Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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its just more punishment of the Gazan children. nothing misleading.
I take it you are agnostic when Hezbollah fires on villages and Houthis kidnap Asian sailors* as collective punishment for things happening thousands of miles away from them. But are outraged when Israel engages in collective punishment?
*As an aside, it is actually pretty wild how Houthis kidnapped a bunch of Asian sailors months ago, and the Western media establishment has kind of just memory holed it and moved on, and it never even comes up anymore. Kind of like how the US media just ignores that Hamas has been holding several American citizens hostage for 9 months (assuming any are even still alive), and Donald Trump is the only one who has even noticed.
its just more punishment of the Gazan children. nothing misleading.
Thanks, I appreciate it. It just keeps everything tidy and above board.
So I read the article and also clicked through the linked article about the field hospital from the 18th and his battle with Gallant to administer aid to these children.
If accurate, that is truly a monstrous move by Netanyahu.
I take it you are agnostic when Hezbollah fires on villages and Houthis kidnap Asian sailors* as collective punishment for things happening thousands of miles away from them. But are outraged when Israel engages in collective punishment?
i take it this is you defending israel punishing dying children in gaza for something hezbollah may have done?
Thanks, I appreciate it. It just keeps everything tidy and above board.
So I read the article and also clicked through the linked article about the field hospital from the 18th and his battle with Gallant to administer aid to these children.
If accurate, that is truly a monstrous move by Netanyahu.
Do you think it is productive to only call out Israel for monstrous behavior and give Islamists a free pass? I think this kind of double standard by the West is creating a lot of resentment and bitterness from the Israeli people.
Do you think it is productive to only call out Israel for monstrous behavior and give Islamists a free pass? I think this kind of double standard by the West is creating a lot of resentment and bitterness from the Israeli people.
This doesn’t really follow any line of logic, so I don’t know how to respond to it.
If anyone is wondering where this post is coming from, a Lebanese spokesman is arguing that this town is technically in Syria and so it is Syria's obligation to respond (or not) and it is not Israel's place to respond.
Of course this is completely absurd. Even if one wants to accept the narrative this is stolen Syrian land; Israel controls this land and is responsible for the safety and well-being of the inhabitants.
its literally occupied territory. I dont need a Lebanese spokesperson to tell me that bc it all comes from the wiki.

dunyain, many of your posts fall into this category:
Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about....?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense against the original accusation.
From a logical and argumentative point of view, whataboutism is considered a variant of the tu-quoque pattern (Latin 'you too', term for a counter-accusation), which is a subtype of the ad-hominem argument.
The communication intent is often to distract from the content of a topic (red herring). The goal may also be to question the justification for criticism and the legitimacy, integrity, and fairness of the critic, which can take on the character of discrediting the criticism, which may or may not be justified. Common accusations include double standards, and hypocrisy, but it can also be used to relativize criticism of one's own viewpoints or behaviors.
I take it you are agnostic when Hezbollah fires on villages and Houthis kidnap Asian sailors* as collective punishment for things happening thousands of miles away from them. But are outraged when Israel engages in collective punishment?
*As an aside, it is actually pretty wild how Houthis kidnapped a bunch of Asian sailors months ago, and the Western media establishment has kind of just memory holed it and moved on, and it never even comes up anymore. Kind of like how the US media just ignor
the Americans "hostages" are probably in the IDF. if they arent, my answer is the same. USA should stop doing genocide and get them back through negotiations.
as for the Houthis, they are doing brave and admirable work to blockade a country that is committing great crimes. but they should let the sailors return home ofc. this again is anothe reason to try to end the war.
anything concrete about the responsibility of this rocket thing? was willing to believe hezbollah's denials were buyer's remorse about the outcome, but i just saw blinken's statement on it, and it was oddly hedge-y. like in the way they back up israel's obvious lies by saying we're not saying this, we're saying this is what israel told us
got any interesting theories on who fired the rocket?
the other main possibility i've seen is that it was an israeli interceptor rocket, or a piece of one
and given that the victims were possibly anti-israel syrians on stolen land, there's an outside chance of it being a false flag
the other main possibility i've seen is that it was an israeli interceptor rocket, or a piece of one
and given that the victims were possibly anti-israel syrians on stolen land, there's an outside chance of it being a false flag
okay. hez announcing that they had fired one of their glorious jew killers into the area approx one minute before it landed on the football field makes me think it was hez, but do please keep me updated on any theories in which it was the IDF
Hez has been extremely careful to avoid shooting at civilians and afaik have not injured any this far.
the evidence would suggest otherwise
well, theres no conclusive evidence yet. and regardless those were not Israelis if we are to go by the reports from the link Jal provided.
ok here you go:
given that hezbollah supposedly just blew up a bunch of kids, i wonder why these ppl are so upset with this smotrich fella, and why they're locked behind a metal fence
cheers, keep them coming
So to sum up today's post truth madness:
1. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
2. American hostages have gotten what they deserve
3. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
4. Houthis are brave and admirable
5. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
6. It is likely the IDF's fault a Hezbollah rocket landed on a soccer field killing and maiming a bunch of kids during a major Hezbollah rocket attack
7. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
8. But in the off-chance it was Hezbollah's fault, it is fine because the kids were technically Syrian, and Syria doesn't care.
Did I catch all the main points, or did I miss anything?
In other news, reports are Wagner suffered a very bad defeat to Islamists in Mali with a lot of soldiers reportedly killed and kidnapped. Russia promising to control Islamists is one thing, but being able to actually do so is a completely different matter altogether it would appear.
it has not been confirmed that it was a Hez rocket.
So to sum up today's post truth madness:
1. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
2. American hostages have gotten what they deserve
3. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
4. Houthis are brave and admirable
5. Israeli Jews, especially Netanyahu, are singularly monstrous.
6. It is likely the IDF's fault a Hezbollah rocket landed on a soccer field killing and maiming a bunch of kids during a major Hezbollah rocket attack
7. Israeli Jews
You imagined most of these, from what I can tell.
The article linked in the thread from the Times Of Israel is alleging that Netanyahu, against the advice of his minister of defense, is singlehandedly denying medical care to children in retaliation for the rocket in Golan Heights. That specific action is definitely monstrous. Nobody said anything about Israeli Jews, just Netanyahu.
Well, the is what the White House had to say about it today. But the US is probably just lying, and the jury will remain out until Al Jazeera does their own independent investigation and confirms. And since this will never happen, it will forever remain unknowable. Bummer.
This attack was conducted by Lebanese Hezbollah. It was their rocket, and launched from an area they control," the White House said in a statement on Sunday. It added that Washington has been in discussions with Israeli and Lebanese officials since Saturday's attack, which it condemned and described as "horrific."
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sunday he does not want to see an escalation of conflict on Israel's northern border and reiterated U.S. support for Israel.
--But then again, even if it was Hezbollah's fault, it was Syrian children, and if Assad doesn't care then neither should anyone else. So either way, Hezbollah is clearly a morally good actor that has been nothing but a positive, constructive force for Lebanon. Lebanon has had such a great 30 years with Hezbollah doing their thing, it will be very exciting to see what great things the next 30 have in store.
Nothing to see here. Just a Hamas militant casually executing 2 Jewish girls begging for their lives.
It is funny how so many posts in this thread are condemning Israel for committing this type of behavior, yet somehow it is never caught on tape. And a good chunk more posts declaring Hamas doesn't do this kind of stuff, despite hours and hours of tape of them committing these type of acts.
Oh yeah, these are the people most Western nations have unconditionally pledged to send blank checks and unlimited aid to, while demanding Israel unconditionally ceasefire, so Hamas can remilitarize Gaza and turn it back into a war zone to continue the never ending struggle to destroy Israel.
Seems about right.