Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33502 Replies


by Victor k

Wapo did an article on this attack. some here had expressed disbelief that a double tap had occurred or that any civilians had been harmed.

Anything that exposes Israel for what it is = lies

by Victor k

some here had expressed disbelief that a double tap had occurred

What are you talking about? Of course they go after a target with multiple strikes if they determined the first one missed. That is how they killed Sinwar. They recently released video of attacking a Hezbollah commander traveling from Syria where they hit his car, and he abandoned it and went to hide in some bushes, and then they hit him in the bushes.

by Dunyain k

I just watched this video and didn't see any of the things described in the caption. Can you time stamp when the "citizen" was sniped and the "drone attack" ?

by Dunyain k

Well, you continually post videos making wild claims, and the videos themselves pretty much never support the claims. But I doubt most people (including yourself) actually look at the videos, so here we are.

by Dunyain k

Timestamp? And the timestamp of the sniper attack while you are at it.

these are all posts that expressed skepticism there was a subsequent drone attack.

it looks like some other posts were deleted from other people after that. one of which called it unhinged to claim there was a drone strike. and another that claimed no civilians were hurt by the strike.

regardless, the target in this attack was a 13 year old boy and not Yahya Sinwar or a Hezbollah baddie.

by Victor k

that is a different hospital than they one they threatened earlier with the rediculous computer generated fantasy art.

Given how completely Israel has been able to infiltrate Hezbollah, to the point of killing almost all their commanders, it takes a special level of cognitive dissonance to assume their intelligence on the bunker under the hospital is unfounded.

They just targeted and killed another Hezbollah commander in Syria in the last day. Their intelligence has actually proven to be amazing.

Im not assuming their intelligence is wrong. they are just lying to justify collective punishment on civilians. just like at Al Shifa.

by chezlaw k

I haven't read of any casualties so I'm happy to take it back. I dont like to jump to conclusions so wish I had waited but you can, I hope, understand why:

If you do 13 building destroying air strikes in a densely populated area, even with prior warning, there is probably going to be some level of collateral damage. War is still bad and people are going to die, which is why Hezbollah should stop their year plus attack on Israel that is the genesis of the current war.

Yeah on this I stand my view.

Happy for the courts to decide but until then I'm calling it murder.

Bomb urban areas which aren't even military targets and you dont get to call it collateral damage

Israel now just ordering people in a foreign capital to evacuate an entire city block, that's cool.

One of the biggest challenges in this thing people getting too dug in, and forgetting how to say I'm sorry. Or "I see it your way, do you see it my way?".

Be nice for that to change.

do you see it my way rafiki?

by Dunyain k

If you do 13 building destroying air strikes in a densely populated area, even with prior warning, there is probably going to be some level of collateral damage. War is still bad and people are going to die, which is why Hezbollah should stop their year plus attack on Israel that is the genesis of the current war.

Like this you mean?

by jalfrezi k

Like this you mean?

In a split second, how do they determine it's a rock and not a grenade?

Did you hit Play on the video? Because an adult male cricketer couldn't throw a grenade that far.

Hardly the first time stone throwers have been shot by the IDF anyway. Gamblor used to call them "child soldiers" to justify their slaughter.

by jalfrezi k

Did you hit Play on the video? Because an adult male cricketer couldn't throw a grenade that far.

Hardly the first time stone throwers have been shot by the IDF anyway. Gamblor used to call them "child soldiers" to justify their slaughter.

2002 - We were out side Ramallah, when teenagers started throwing rocks on us. We decide not to open fire as we felt we are not in danger. A soldier from my unit was struck in the head. 2 hours later he past away.

2003 - We were at Hebron, in the Jewish part. a Palestinian kid threw a rock at my commander. he told us to hold fire. 30 seconds later same kid threw a Molotov cocktail on him. he got 3rd degree burns on 90% of his body. his face was scared so bad, and he dealt with constant pain, that a few years later he took his life.

2003 - still in Hebron. a soldier from a different unit that operated with us was struck by a rock. he went into a coma for months. eventually recovered.

those are just examples from my service. i know of many many more cases.

i was in the states, when a cop told me that if i take my hands of the steering wheel, he will open fire. not if i throw rocks, not if a endanger him.

the fact that you base your life experience and rational on video games, should give you a t list a moment of consideration

I don't play video games. I don't know if these events transpired as you claim, but it's beyond doubt that many Palestinian kids have been shot and killed over the decades for throwing stones.

Your example of a US traffic cop merely shows you have no idea how revolting it is to murder kids... but I guess they weren't Israeli so it's ok for you.

by chezlaw k

The last sentence explains why this diatribe is worthless, "The world needs a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state." Really? How?

Nowhere in this pandering, clueless missive is Iran mentioned. Or Hezbollah. Or HAMAS! What dolts. There is no mention, let alone requirement, of Iran, Hezbollah, or Hamas to lay down their arms and commit to peace. Why? Because they know this will never happen. This is worse than appeasement. This is willful ignorance. Churchill must be turning in his grave.

A cease fire gets Israel what? Does anyone think a cease fire will give Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah time to reflect and go, "Gee, I guess we should stop attacking Israel". They wouldn't, and half the posters here would be angry if they did. Other than this one, how many wars employ the "time out" method again and again and again?

A cease fire, as have all prior cease fires, would simply give Israel's enemies time to regroup, get more weapons, rebuild their command structure, create new attack strategies, build more tunnels, and ultimately become better prepared to hurt Israel and its citizens. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas have shown no willingness to stop their aggressions, and many in the world continue to be OK with this. Israel is making it clear that they will no longer listen to those who enable their enemies. They have made that mistake for the last time.

There is no letting up. Israel can not, must not stop. If you are unlucky enough to be near anyone from Hamas or Hezbollah, or their weapons, you are probably going to die. War is hell. I am sure I wouldn't survive in one. But Israel must continue to push forward, regardless of the cost, until enough of the rest of the world requires and demands that Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah give up their craven ambitions, agree to disarmament, and agree to live in peace. Because, as England said, Israel has the right to be safe and secure. The only way for Israel to be safe and secure is for Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah to give up their ambition to destroy Israel. This is where the world should be applying its pressure. But they aren't. So the destruction continues.

Israel will continue stepping over every line the world tells them not to cross. Why shouldn't they, given that Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah also do as they please.

It is my deepest hope that one day the Palestinian people will live in peace alongside Israel. But there is absolutely no way this can happen if the Palestinians are controlled by people whose stated goal is to destroy Israel. Israel is never going to give up. The people of Israel are not going to simply disperse so that others can take over their country. We have reached the point where the is a binary option. There is either the complete and total destruction of the Palestinian territories and everything in it, or there is peace. No in-between. Once you accept those as the only two possible outcomes then you need to ask yourself why the world isn't breathing down the neck of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah to permanently stop what they are doing.

Will solving the Israel-Palestinian war be easy? So far it has been near impossible. My read on the situation is that, in return for a permanent peace deal, and borders that make it easier to protect itself, Israel will give up a lot. In return, the Palestinian people will get safety, self determination, and an enormous amount of high quality, permanent reconstruction. A future.

But this can't happen until Hamas or Hezbollah to give up their ambition of destroying Israel. I see no way of this happening unless Iran does so, too, and as part of that change in mindset dismantles Hamas and Hezbollah.

I went today to the nova festival location and to moshav tkuma, where most of the cars of civilians that were slaughtered on 10/7 are gathered.
took only a few pictures:




by jalfrezi k

I don't play video games. I don't know if these events transpired as you claim, but it's beyond doubt that many Palestinian kids have been shot and killed over the decades for throwing stones.

Your example of a US traffic cop merely shows you have no idea how revolting it is to murder kids... but I guess they weren't Israeli so it's ok for you.

use as much buzz words as you want, charge every claim with as much emotion, it still holds no real value.

a kid that is brought up to attack soldiers, will and should be shot. in Lebanon for example, kids at the early age of 10, were taught to fire RPG on us. so in your perfect little world, we should just except it and die. in my real world, a real life threat should be dealt with, and i could care less is you criticize it as murder.

if only there were a way to avoid shooting kids in Lebanon.

I posted about this old Christian lady who was shot by a sniper when returning to her house early in the war. I think it was Nov. turns out that yes, the did execute her by running her over with a tank as her nephew had suspected and feared back then.

meanwhile, as jal posted, CNN is publishing stories to garner sympathy for the people who ran over hundreds with bulldozers.

by Victor k

if only there were a way to avoid shooting kids in Lebanon.

yes there is. some how magickly get Hezbollah to obey the UN 1701 resolution, stop firing on Israel and retreat to the Litany river.

or moreover, give up entirely there weapons, as they are a military militia operating within a sovereign country.

oh right, Israel is really sincere about following UN resolutions.

you do realize that even in Lebanon, most of the population views Hezbollah as terrorists. and lets not count Syrians and Most of Iranians.

It is an appalling shame that even in the case of Hezbollah, you some how manage to find an angle of blame on Israel.

As i myself have some criticism on the Gaza conflict, in Lebanon it is actually really black and white.

no I dont realize that bc it simply doesnt make sense. in the most recent election 40% of the votes went to Hezbollah or an aligned party.

Hezbollah is defending itself against a genocidal invader that they have already expelled twice. it would be insane for them to give up any weapons or security.
