Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33515 Replies
He seems to be cherry picking the most extreme right wing statements, and arguing this is what many/most Jews actually think. And he isn't interested in your facts that this is clearly not true.
I will say, if you try to do the same thing for Muslims you will be very quickly moderated in this thread, so I wouldn't suggest it.
I was temp-banned for trying to start a converstation on the only point that has any merit in this entire conflict- the radicalization of muslims and the steps needed to deradicalize.
Any attempt for an honest and accurate disscusion on the cause, not the affect, is deemed islamophobia. and the sad thing is, the mod that banned me and the disscusion, has probably never met or engaged with mouslims in his life.
It is funny how I can have more candid and honest discussions with muslims (as is had and have for my entire life), than with woke ignorants.
I was temp-banned for trying to start a converstation on the only point that has any merit in this entire conflict- the radicalization of muslims and the steps needed to deradicalize.
Any attempt for an honest and accurate disscusion on the cause, not the affect, is deemed islamophobia. and the sad thing is, the mod that banned me and the disscusion, has probably never met or engaged with mouslims in his life.
It is funny how I can have more candid and honest discussions with muslims (as is had a
Once things are viewed on a weak/strong and dark/white spectrum, you won't have logic anymore. Sam Harris has probably had 5 great podcasts on this. Logic and real world examples cannot co-exist with this new way of looking at the world. That's why they had to tear the hostage posters down.
The perceived weaker people cannot also be bad people (which of course is total nonsense).
I mean I already linked to one article. how many times do I need to link it?
lets just say that its pretty clear you are posting in bad faith and requiring insane amounts of citations about things that you yourself are well of.
yes, i'm conversing with you in somewhat bad faith, for one and only reason - to show your ignorance.
you have no idea what you are arguing about, have no basis to any of your claims, you hold the knowledge of an average 10 years old Israeli kid about the conflict, but you argue with 100% conviction in every thing you say.
you stated a claim, that is beyond stupid, with 0 basis, and now you want me to prove or disprove the claim. sorry, that is not how debates work.
just to be clear - the main ideology of the state of Israel is to uphold one jewish state in the world.
the second main ideology of the state of Israel is to have a safe guard for jews and to be able to defend ourselves and not be dependant on other nations (a sentiment that grew in large after the pogroms on jews in the 19th and early 20th century and than when none of the nations agreed to bomb the rail roads leading to the death camps).
so no, im not going to argue in good faith with such blatant baseless lies.
those ideologies are written, put in to laws, and published. understand the difference now?
I see a lot of laws written, put into law, published and acted upon to execute land seizure. heres one in particular.
just to be clear - the main ideology of the state of Israel is to uphold one jewish state in the world.
and you are definitely correct that I do not have a lot of knowledge about this. but I listen to Palestinians who have more knowledge than anyone and who act in good faith. and also many Israeli dissidents and historians as well.
Once things are viewed on a weak/strong and dark/white spectrum, you won't have logic anymore. Sam Harris has probably had 5 great podcasts on this. Logic and real world examples cannot co-exist with this new way of looking at the world. That's why they had to tear the hostage posters down.
The perceived weaker people cannot also be bad people (which of course is total nonsense).
agree 100%.
I would also like to expand on this. The 20th and 21 centuries have introduced us to an attempt to make sociology a real science, and not only a learning tool.
The difference is in the application of the different fields. Whereas in science, a fact is always true (i.e. 1+1 is always 2), in sociology and human nature application in large, it is too cultural, and circumstance driven.
It started with Identity politics that was imported from the US to other countries. An idea that helps with critical thinking was implemented as science. The problem is the relations and power dynamics between whites and blacks in the USA have no resemblance to the relations between ASHKENZI jews and SAFARDIC jews (to give a point).
Later came the notion of indigenous people, again imported from the relations between whites and Indians in the states.
"scholars" from these fields are trying to impose "newton laws" on human relationships and behaviors, and ignorant woke kids with zero ability of rationalizing and critical thinking are implementing and creating world views based on this methodology.
The best and funniest example is critical race theory. Again, as an intellectual theory it has merit and helps think about issues. As a science and any attempt to find real world application (i.e. DEI), it is beyond absurd.
I see a lot of laws written, put into law, published and acted upon to execute land seizure. heres one in particular.
and you are definitely correct that I do not have a lot of knowledge about this. but I listen to Palestinians who have more knowledge than anyone and who act in good faith. and also many Israeli dissidents and historians as well.
now you claim "a lot of laws". im still waiting for one
agree 100%.
I would also like to expand on this. The 20th and 21 centuries have introduced us to an attempt to make sociology a real science, and not only a learning tool.
The difference is in the application of the different fields. Whereas in science, a fact is always true (i.e. 1+1 is always 2), in sociology and human nature application in large, it is too cultural, and circumstance driven.
It started with Identity politics that was imported from the US to other countries. An idea that helps wi
This is also why people to the left don't particularly care about what happened in Syria. It was all more or less the same color of skin. Nobody wanted to camp in front of schools for that. But there, we DID see the real 500k death toll. Just wasn't particularly cool to march for.
Anyway I largely agree with you here. Because I AM YOU š š š
The obsession both sides seem to have with rape in the context of thousands of people being killed is both fascinating and disappointing.
I was temp-banned for trying to start a converstation on the only point that has any merit in this entire conflict- the radicalization of muslims and the steps needed to deradicalize.
How is bombing them into the Stone Age supposed to deradicalize them?
The obsession both sides seem to have with rape in the context of thousands of people being killed is both fascinating and disappointing.
How is bombing them into the Stone Age supposed to deradicalize them?
HONESTLY, an excellent question. i'm being sincere.
im not going too meta or far back in order to answer this question, even though an answer without history or context is a very partial answer.
we are now at a postion (that we obv share the blame for), that we have no other choice but to engage in war. most will agree to this (not you obv). the only main concern is the aesthetics of the war, or lack thereof.
the real question is what are we going to do on the day after. and what path will they choose. there are many paths that lead to radicalization and many that dont.
And universally adopted by Zionists. You've gone full troll. The trope was expanded by Joan Peters in From Time Immemorial.
so we are citing Joan Peters now? are we sure about that?
thank you for jewsplining to me what is our ideology. oh, you read it in a book. so it is obv true.
^^^Do explain how Joan Peters does not embody "a land without a people for a people without a land."
Since everyone today seems to want to ignore the no personal attacks rule and the no trolling rule and in general just wants to make this thread a free for all, enjoy your day off.
So we're going to reopen this now.
STOP personally attacking one another. You may not call another poster unintelligent; you may not make negative remarks toward other posters regarding what views they hold.
No one is an exception to any of the stated rules, regardless of background.
STOP negatively characterizing entire populations.
STOP trolling the thread and STOP predicting what the moderators might or should do. Its ridiculous and enough.
Posts that do not meet the THINK test will be deleted.
T. Is it true? (CITE YOUR CLAIMS)
H. Is it helpful?
I. Is it inspiring?
N. Is it necessary?
K. Is it kind?
Quit it with the slappies and the edgelording or the thread will close again. Debate like adults. In a society.
Thank you. ♥
It isn't lost on me that you opened this thread again as soon as I logged in after being off all day. I will take this as affirmation you value my contributions to this thread and want more of the same.
Microbet complained.
Israel has announced they have intelligence Hezbollah is hiding up to 1/2 billion USD in bunkers under a major hospital in Beirut. Given how reliable Israeli intelligence has been on the location of Hezbollah leaders and assets, it seems likely this is true.
Of course it remains to be seen whether the government of Lebanon has the ability or will to do anything about this. I am guessing no. At the end of the day, Lebanon is still a failed, dysfunctional state; and with IRI propping them up they are still hostage to Hezbollah and its machinations.
So we're going to reopen this now.
STOP personally attacking one another. You may not call another poster unintelligent; you may not make negative remarks toward other posters regarding what views they hold.
No one is an exception to any of the stated rules, regardless of background.
STOP negatively characterizing entire populations.
STOP trolling the thread and STOP predicting what the moderators might or should do. Its ridiculous and enough.
Posts that do not me
lol - cmon.
"Debate like adults"
Yeah, the winner of the debate gets a meeting with Netanyahu. Let's get this figured out people!