Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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To reiterate some of the points:

1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.

2. Racist posts and other bigoted statements that target a particular group or individuals of such groups with derogatory comments are not allowed. This should not need further explanation.

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5. Genocidal statements such as "Kill 'em all" etc, are no longer permissible in the thread.

If anyone has any questions about the above, please PM me. I don't want a discussion about the rules to derail the content of this thread. If anything needs clarifying, I will do that in this thread.

Please be aware this thread is strictly moderated[/quote]

) 18 Views 18
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

32131 Replies


shots fired. name one lie please.

scroll up.

by Luciom k

Btw your bold is wrong, it's religion AND LANGUAGE that separated bosnians and serbs.

Lol you speak one of those languages do you?

Kindly stfu

It’s hard to tell whether you’re typing in English, Canadian, American or Australian, can you please confirm which it is?

by gotwoot k

Lol you speak one of those languages do you?

Kindly stfu

It’s hard to tell whether you’re typing in English, Canadian, American or Australian, can you please confirm which it is?

Except the use of cyrillic vs latin alphabet is a huge cultural difference that distinguishes them A TAD MORE than "australian" vs "american"


As result of the findings, Sharon could not serve again as the minister of defense.

You call THAT accountability? For a massacre of that magnitude? Lt. Calley was at least put under house arrest.

The ongoing slaughter if innocents suggests no lesson was learned.


I'm not sure how much I'll be posting imelthat thread for a bit but i did appreciate the post you made to me right after crazytrain tempbanned me again so I wanted to acknowledge that


This was meant to be a pm clean out your ****ing pm box and stop pretending you are popular

by Luciom k

Except the use of cyrillic vs latin alphabet is a huge cultural difference that distinguishes them A TAD MORE than "australian" vs "american"

Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian are all mutually intelligible dialects of the same language. Both Cyrillic and Latin script are still recognised by Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia uses a version of the Latin alphabet.

by metsandfinsfan k


I'm not sure how much I'll be posting imelthat thread for a bit but i did appreciate the post you made to me right after crazytrain tempbanned me again so I wanted to acknowledge that


This was meant to be a pm clean out your ****ing pm box and stop pretending you are popular

no worries bud. always solidarity against mods.

Lol, thanks

If you want to be in solidarity with Mets, you can go to the ban me thread in ATF and request 3 months. I’m not going to tolerate that sort of language used toward me by anyone.

oh I seriously didnt notice that part of his post.

I think he has a legit "autocorrect defense" here...

I must remember that one.

by Victor k

I think he has a legit "autocorrect defense" here...

No he said crazy train but she insulted someone else in another thread obtuse and another word but she is the mod

by Victor k

I think he has a legit "autocorrect defense" here...

Mets has a long track record here of speaking disrespectfully to and about women. I can see his user notes.

by jalfrezi k

Are you really comparing what happened in the Holocaust to what is happening in Gaza? I think 4 minutes was plenty of coverage.

by Crossnerd k

Mets has a long track record here of speaking disrespectfully to and about women. I can see his user notes.

Jfc we all have “user notes” written about us? Are we able to see these notes and who wrote them please?

by mongidig k

Are you really comparing what happened in the Holocaust to what is happening in Gaza? I think 4 minutes was plenty of coverage.

If you showed a little curiosity and actually clicked that tweet you wouldn’t ask such stupid ****ing questions.

It then spent 4 mins on the 100,000s people in Gaza returning to the wasteland that were once their homes, family members still buried under the rubble.

Clearly, the message of the Holocaust has not been heard by western leaders, who colluded in that 15-month orgy of destruction – nor by the BBC, which gave the genocide in Gaza the most cursory coverage possible.


by jalfrezi k

Jfc we all have “user notes” written about us? Are we able to see these notes and who wrote them please?

No, only the moderators can see what was written, when, and by whom. It’s just a record of former issues, if you happen to have any.
