Eat The Rich!

Eat The Rich!

KS- Moved a conversation in Mod Thread about taxing the wealthy.

I don’t think you guys understand how numbers work.

If billionaires were taxed at the same rates as everyone else ALL TAXES would be covered by their contribution

Nobody else would have to pay any taxes ever.

It’s not my fault you haven’t taught yourself to understand economics and how large large numbers work

Blowjob healthcare would save the country money.

So would reparations.

26 May 2024 at 03:26 PM

427 Replies


by Tien k

Refer to post 323 above.

Life for humans globally is literally PEAKING right now in 2024. There is no argument here.

Like I said globally yes .
They were starting so low too, that helps .
All I’m saying there was cost for it so it’s highly possible many westerners think that 2024 is far from what they had before decades ago as an enjoyable life .

And if it’s so great for you , maybe we should pay like 20% more tax per year and distributed around the world so that we can solve even more problems and help them even more ?
About that ?
Life globally will be even better , even for us right at the same time right ?

by Tien k

To ever internalize the idea that life for humans was best between 1950s - 1970.

Every time you keep repeating this lie I'll repost this.

by jalfrezi k

Every time you keep repeating this lie I'll repost this.

Tien has posted lots of evidence regarding why today is drastically better than it was between the 1950s and the 1970s, even for westerners. So far you have only said "nuh uh." Can you point to some metric that supports your conclusion?

It is a little perplexing that somebody can include the 60s and 70s as part their "best era for westerners." Besides the Civil War, they were the most tumultuous decades in American history.

Longer lifespans

by Montrealcorp k

Cuba life expectancy is like 75 years old ranked at 58th
UK ranked 30th.
U.S. is 47th ranked 0o.

Does not seem to hold your theory .

It's not a theory

by Luciom k

It's not a theory

and u think your graph proves it ???

march 2023
China, japan,france ,germany all way lower then US for example.

Anyway i wont lose my time on this, the correlation is pretty small.

by PointlessWords k

I meant if you take a million realities , in one of them the immigrants become the existential threat and take the country over.

Would this qualify as can be an existential threat to you ? The one out of a million realities

One in million no it wouldn't.

Keep in mind the UK current prime minister and London mayor are both immigrants, does that qualify as taking over? Trump and Biden as well.

by DonkJr k

Tien has posted lots of evidence regarding why today is drastically better than it was between the 1950s and the 1970s, even for westerners. So far you have only said "nuh uh." Can you point to some metric that supports your conclusion?

It is a little perplexing that somebody can include the 60s and 70s as part their "best era for westerners." Besides the Civil War, they were the most tumultuous decades in American history.


I'm not interested in debating this point with someone who wants to mischaracterise my views through edited quotes.

by Luciom k

One in million no it wouldn't.

Keep in mind the UK current prime minister and London mayor are both immigrants, does that qualify as taking over? Trump and Biden as well.


Neither the PM or the London Mayor are immigrants, as you know.


Ah so the Jews who are born in Israel are natives as well and can never be considered occupants of the area, good to know.

And north american natives were genocided by other natives, not by colonizers, as it wasn't first generation Englishmen who killed them.

Nice take i guess

by Luciom k

Ah so the Jews who are born in Israel are natives as well and can never be considered occupants of the area, good to know.

And north american natives were genocided by other natives, not by colonizers, as it wasn't first generation Englishmen who killed them.

Nice take i guess

Are you still persevering with your line that the PM and Mayor of London, both born in the UK, are immigrants?

One was born in Southampton, the other in South London.

They don't descend from people who were born and raised in the UK in 1900, so from the pov of someone in 1900 who is against immigration because they fear them taking over, yes of course they are immigrants.

Otherwise, if only 1st generation immigrants can be called immigrants, then american natives were genocided by american natives, not by western people. Your call. And palestinians are struggling against palestinians, ie against people born in the same place as them, as native as they are.

Can't use the definition that suits your political prefences in different ways depending on the topic really. It's either immigrants stay so until you can check their family tree and see they aren't majority-natives, no matter how many generations, OR only 1st generation, but it has to work for every society every time.

TIL that according to jalfrezi, a person born in a jewish settlement in the west bank is palestinian.

by jalfrezi k


I'm not interested in debating this point with someone who wants to mischaracterise my views through edited quotes.

The last refuge of somebody spouting absurd nonsense that they know they cannot back up.

by Tien k

Ok let's add some variables of wellbeing to the mix that aren't just $$$.

Access to clean drinking water - 62% in 2000, 74% in 2020.

Access to electricity - Up in the last 40 years -

Access to internet - Up drastically in the last 20 years -

Access to education - 1970 - 40% no formal education. 2024 - 20% no formal education.

Countries with universal right to vote - All increasing

After completely obliterating your argument with the above facts. This response below is pathetic:

by jalfrezi k

Every time you keep repeating this lie I'll repost this.

I have officially shattered your world view. You have spent decades, literally decades believing in something, and today it all turns out to be 100% false.

If you didn't have such a gigantic ego, you would have taken this opportunity to learn, reflect and get better.

The fun fact is that the worldview expressed by jalfrezi was the same of Trump inauguration speech;

This is verbatim from the speech

We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. The oath of office, I take today, is an oath of allegiance to all Americans. For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own. And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon. One by one, the factories shuddered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.

by Montrealcorp k

Like I said globally yes .
They were starting so low too, that helps .
All I’m saying there was cost for it so it’s highly possible many westerners think that 2024 is far from what they had before decades ago as an enjoyable life .

And if it’s so great for you , maybe we should pay like 20% more tax per year and distributed around the world so that we can solve even more problems and help them even more ?
About that ?
Life globally will be even better , even for us right at the

It's not surprising you think the only way to make things better for everyone is more taxes.

It's the other way.

by Tien k

After completely obliterating your argument with the above facts. This response below is pathetic:

I have officially shattered your world view. You have spent decades, literally decades believing in something, and today it all turns out to be 100% false.

If you didn't have such a gigantic ego, you would have taken this opportunity to learn, reflect and get better.

Haha the clueless guy who understands zilch about AI but is damned sure he’s right accuses someone else of egoism. You seem very insecure when your inchoate ideas are challenged.

by Luciom k

The fun fact is that the worldview expressed by jalfrezi was the same of Trump inauguration speech;

This is verbatim from the speech


Not interested in reading a trump speech but obviously part of his appeal to blue collar workers is he understood their fears about job security, something establishment Dems and the GOP dgaf about at the time, though his phrasing is always horrible and he articulates things in a gross way, trying to appeal to the lowest common factors of fear and xenophobia, much as Luciom does.

So we have a PM and London Mayor, both born in the UK, are all of a sudden immigrants. OMG they’re coming to take our power, those people from, um, Hampshire and, um, London

I added 7 other major indicators of wellbeing going up drastically in the last 20 years after you mentioned money was the only indicator I mentioned.

by Tien k

So factually speaking, today 2024, is the best time for humans in history.

by jalfrezi k

That's true iff you think money is the only indication of wellbeing.

by Tien k

Ok let's add some variables of wellbeing to the mix that aren't just $$$.

Access to clean drinking water - 62% in 2000, 74% in 2020.

Access to electricity - Up in the last 40 years -

Access to internet - Up drastically in the last 20 years -

Access to education - 1970 - 40% no formal education. 2024 - 20% no formal education.

Countries with universal right to vote - All increasing

It's time to put up or shut up.

I agree with you that Cuba is one of the best places in the world to live and its population is overall one of the most content.

You didn’t even consider infant mortality rates so by your own logic you don’t give a **** about kids or families. You seem pretty selfish boomerish.

by Luciom k

The fun fact is that the worldview expressed by jalfrezi was the same of Trump inauguration speech;

This is verbatim from the speech

We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. The oath of office, I take today, is an oath of allegiance to all Americans. For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other count

There is a tendency from most people to think that things used to be better. These days, from the right wing POV, that seems to take shape as "our glory days are behind us. We need to make America great again, like it was back then!" From the left wing POV, it takes shape as "You used to be able to pay for college with a minimum wage summer job. You used to be able to buy a house with a minimum wage summer job! Things are so much harder for everybody now and it isn't fair!" There will always be some dicey justifications given why things were better XXX years ago, but the "good old days" are generally either looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses or looking at the present as if we now live in some horrific dystopia.

by jalfrezi k

I agree with you that Cuba is one of the best places in the world to live and its population is overall one of the most content.

It is such a great place that Cubans risk their lives by coming over here on homemade rafts with nothing but the clothes on their backs. It is such a great place to live that the numbers of Cuban immigrants to the United States have broken records in the last few years. I wonder how many Americans have similarly fled the United States with nothing but a dirty t-shirt and a photo album.

I dont actually agree with Jalfrezi (his actual claim not the parady) but the reason populists/etc like trump gain from talk about the great way it used to be is because it encaspulstes the very real anger at how things are going.

Objectively I dont think there's any serious doubt things have improved significantly but that's not actualy what matters. Over time science & technology have dramatically increased how good things are and how good things can be. If we conisder the curve of what is now possible then relative to that things may well have got worse while at the same time things objectively have got much better.

What matter to people is reality vs expectations, inequality and direction of travel. I thinks there's a strong case that these metrics are in a very bad state and that as they are what matter to people, things have got worse. No-one seriously wants to go back to how things actaully used to be but they do want these metrics to go back to how thye used to be.

Another part of it is just gettign old. Life was better in the past because we were young while being old sucks.

for college specifically democrats govern in many states and they can decide state college tuition is free for everyone, or for low income people or whatever their preference is.

why don't they do that? that has nothing to do with the federal government.

they can also finance public housing as much as they want, and any other form of welfare they think is appropriate to have.

why don't they have a Californian medicare for all, why do they want to violently impose it to all states if they don't pass it in their own state first, with their own taxes?

we all know the answer I think
