hope to conserve anything

What is your definition of capitalism Luciom ?

This is what I get .....

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit:

So, let me ask you ..... how does such a system control the amount of poisons we add to the public space ?

We all have plastic in our brains and sex organs. Human testosterone levels have declined by ~ 50% in the last half century.

In a capitalist system, who is responsible for the shared public environment ?

by Nut Nut k

What is your definition of capitalism Luciom ?

This is what I get .....

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit:

So, let me ask you ..... how does such a system control the amount of poisons we add to the public space ?

We all have plastic in our brains and sex organs. Human testosterone levels have declined by ~ 50% in the last half century.

In a capitalist system, who is responsible for the shared public environment ?

because private owners of capital think for the long term much more than the public ever will.

They want to make money today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, 50 years from now and into eternity. They want their grandchildren to make money through the efforts they put in today.

So , sensible, cost-effective, long term conservationism *is in their business interest*, not only because that makes customer happier, but because it removes the regulatory risk.

You think the most succesful capitalists are short term oriented pirates. You couldn't be more wrong. Familistic capitalism thinks longer term than the wisest politician.

by Luciom k

because private owners of capital think for the long term much more than the public ever will.

They want to make money today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, 50 years from now and into eternity. They want their grandchildren to make money through the efforts they put in today.

So , sensible, cost-effective, long term conservationism *is in their business interest*, not only because that makes customer happier, but because it removes the regulatory risk.

You think the most succesful capitalists are sho

So you are anti capitalist?

by Luciom k

because private owners of capital think for the long term much more than the public ever will.

They want to make money today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, 50 years from now and into eternity. They want their grandchildren to make money through the efforts they put in today.

So , sensible, cost-effective, long term conservationism *is in their business interest*, not only because that makes customer happier, but because it removes the regulatory risk.

You think the most succesful capitalists are sho

Are you familiar with the Time Value of Money Luciom ?

(Edit .... the formula for discounting a future cash flow is 1/(1'+i) to the Nth power

i = discount rate, adjusted for risk
N = number of compounding periods

Finance people measure wealth as the present value of future risk adjusted expected cash flows.

The benchmark minimum risk investment today is the US Treasury. Ten year note yields are now ~ 4.5%.

A dollar to be received fifty years from now is worth 11 cents today if you use a 4.5% discount rate. So the economic system really only places a lot of value on short-term cash flows.

You are completely misguided if you think people want to make money into "eternity". No .... they want to make money and be powerful TODAY. The system we live in has zero incentive to preserve the future. The system guides us to exploit and ruin as much as possible in the race for short-term cash flows.

by weeeez k

So you are anti capitalist?

no? capitalists conserve with their own money because they think they gain by doing so, not by violent cohercion like you guys propose to do.

by Nut Nut k

Are you familiar with the Time Value of Money Luciom ?

(Edit .... the formula for discounting a future cash flow is 1/(1'+i) to the Nth power

i = discount rate, adjusted for risk
N = number of compounding periods

Finance people measure wealth as the present value of future risk adjusted expected cash flows.

The benchmark minimum risk investment today is the US Treasury. Ten year note yields are now ~ 4.5%.

A dollar to be received fifty years from now is worth 11 cents today if you use a 4.5% discou

Are you familiar with "income growing in time"? Its not 1$ 50 years from now to be discounte, it's compounded nominal growth.

As long as expected nominal growth is higher than the discount rate the future is actually worth more than the present, and capitalists act accordingly.

by Luciom k

Are you familiar with "income growing in time"? Its not 1$ 50 years from now to be discounte, it's compounded nominal growth.

As long as expected nominal growth is higher than the discount rate the future is actually worth more than the present, and capitalists act accordingly.

I think your brain has too much plastic in it to function properly.


Climate change target of 2C is ‘dead’, says renowned climate scientist

Prof James Hansen says pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, though other scientists disagree

The pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, according to renowned climate scientist Prof James Hansen, who said the international 2C target is “dead”.

A new analysis by Hansen and colleagues concludes that both the impact of recent cuts in sun-blocking shipping pollution, which has raised temperatures, and the sensitivity of the climate to increasing fossil fuels emissions are greater than thought.

by jalfrezi k

Climate change target of 2C is ‘dead’, says renowned climate scientist

Prof James Hansen says pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, though other scientists disagree

The sulfur regulation was , as typical for any regulation, a suicide and will cause a ton of warming, most "climate experts" know that but can't push about it too much because it shows how regulation can often be a complete disaster, at least this guy is honest about that.

Oh and btw the hell we are going to agree to even deeper cuts to our quality of life because you guys regulated ship fuels too much

Good. People should stop replacing their stupid phones so often.

I just got the new S25 ultra... I love it!

It's too bad scientists can't come up with a way to produce unlimited energy without producing carbon. Sounds like without that we're all dead.

by campfirewest k

It's too bad scientists can't come up with a way to produce unlimited energy without producing carbon. Sounds like without that we're all dead.

There is no science which can overcome a species which doesn't recognize and respect our limits.

A religious belief in an economic system which requires perpetual growth on a finite planet is an obvious Ponzi scheme. Eventual collapse is built into the design.

Humans behave as if they believe we are invulnerable Gods. We've only been here for a few hundred thousand years and money has only existed for a small fraction of that. Compared to amphibious alligators which have been around for one hundred million years, we are newbies who are going to quickly wipe ourselves out.

The foundations of human civilization are crumbling. That's not a new phenomena. Human civilization collapse routinely. The problem is that so many are so removed from the ability to subsist by themselves in the wild.

There's 8 billion+ of us now. We have never experienced a fall from such a great height.

The question we should be asking ourselves is how we decide who lives and who doesn't. Trust me .... people like Elon Musk have a strategy in mind for that. They may not discuss it publicly .... but they are giving it thought.

by Nut Nut k

There is no science which can overcome a species which doesn't recognize and respect our limits.

A religious belief in an economic system which requires perpetual growth on a finite planet is an obvious Ponzi scheme. Eventual collapse is built into the design.

Humans behave as if they believe we are invulnerable Gods. We've only been here for a few hundred thousand years and money has only existed for a small fraction of that. Compared to amphibious alligators which have been around for one hund

This +10000000000000

by Nut Nut k

There is no science which can overcome a species which doesn't recognize and respect our limits.

A religious belief in an economic system which requires perpetual growth on a finite planet is an obvious Ponzi scheme. Eventual collapse is built into the design.

Humans behave as if they believe we are invulnerable Gods. We've only been here for a few hundred thousand years and money has only existed for a small fraction of that. Compared to amphibious alligators which have been around for one hund

by biggerboat k

This +10000000000000

So what's your solution?

Zero point energy... accept no substitute.

A close second is helium3

by campfirewest k

So what's your solution?


Give every citizen what they need. Food, shelter, medical care, education, transportation, etc.

Shift from an economy that orbits around desire to an economy that orbits around need.

We don't need recreational aviation and routine flights overseas which have a massive carbon footprint. So we just stop doing that. We don't need bitcoin and it's immense energy / carbon footprint so we just stop doing that. We don't corn chips or soda in plastic packaging. So we just stop doing that. We don't private lawns which require routine application of chemicals and gasoline to keep them neatly mowed. So we just stop doing that.

Not everyone needs their own car which sits idly 23 hours a day. We can have uber like fleets of EV's and share them with people being employed as drivers.

We don't need 3,000 sf single family homes which require a lot more energy per unit than apartment buildings.

We build an economy which is built around the health of our species as a whole.

Humans have mating rituals in which females choose dominant males. That's a big part of what motivates people to have a lot of money. To express dominance. We need a different way of defining what it means to be an attractive male other than money.

We need a hierarchy for decision making. That hierarchy should be based upon a competition of ideas and execution. We live in a world where there is no competition over ideas. The corporate media doesn't allow for the type of conversation we are having in this chat forum. The champions of capitalism and political leaders are only questioned by millionaire "news" anchors whose fidelity is to the profitability of their employer. Not to the continuity of their species.

We need a class of people who assumes responsibility for the species as a whole. Not just their personal status or the people in their inner circle.

The jobs of the future involve environmental restoration, education, health care, creative arts, nutrition, etc.

We need a different view of what it means to be a human being. 200 years ago we eliminated the liberty to own other human beings. Now we need to eliminate the liberty to gratuitously pollute.

by Nut Nut k


Give every citizen what they need. Food, shelter, medical care, education, transportation, etc.

Shift from an economy that orbits around desire to an economy that orbits around need.

We don't need recreational aviation and routine flights overseas which have a massive carbon footprint. So we just stop doing that. We don't need bitcoin and it's immense energy / carbon footprint so we just stop doing that. We don't corn chips or soda in plastic packaging. So we just stop doing that.

Crazy commie has arrived.

We don't care.

by Luciom k

Crazy commie has arrived.

We don't care.

What do you care about Luciom ? Beside demonstration of how bitter and hateful you are .... what do you cherish in the world ? What do you love ? Who are your heroes ? What inspires you ? Wht brings you joy ?

by Nut Nut k

What do you care about Luciom ? Beside demonstration of how bitter and hateful you are .... what do you cherish in the world ? What do you love ? Who are your heroes ? What inspires you ? Wht brings you joy ?

If his answer was humanity you guys would be in direct opposition

I knew you couldn't be taken seriously. You can keep counting particles etc but please don't glue yourself to anything

by hole in wan k

If his answer was humanity you guys would be in direct opposition

I knew you couldn't be taken seriously. You can keep counting particles etc but please don't glue yourself to anything

Your comment is pure emptiness. You have nothing of substance to offer or any counter argument.

Does your username signify a hole in your head ? Or your heart ? Hole in wan's head is to empty out the brains and pour in the manure huh ?

Was it so uncomfortable to see the questions that I posed for Lucifer that you had to try and change the subject ? Why don't you let him answer for himself ? Or maybe you and Lucifer are the same person with multiple accounts ?
