Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33441 Replies


But you very well know that "the Lebanese" have no agency and cannot control Hezbollah.

so in practice, you more than realize that you are stating vacant meaningless words, that practically gives Hezbollah free range.

or are we going to pretend that Hezbollah acts only in accordance to the parliament and court decisions?

seems like the country has a lot of support for Hezbollah right now as they bravely fight off a technologically superior invading plausibly genocidal army seemingly bent on conquest and land theft.

but I wont be able to proof that to you. and you wont be able to proof the opposite. if you want to post some of your sources then I could look at them. my stream is filled with Muslims, Christians, and secular Lebanese fully supporting Hezbollah's resistance to Israel.

there are many, but lets just link a few:

A 2024 Arab Barometer survey found that 55% of Lebanese have "no trust at all" in Hezbollah, although it remains popular among the Shia population. Despite calls for disarmament under United Nations Security Council resolutions, Hezbollah has expanded its military capabilities.

also view:

but that is not what we are debating now. we are debating the fact that Hezbollah acts independently from the government (which they are part of).

I'm trying to find your moral rationalization to this.

and again you chose not to address at all the crimes committed by Hezbollah.

Let’s just let terrorists use civilian infrastructure as their based of operations with impunity. That seems like a totally good thing to be incentivizing. Why not just establish a base of operations inside a school, or a retirement home, or a hospital, or a residential neighborhood, that way Westerners will just infinitely cry out war crime even if what is being targeted is clearly a military installation.


Exactly. lets not forget that after the IRI ordered the Revolutionary Guards to attack civilians last year, and even the Revolutionary Guards asked not to do it as the uproar against them was reaching fever high temperatures, the IRI brought Hezbollah to Iran to beat up and kill Iranians.

many many many Iranians are now openly celebrating the Hezbollah defeat,

lets hope that's remembered if it's Iran's turn

They may be not be celebrating so hard if we start blowing them up because they live vaguely close to something related to something or other

by rafiki k

lemme know if you want my IRL email. Suspect it won't be long till I'm perm'd now.

I's heartbreaking.

I was going to say dont get yourself banned but I appear to be too late.

by chezlaw k

I's heartbreaking.

I was going to say dont get yourself banned but I appear to be too late.

What's up with that? Did rafiki self-ban?


If anyone knows the details PM me. I did a Spartacus for Victor and I'll do one for rafiki if called for.

Go ahead I guess. The moderator forum is for mods and attempting to use information you have or think you have to extort another moderator is going to get you perma’d. He knew it was wrong and knew it was coming.

Rafiki was banned for his behavior over PMs. I’ll be sending the entire exchange to another moderator for review later this evening.

by Crossnerd k

Go ahead I guess. The moderator forum is for mods and attempting to use information you have or think you have to extort another moderator is going to get you perma’d. He knew it was wrong and knew it was coming.

Rafiki was mod? Was he green? I guess we'll never know what happened since it was in the secret mod forum. I started a modless forum for people who like each other, maybe I should start another one for people who hate each other.

It doesn’t really matter how he received information he was not meant to have; it does matter how he attempted to use it.

Additionally, I understand I have a duty as a moderator to be fair and impartial to the best of my abilities, that I’m meant to field complaints, and that I can quit any time I want. That being said, it’s not license for posters to speak to me any which way they feel like. It’s not okay and happens far too often in private.

by microbet k

Rafiki was mod? Was he green? I guess we'll never know what happened since it was in the secret mod forum. I started a modless forum for people who like each other, maybe I should start another one for people who hate each other.

Sounds like he had another mod talking to him about Cross and he tried to use some information passed along to him against Cross. Wild stuff.

by Luckbox Inc k

Sounds like he had another mod talking to him about Cross and he tried to use some information passed along to him against Cross. Wild stuff.

Not saying it doesn't sound like it could possibly be very bad, but I have no idea what is being alluded to.

by Luckbox Inc k

Sounds like he had another mod talking to him about Cross and he tried to use some information passed along to him against Cross. Wild stuff.

Something like that, only his interpretation of the information was entirely incorrect

I’m also very done with the personal attacks, such as every Jew looks the same to me. I deleted that post of his, but it certainly contributed to this decision.

rafiki trying to get rid of cross because she hasn't perma'd Victor?

by microbet k

Not saying it doesn't sound like it could possibly be very bad, but I have no idea what is being alluded to.

I need to go over it with my mod partner later after I’m home from rehearsal. Then maybe we can discuss more. If it needs to be walked back, I will walk it back. But I will be getting a second opinion from KS who has more experience than me first.

If you’re really so frustrated by the mods, just leave. There are plenty of places to discuss politics on the internet. Don’t know why anyone would keep posting somewhere they hate so much.

by checkraisdraw k

If you’re really so frustrated by the mods, just leave. There are plenty of places to discuss politics on the internet. Don’t know why anyone would keep posting somewhere they hate so much.

The mods here change about every 6 months. You can't expect people to just leave because new mods upset them.

by Luckbox Inc k

The mods here change about every 6 months. You can't expect people to just leave because new mods upset them.

Hmm I wonder why the mods change here every six months LOL

by checkraisdraw k

If you’re really so frustrated by the mods, just leave. There are plenty of places to discuss politics on the internet. Don’t know why anyone would keep posting somewhere they hate so much.

I'm not "so frustrated" with the mods and I don't hate this place. If you can't stand seeing their authority questioned, just leave.

by microbet k

I'm not "so frustrated" with the mods and I don't hate this place. If you can't stand seeing their authority questioned, just leave.

That wasn’t directed at you? That was directed at the people that decide to suicide by mod instead of just leaving the website. Good job standing up to authority though bro

by checkraisdraw k

Hmm I wonder why the mods change here every six months LOL

I used to post at a place where the mods changed every 6 months per the rules. then the mods in charge at the time decided they didnt want to change anymore and they banned anyone who disagreed with them or their transphobic friends.
