Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33350 Replies


by Victor k

right but the IDF is not credible. Im old enough to remember the Al Shifa command center hoax. and many others that have been argued to death in this thread.


I was in Shifa. we found weapons, tunnels, evidence of hostages that were detained there, and we killed and arrested many Hamas fighters.

or are you taking about the missile the islamist jihad fired on the hospital by mistake. was that the "hoax"?

it wasnt meant to say anything about the doctors as my introduction specified. its just another in a long line of war crimes. and I actually kind of curious what your very motivated friends have to say about separating the men from the women and children and driving them on a death march.

by natediggity k

Why on earth do you engage with him?

cause out of the other Israeli objectors, he is the least anti-sematic and I do believe he is representing the moral high ground, in his eyes. the rest are just the word not allowed to write in this thread.

he is a very bad actor tough, that's for sure.


and we should not stop this war until we make sure that our borders are safe and the threat is no longer.

What specific metrics will you use to determine this and what does the timeline look like?

by Victor k

it wasnt meant to say anything about the doctors as my introduction specified. its just another in a long line of war crimes. and I actually kind of curious what your very motivated friends have to say about separating the men from the women and children and driving them on a death march.

no one was "driven to a death march". just another complete BS.

as for separating men from women and children, what exactly you dont understand about that?



I was in Shifa. we found weapons, tunnels, evidence of hostages that were detained there, and we killed and arrested many Hamas fighters.

or are you taking about the missile the islamist jihad fired on the hospital by mistake. was that the "hoax"?

ya you guys found all this stuff and didnt post any pictures or videos. instead all we got were videos and pictures of mass graves of the patients, doctors, nurses, and their families.

and yes ofc that was another in a long line of hoaxes.

by Trolly McTrollson k

What specific metrics will you use to determine this and what does the timeline look like?

am i the Israeli PM or Chief of staff?

do I hold Mossad and Amman Intel?

Unlike you, I don't speculate on things i do not know

by Victor k

ya you guys found all this stuff and didnt post any pictures or videos. instead all we got were videos and pictures of mass graves of the patients, doctors, nurses, and their families.

and yes ofc that was another in a long line of hoaxes.

there are rabbit holes that I did not expect that even you would go in. we posted many many many pictures. here is one that we took:

that was all found in the MRI unit.


am i the Israeli PM or Chief of staff?

do I hold Mossad and Amman Intel?

Unlike you, I don't speculate on things i do not know

It seems like a pretty simple question for someone who has such inside knowledge. Like, you're not curious at all what the objectives of the war are or when the mass killings will end?

I too often store weapons near MRI machines. cant see how that would be a problem at all.

by Trolly McTrollson k

It seems like a pretty simple question for someone who has such inside knowledge. Like, you're not curious at all what the objectives of the war are or when the mass killings will end?

i assume you never served, as every notion in your question is baseless.

I am combat soldier, nothing more and i dont pretend to be anything more. the intel i posses that in not shared with the common public is only about specific missions i was a part of.

most of what I share is public knowledge anyway.

i wish the war will end tomorrow, but only once the threat is eliminated.

by Victor k

I too often store weapons near MRI machines. cant see how that would be a problem at all.

first you claimed that no videos were posted. now you just share one...

I guess you win this round, as I really cannot bring my self to further discuss with you this matter.

may your god save my soul

yes these videos are bullshit. you dont need a thermodynamics degree to know why weapons arent stored inside MRI machines. but continue to use whatever rhetorical device you can grasp at.

ahhhh victor, you pull me back in.

no one said the weapons were stored in the MRI machine, but that they were stored behind the machine.

and your claim was that we did not post any videos or photos of weapons in Shifa.

now again you move the goal post and claim we did post, but that they are bullshit.

what will be your next new claim... 3...2...1 go

I love how the hasbara rep here calls people liars so liberally.

you guys posted a bunch of fake videos. I thought that went without saying.


i assume you never served, as every notion in your question is baseless.

People make all kinds of unfounded assumptions about me in this thread; I don't take them personally.

When someone says the killings will stop when "Israel is safe," it seems fair game to ask what that means, exactly. I asked this over and over when my country was bombarding Iraq and Afghanistan --never did figure out quite what the answer was.

Hamas never ever ever uses people as human shields, never stores weapons in hospitals, never fires rockets out of civilian homes. They are the most moral army in the world! Don’t believe your lying eyes.

Should've stuck to shooting kids in the head.

by Bill Haywood k


with John Mearsheimer by Chris Hedges.

Israel wants to embroil the US in a war with Iran. A wider conflagration will provide cover for ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and Gaza, a repeat of 1948 and 1967. Washington does not want war with Iran.

Mearsheimer also says the horror at the genocide is leading Iran and Saudi to talk. The Shia/Sunni divide is narrowing in the face of the Israeli wars.

Israeli military doctrine has always been directed toward short wars. Now they are

by jalfrezi k

Should've stuck to shooting kids in the head.

Remember guys: a long war means Israel is evil, and a short war means Israel is evil. This despite the fact they didn’t declare war on Lebanon, Lebanon declared war on them.

All roads lead to Rome.

Oh also lol I told you guys they have no clue what the hell they are talking about. Two of the dumbest bloviators in existence.

by checkraisdraw k

Oh also lol I told you guys they have no clue what the hell they are talking about. Two of the dumbest bloviators in existence.

You said the same thing about the Gazan kids being shot and blown up, and had to backpedal.

by checkraisdraw k

why not just post the article? why is it always a random twitter post with you guys?


by checkraisdraw k

Seems bad and should be investigated.

and the Soviets didnt need to firebomb and terrorbomb 100s of thousands of innocent civilians to get it done.
