Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33350 Replies
Must be more to that football than meets the eye though
You said the same thing about the Gazan kids being shot and blown up, and had to backpedal.
I swear this is the second time that you don’t even read what I said so you think you found a contradiction when you haven’t. The first post is lamenting that you didn’t post a real source and just posted a twitter link. The second post is me reacting to the news story itself.
You’re either bad faith or need to take a high school level English class.
and the Soviets didnt need to firebomb and terrorbomb 100s of thousands of innocent civilians to get it done.
Reposting nazi propaganda to own the libs. Good one dawg.
Nazi propaganda exaggerated the death toll of the bombing and its status as mass murder, and many in the German far-right have referred to it as "Dresden's Holocaust of bombs".[15][16]
Thank you for confirming you are actually way more ignorant than you let on and just believe anything that confirms your America bad belief.
wiki tells me they killed 25k in that one sinlge event so I dont think you are really dispelling anything
I swear this is the second time that you don’t even read what I said so you think you found a contradiction when you haven’t. The first post is lamenting that you didn’t post a real source and just posted a twitter link. The second post is me reacting to the news story itself.
You’re either bad faith or need to take a high school level English class.
Another dishonest post from you.
Your first quote "why is it always a random twitter post with you guys?" clearly implies that the source is untrusted and therefore the tweet highly questionable.
Your second quote "Seems bad and should be investigated." is acknowledgement of the veracity of the tweet's claims about the kids' deaths.
Hence, backpedalling.
wiki tells me they killed 25k in that one sinlge event so I dont think you are really dispelling anything
You know what’s really funny? How you bring up the Soviet Eastern Front as an example of how much better they are than the west. You must have a thing for armies that rape random civilians. Actually you probably have more of a problem with German citizens being raped than Israelis because they weren’t colonizers amirite?
I guess if you can dispute that Dresden was mass murder over just three days you're paving the way to eradicate most of the Gazan population over a couple of years with impunity.
Another dishonest post from you.
Your first quote "why is it always a random twitter post with you guys?" clearly implies that the source is untrusted and therefore the tweet highly questionable.
Your second quote "Seems bad and should be investigated." is acknowledgement of the veracity of the tweet's claims about the kids' deaths.
Hence, backpedalling.
Oh I get it, for you any epistemic modesty is a grave sin, so you have to declare you know something is true based on a single tweet. For you, just like old people on facebook, as soon as you read something that confirms your beliefs you soy out and believe it 100%, not needing to hear it from any credible source.
For people with non-“boomer on facebook” epistemologies, they will not have trouble understanding why there is absolutely no backpedaling in what I said.
I guess if you can dispute that Dresden was mass murder over just three days you're paving the way to eradicate most of the Gazan population over a couple of years with impunity.
Jalfrezi if I said to you that Gaza has lost 80% of their population, and you said to me “no I think it’s closer to 10%”, would you be denying Gazans are being killed?
Your epistemology is utter nonsense and a race to the bottom. You’re just like those insane lefties that called people racist for questioning ever official leftist narrative on police violence. Time and time again you guys have shown to be completely untrustworthy in your account of truth so now anyone with a brain and a sense of rationality doesn’t believe you. I suggest taking stock in how evil your side is that you consider it standard practice to lie and exaggerate in order to make political arguments.
Hopefully you've learned to focus more on the content of tweets than their origin in future.
Jalfrezi if I said to you that Gaza has lost 80% of their population, and you said to me “no I think it’s closer to 10%”, would you be denying Gazans are being killed?
Your epistemology is utter nonsense and a race to the bottom. You’re just like those insane lefties that called people racist for questioning ever official leftist narrative on police violence. Time and time again you guys have shown to be completely untrustworthy in your account of truth so now anyone with
You should calm down a bit before posting. How old are you, out of curiosity?
Hopefully you've learned to focus more on the content of tweets than their origin in future.
Again, you are lying about everything that I have said in this thread, or your reading comprehension is too poor to piece together what I’m saying. That’s exactly why anything you post I take with a massive grain of salt, because you have absolutely no information filter. You believe everything that falls in your official narrative and don’t believe anything that doesn’t.
Meanwhile you are literally demonstrating the virtues of my position. I take everything with a massive grain of salt I see on twitter and then call for the investigation of things that get reported in the news after I actually read the article and put it in the context of my background knowledge. Your approach and my approach are night and day. People can judge for themselves which approach is better.
or maybe it was shot down by the wind coat system (read about it), or did not penetrate or missed or 100 of other possibilities that are more plausible as if Hezbollah would have finally managed to destroy one tank, I'm sure they would have celebrated it and share videos.
That tank is almost certainly destroyed. The video you're replying to is them celebrating and sharing the video.
38 is still probably an inflated number.
No idea if true.
seems they must have a lot of confidence in these THAADs.
The second wave of attacks has begun. No information of what the targets are.
Israeli fighter jets have been spotted flying over Jordanian airspace. It appears Jordan has changed their mind regarding allowing this.
Lol AP headline a few minutes ago:
Israel launches strikes on military targets in Iran, escalating Mideast wars
You see with Israel, it has to be specified when they are attacking military sites, what with peoples homes being the usual targets, and even the AP agrees.