Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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A little tidbit that flies under the radar is Egypt refuses to call Paletinians refugees refugees.
Because you know, that would entitle the Palestinians to some legal protection and economic aid from the Egyptian government.
Israel, as long as it isnt being shot at, has been Palestinians' best neighbors over the past 30 years at least, possibly even longer back.
Absorb that fact however you want.
Idk if that’s under the radar. I’ve seen it explained away by the Hamas boys as Zionist lies and preserving the Palestinian’s right of return.
If Egypt takes in Palestinian refugees, the Zionists will use that as an excuse to not let them back.
In their eyes, the most moral path is to keep the Palestinians in a forever war against Israel, that is their purpose in the Arab world. The rest of the them can lead some semblance of a normal life because the Palestinians are taking care of the eternal Jihad bits for them.
Jordan has both a large Palastinian population and a large number of Palastinian refugees.
Egypt doesn't want to be complicit in a genocide, and also they don't want to get bombed, which is what will happen if they let Palestinian refugees in.
Egypt doesn't want to be complicit in a genocide, and also they don't want to get bombed, which is what will happen if they let Palestinian refugees in.
How often has Jordan being bombed because of refugees? lol at this take.
Egypt doesn't want palestinian refugees because it knows there are too many troublemakers among them.
Egypt doesn't want to be complicit in a genocide, and also they don't want to get bombed, which is what will happen if they let Palestinian refugees in.
Egypt is already complicit in genocide and is no friend of the Palestinians.
not sure why DBF or anyone thinks Palestinians and their supporters are cool with Egypt.
oh, are Gazans allowed to flee to Iran right now? hadnt heard that news.
and for accuracy they cant flee to Egypt now either.
Egypt doesn't want to be complicit in a genocide, and also they don't want to get bombed, which is what will happen if they let Palestinian refugees in.
Damn. Pretty good illustration of how sick, twisted and completely inverted the progressive left is. In the middle of a war, taking civilians out of the war zone where bombs are literally being dropped on them is framed as genocide.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
Egypt is already complicit in genocide and is no friend of the Palestinians.
not sure why DBF or anyone thinks Palestinians and their supporters are cool with Egypt.
You’re just a fanboy who doesn’t speak for Hamas, the Palestinians, or their supporters. I’ve seen this argument made many times from others. Not everything is about you my guy.
"Why won't Egypt save the people Israel is massacring?" is the most patently disingenuous blather I've seen all morning. "Israel wouldn't attack Egypt!" even more absurd, as if Netanyahu hasn't spent the last few months spinning around lobbing missiles at Lebanon and Iran in an effort to provoke a broader conflict.
"Why won't Egypt save the people Israel is massacring?" is the most patently disingenuous blather I've seen all morning. "Israel wouldn't attack Egypt!" even more absurd, as if Netanyahu hasn't spent the last few months spinning around lobbing missiles at Lebanon and Iran in an effort to provoke a broader conflict.
LOL. In the history of humanity there is no other conflict where this position is taken.
Could you imagine someone arguing that the 8 million refugees who have fled Islamists in Sudan should have been penned in and kept there, because removing them from the war zone would be genocide? Could you imagine anyone arguing the 6 million Syrian refugees who were relocated to Turkey, Jordan, Europe, etc. should have been blockedd from leaving because it would be genocide?
Of course not. Go down the list of human history, over and over and over. No one ever argues it would be "genocide" to remove civilians from war zones. The entire progressive narrative of this conflict is completely absurd, morally vacuous, and a true example of Orwellian doublespeak.
You’re just a fanboy who doesn’t speak for Hamas, the Palestinians, or their supporters. I’ve seen this argument made many times from others. Not everything is about you my guy.
you dont even need to read from Palestinians to understand the Egyptian comprador regime does not have their interests in mind and works with Israel to oppress them but if you do actually read then its not even a question.
"Why won't Egypt save the people Israel is massacring?" is the most patently disingenuous blather I've seen all morning. "Israel wouldn't attack Egypt!" even more absurd, as if Netanyahu hasn't spent the last few months spinning around lobbing missiles at Lebanon and Iran in an effort to provoke a broader conflict.
its def disingenuous but its true that Egypt sucks. their whataboutism aside, the problem is they fail to understand that Egypt is on the same side as Israel and proxies of the USA White Empire.
Could you imagine trying to explain to an 8 year old that keeping civilians in a literal war zone is ethically correct, and removing them to safety is "genocide?" Of course not; it is a completely absurd moral inversion.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
Egypt was accepting refugees and arranged for the sick and injured to be evacuated. Israel responded by bombing the ambulances. this was in October.
if Egypt decided to accept the refugees then Israel certainly would not allow it. since May, they have not let anyone evacuate.

LOL. In the history of humanity there is no other conflict where this position is taken.
Could you imagine someone arguing that the 8 million refugees who have fled Islamists in Sudan should have been penned in and kept there, because removing them from the war zone would be genocide? Could you imagine anyone arguing the 6 million Syrian refugees who were relocated to Turkey, Jordan, Europe, etc. should have been blockedd from leaving because it would be genocide?
Of course not. Go down the
It’s pointless to engage with their circular reasoning. Everything ends and begins with Israel bad or US bad, even if it takes an extra step to arrive there.
well thats bc USA is bad. if you cant see that, then thats a you problem.
It’s pointless to engage with their circular reasoning. Everything ends and begins with Israel bad or US bad, even if it takes an extra step to arrive there.
Well, the point isn't to convince progressives their worldview is destructive and regressive. That isn't how human psychology works, which Orwell well understood. 1984 and Animal Farm weren't written to persuade leftists. It was a warning to the rest of us where the leftism of his time (and ours) would invariably lead us.
People itt acting like Israel and the U.S. by extension are literally incapable of not bombing places with Palestinian civilians. That’s an option you’re purposefully ignoring. They don’t have to leave.
It makes sense to take in refugees when bombing can’t be stopped, usually because it’s a non-ally that’s doing it who won’t be deterred without a return of force. In this case, it’s a country the U.S. could persuade through diplomatic means to stop bombing civilians, they just choose not to.
You all know that the position of people arguing against making refugees out of Palestinians is that the bombing should stop, not that they should stay and the bombing continue. Cut the bs.