Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33417 Replies



up to 35 dead in the Tulkarem (thats the West Bank btw) conflict between a massive bomb and fighter plane and some people drinking coffee.

by Victor k

up to 35 dead in the Tulkarem (thats the West Bank btw) conflict between a massive bomb and fighter plane and some people drinking coffee.

some people have been saying caffeine is dangerous for health for a while

We don’t really have to wonder what a Muslim nation with a similar problem of extremists would do. We have seen how Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have responded when they were in Israel’s position. It was a lot worse than Israel who targets only legitimate military targets and provides as much aid as they can.

When you have a chronic issue of people using civilian infrastructure and objects for military purposes, you don’t reward that by unilaterally disarming yourself.


The real question I have is what Israel’s plan is. In Gaza and the West Bank the objectives were quite clear. Even in the initial raid it didn’t seem opaque. I’m just wondering what they will be doing moving forward.

makes me think of the video in front of the Church in South Lebanon where the guy flew 100s of feet into the air.

video here


by checkraisdraw k

We don’t really have to wonder what a Muslim nation with a similar problem of extremists would do. We have seen how Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have responded when they were in Israel’s position. It was a lot worse than Israel who targets only legitimate military targets and provides as much aid as they can.

When you have a chronic issue of people using civilian infrastructure and objects for military purposes, you don’t reward that by unilaterally disarming yourself.


The real question I

this post is extremely offensive to anyone with a set of eyes

or even just a single half functioning eye

If only there was a website where one could type in Gaza and get its history. Oh wait, there is. And I just did so.

Gaza was a part of ancient empires, including Philistina, but its population was never very large by any modern standards. In 1945 it had 34,000 people, in 1982 it had 100,000 and then it had a giant population explosion, like all the Palestinian population, from 1980-present; and now it has a larger population than 20% of the countries in the world.

I was this many years old when I found out that Arafat gave up the right of return at Oslo.

Chris Hedges.

by Bill Haywood k

I was this many years old when I found out that Arafat gave up the right of return at Oslo.

Chris Hedges.

Whether this is true or not (I will look it up later, dont have time now), Hamas didn't. Last time I checked Arafat has been dead for decades and Israel is fighting Hamas right now.


This isn't hard. For the last 60 years Israel has had a policy of disproportionate retaliation to violence. Hamas knows this, Hezbollah knows this, Houthis know this, Syria knows this, and IRI knows this.

And yet these groups keep attacking Israel, and Israel keeps responding disproportionately.

And the countries that stopped attacking Israel and normalized relations, namely Egypt and Jordan, have had no issues with Israel. Certainly no organized violence.

Maybe Israel is taking things too far, maybe they aren't. But everyone they are retaliating against at the moment knew exactly what they were getting into, and chose violence.

And here we are.

by Dunyain k


This isn't hard. For the last 60 years Israel has had a policy of disproportionate retaliation to violence. Hamas knows this, Hezbollah knows this, Houthis know this, Syria knows this, and IRI knows this.

And yet these groups keep attacking Israel, and Israel keeps responding disproportionately.

And the countries that stopped attacking Israel and normalized relations, namely Egypt and Jordan, have had no issues with Israel. Certainly no organized violence.

Maybe Israel is taking things

you know they are retaliating too hard , for you to be even contemplating that position you know Israel is being disproportionate ,

I also don't understand the strategy of other countries knowing this information and still attacking Israel without a real game plan

by Dunyain k


This isn't hard. For the last 60 years Israel has had a policy of disproportionate retaliation to violence. Hamas knows this, Hezbollah knows this, Houthis know this, Syria knows this, and IRI knows this.

And yet these groups keep attacking Israel, and Israel keeps responding disproportionately.

And the countries that stopped attacking Israel and normalized relations, namely Egypt and Jordan, have had no issues with Israel. Certainly no organized violence.

Maybe Israel is taking things

This time it will work?

Just need enough disproportionate violence? will

by Deuces McKracken k

That's not really the West's interest in the ME.

Furthermore, Israel doesn't seem to care about American interests as expressed by our head of state. Biden is saying one thing, his principals are saying something different. Israel is just doing whatever it wants and it knows it has infiltrated our government sufficiently to give it cover. There has been no meaningful opposition to genocide and, presumably, there is nothing worse than that. Some might consider economic impacts as worse, but we've

Well I am in a rec sporting clay club and there is a dude that is about as open of a nazi as you can get and he did say that Israel is infiltrating our govt and that they are treating Palestinians the same way that they'd treat white people in america if they had the power to do so. I don't think he is going to be correct.

IDF claiming they killed Nasrallah's successor.

by MyrnaFTW k

you know they are retaliating too hard , for you to be even contemplating that position you know Israel is being disproportionate ,

I also don't understand the strategy of other countries knowing this information and still attacking Israel without a real game plan

They have a game plan. We can debate exactly what it is and how well it is going, but they aren't just throwing darts against a wall hoping for the best. There is a plan. It just entails callous disregard for the lives of the people they control.

Also, Hamas has their own agenda, but the rest of the proxies attacking Israel are disciples of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. And frankly The Revolution is running out of steam and in danger of collapsing, so I think the leaders are attempting high risk, high variance strategies to revive it.

I will say Deuces going full Candace Owens isn't a giant surprise. I haven't been following the 9/11 thread close enough to know if he has fully unveiled his power level yet, but we all know the underlying premise is the Jews did it.

by Bill Haywood k

I had missed this whopper.

Here are Gazan coins from 550 BCE

Those are Shekels. Israeli currency. That was the point you were trying to make. Right?

by LtUaE42 k

Those are Shekels. Israeli currency. That was the point you were trying to make. Right?

There was no Israeli state at the time and

The earliest shekels were a unit of weight, used as other units such as grams and troy ounces for trading before the advent of coins. The shekel was common among western Semitic speakers. Moabites, Edomites, and Phoenicians used the shekel, although proper coinage developed very late. Carthaginian coinage was based on the shekel and may have preceded its home town of Tyre in issuing proper coins.

Point was just that there were people there. There were people there.

Hardly relevant though. I'm as related to you as those people's direct descendants are related to them.

A 21-year-old woman kidnapped by Islamic State militants in Iraq a decade ago was freed from Gaza this week in a secret operation months in the making that involved Israel, the United States and Iraq, officials said.


The spokesperson said she was kidnapped from her home in Iraq at age 11 and was sold and trafficked to Gaza. Her captor was recently killed, allowing her to escape and seek repatriation, the spokesperson said.


More than 6,000 Yazidis were captured by Islamic State militants from Sinjar region in Iraq in 2014, with many sold into sexual slavery or trained as child soldiers and taken across borders, including to Turkey and Syria.

by MyrnaFTW k

you know they are retaliating too hard , for you to be even contemplating that position you know Israel is being disproportionate ,

I also don't understand the strategy of other countries knowing this information and still attacking Israel without a real game plan

There is no "too hard" in retaliation

Doesn't seem so easy to just fly over to Iran and bomb them

Israel has collected a lot of W's recently. Can they let Iran's little firework show go without any retaliation and continue on in Lebanon?
****ing egos
