Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33438 Replies


for the most part the settlements are civilians. there may come a time where they aim at them.

but, as has been explained and shown many times, Hezbollah and Iran shoot at military and intelligence targets. Hamas doesnt have the technology for accuracy and all of their stuff gets blocked anyway.

by jalfrezi k

no matter what you think has happened and is happening in Gaza, I know you aren't completely gone so I don't believe you believe more people died there than in the Holocaust, which happened less than 100 years ago.

nevermind many other genocides like the Holodomor, Khmer rouge in Cambodia, the Rwandan genocide and so on.

so why do you post such a blatant monstrosity of a tweet?

by Luciom k

no matter what you think has happened and is happening in Gaza, I know you aren't completely gone so I don't believe you believe more people died there than in the Holocaust, which happened less than 100 years ago.

nevermind many other genocides like the Holodomor, Khmer rouge in Cambodia, the Rwandan genocide and so on.

so why do you post such a blatant monstrosity of a tweet?

Yeah but those genocides are hard to blame on the United States so we don’t care about those

United States was pretty tight with the Kmer. and Israel sent a ton of weapons to the Hutus.

as for calling famines a genocide? well, you might not want to apply that to the West where they starved millions all the time. the Brits in particular did it for retribution or for profit many times.

anyway, this strike in central Beirut was on a health facility and used white phosphorus according to the Islamic Health Authority and Lebanese media.

meanwhile drones have been hitting Tel Aviv (somehow avoiding the Iron Dome) and Israel is still leveling large apartment towers full of civilians in the Dahiye.

by Victor k

United States was pretty tight with the Kmer. and Israel sent a ton of weapons to the Hutus.

as for calling famines a genocide? well, you might not want to apply that to the West where they starved millions all the time. the Brits in particular did it for retribution or for profit many times.

I called the Indian famine a genocide before in this forum, ITT if I remember correctly.

Famines caused on purpose by human choices to annihilate a local population are genocide.

They didn't starve millions "all the times" though and western farming practices (including those we taught people through colonization) saved the lives of many more people than they killed

Given their involvement in formenting civil wars in Iraq, Syrian, Lebanese and Yemen, on top of support of Russia in the Ukraine invasion; in addition to their brutal authoritarian human rights abuses at home; it is interesting (but not super surprising) that Trolly has become an IRI apologist. I dont think I have ever seen a more clear example of horseshoe theory of far right and far left being in alignment.

You could completely discount their "bluster" and attacks against Israel, and they are still one of the worse authoritarian regimes in the world. The amount of cognitive dissonance it takes to portray the IRI as restrained and reasonable is truly breathtaking. The IRI revolution has been one of the great disasters of modern history, and the day they finally fall (hopefully sooner than later), whether due to internal or external forces, will be a great day for humanity.

by Luciom k

If Iran somehow attacks saudi arabia or others in the region, how do we end up with a world war? we end up with China, India and the USA racing to whom destroys Iran first right?

The west + China + India vs Iran + Venezuela + Russia isn't a world war, it's a bloodbath with one side capitulating within 72 hours, China taking over lands in Asia, and the west permanently controlling the middle east through it's allies.

I mean if the idea is "we are closer to do a axil of evil vs the rest of the world

Iran sells the vast majority of their oil to China. China would interfere on Iran's side if Israel targets their oil infrastructure.

Lebanese foreign minister told Amanpourt yesterday that Nasrallah had agreed to a ceasefire before he was assassinated. that could explain why he was in a fairly exposed spot with the rest of the high level command. but it raises a lot of other questions like did they give up Gaza or actually trust the Americans, the most perfidious people of all time?. pretty skeptical tbh.

and before the racists get yapping out this guy, hes not Hezbollah and went to Vanderbilt.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

There are “non-whites” dying all over the world but you don’t care. Spare us.

You're not totally wrong. There are conflicts happening in remote parts of the world and I don't much care about it.

I do care about what I have responsibility for, for what my government is responsible. If you don't want to hear complaints about murdered kids then stop using my money and my government to murder those kids. Do you own dirty work. Stop taking money out of my pocket to advance your vile ethnic supremacist project.

The nerve of people who filch money out of your pocket to commit crimes against humanity and then tell you to mind your business is unmeasurable on any sane scale. It's an expression of insanity.

by Deuces McKracken k

You're not totally wrong. There are conflicts happening in remote parts of the world and I don't much care about it.

I do care about what I have responsibility for, for what my government is responsible. If you don't want to hear complaints about murdered kids then stop using my money and my government to murder those kids. Do you own dirty work. Stop taking money out of my pocket to advance your vile ethnic supremacist project.

The nerve of people who filch money out of your pocket to commit cri

Let's be honest. It isn't really your money. It is stolen money from your genocide of the American Indians.

The nerve of people who are completely agnostic towards their own situation as benefiters of genocide, and then want to moralize against people fighting for their existential existence is unmeasurable on any sane scale. It is an expression of insanity.

this seems far fetched. and or just stupid. the West really wants to war with Russia?

I saw on a podcast clip earlier that Lawrence Wilkerson who is some retired Colonel big talking head claimed that last night they hit Russian bases in Syria. he said his sources told him so I didnt really think much of it. also, I am not inclined to give a **** what aformer Colin Powell right hand man says. but now...

btw, heres the clip that goes from like 7:00 until 9:30. I didnt watch the rest nor do I have any idea who the interviewer is.

by Victor k

this seems far fetched. and or just stupid. the West really wants to war with Russia?

I saw on a podcast clip earlier that Lawrence Wilkerson who is some retired Colonel big talking head claimed that last night they hit Russian bases in Syria. he said his sources told him so I didnt really think much of it. also, I am not inclined to give a **** what aformer Colin Powell right hand man says. but now...

btw, heres the clip that goes from like 7:00 until 9:30. I didnt watch the rest nor do I h

Meanwhile, in planet reality what is actually happening is that Israel is destroying IRI air defense systems in Syria, presumably clearing a path for a future retaliation against the IRI in Iran. I doubt Russia is pleased with this development, but I have heard nothing one way or another whether Russia plans on getting involved diplomatically or militarily.

Above is a video of the IRI Parliament chanting "Death to Israel, Death to America." Just normal statecraft "bluster". No biggie.

Speaking of Russia, I can only imagine how disappointed Putin is that his main "allies" in the world right now are these buffoons* and Kim in North Korea. What a disaster for Russia and himself personally.

*Before Victor claims I am showing Persian or Iranian bigotry, I actually know a lot of Persian/Iranian people and I have never heard a single positive thing about the IRI from any of them. They are mostly a source of embarrassment. Obviously the Persian people I have met all live in the US, so there is some selection bias, but from my understanding this isn't far off the majority sentiment from much of the populace in Iran itself.

I'm 2018 USA killed 200-300 Russians in Syria. No war with Russia. They were Wagner tho.

They were also sold out by Russia, Russian MOD wanted them to die. Still it does matter.

Israel has been attacking Syria the past several days, it's no surprise.

by Dunyain k

Meanwhile, in planet reality what is actually happening is that Israel is destroying IRI air defense systems in Syria, presumably clearing a path for a future retaliation against the IRI in Iran. I doubt Russia is pleased with this development, but I have heard nothing one way or another whether Russia plans on getting involved diplomatically or militarily.

sounds like they already are involved.


I think everyone I've met from Iran in California whether the are Muslim, Christian (Armenian), or Persian Jew left or their family left in 1979 fleeing the revolution. Saying they don't like the Iranian government is like saying Cubans all hate Castro based on the people you met in Miami.

Now Iranians probably do mostly hate their government, but it's a ridiculously biased sample.

by Bluegrassplayer k

They were also sold out by Russia, Russian MOD wanted them to die. Still it does matter.

Israel has been attacking Syria the past several days, it's no surprise.

Russia didn't want them to die. They wanted Russia to control an oil field. USA wanted to control it also (along with the SDF).

It's not even clear that Russia wanted to control the oil field. At that point Wagner was more or less on its own and they were operating the oil fields in order to sustain themselves and get Prig rich. Prig claims he oked the operation with Russian MOD, Russia MOD denies this happened.

USA contacted Russia to ask if there were any Russians in the force attacking the outpost, they were assured that there were no Russian there. The MOD then did not even warn Wagner. Russian MOD wanted some Wagner soldiers to die because of Shoigu's feud with Prig.

I don't think it's likely that the USA (along with the SDF) would not know about hundreds of Russians and all their military equipment in the area.

I think we've had this exact conversation before.

Of course USA knew about them, which is what prompted USA to contact Russia and ask if any of those forces were among the forces attacking the outpost and USA was about to respond against. Russia assured USA that no Russians were among that group.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Of course USA knew about them, which is what prompted USA to contact Russia and ask if any of those forces were among the forces attacking the outpost and USA was about to respond against. Russia assured USA that no Russians were among that group.

I don't believe that. That's the kind of thing you say, on both sides, when you've decided not to escalate.

by Dunyain k

Let's be honest. It isn't really your money. It is stolen money from your genocide of the American Indians.

The nerve of people who are completely agnostic towards their own situation as benefiters of genocide, and then want to moralize against people fighting for their existential existence.

Existential existence? Buddy, put down the thesaurus. D2 gets mad if he sees someone use a noun form of a verb. If he sees an actual abuse of language such as that he might have a medical event.

I'm not agnostic about the plight of the American Indians. I'll never forget reading the words "Indian Removal Act" in my middle school history book. I definitely paid attention that day. American Indians deserve reparations including land.

And the logic of "colonization happened before so it can happen right now" is no different than having no law at all. I won't be dragged into lawlessness to support the ethno-supremacist claims of any ethnicity.

Russia and USA had an established deconfliction protocol for situations like thatin Syria. It would be strange if for some reason it was not used during that specific instance, in fact that in itself would lean towards Russian MOD throwing Wagner into a fight they could not win.

Prig was 100% convinced this happened as well, going so far as to confront Shoigu in person about it.
