Eat The Rich!

Eat The Rich!

KS- Moved a conversation in Mod Thread about taxing the wealthy.

I don’t think you guys understand how numbers work.

If billionaires were taxed at the same rates as everyone else ALL TAXES would be covered by their contribution

Nobody else would have to pay any taxes ever.

It’s not my fault you haven’t taught yourself to understand economics and how large large numbers work

Blowjob healthcare would save the country money.

So would reparations.

26 May 2024 at 03:26 PM

427 Replies


by DonkJr k

(1) Seeing as you are seemingly a proud communist, you are not really in a position to lecture others on that matter.

(2) If Luciom has made some pro-fascist statements in this thread, I guess I missed them. FWIW, I don't agree with all of his points, such as painting recent inflation as the sole fault of Democrats, but he has made some decent points today and a couple of funny quips.

You and I did often agree with each other in the mod thread a few months ago, and seeing as your views are asso

Seemingly to a liberal everyone to the left of them is a damn Commie and a source of fear for them, so much that they'd prefer to make friends with fascists to keep the left out. Not being a Communist, it isn't my views that are ever associated with millions of deaths.

Luciom has stated several times that he favours an authoritarian regime where any dissent is met with the death penalty, en masse if needs be to get things done quickly. He also thinks that people with parents from another country are immigrants and shouldn't hold any power. Now what does that sound like to you?

Typically for a liberal you claim to be unaware of this. The obvious parallels with the past are striking.

Guy claims Cuba is a fantastic place then 10 minutes later "my views aren't associated with the deaths caused by communists".

Guy claims that people who plan to violently remove constitutional freedoms should be dealt with lethal violence by the state , the commie calls him a fascist.

Nothing new under the sun.

by Luciom k


A measure of US profit margins has reached its widest since 1950, suggesting that the prices charged by businesses are outpacing their increased costs for production and labor.

After-tax profits as a share of gross value added for non-financial corporations, a measure of aggregate profit margins, improved in the second quarter to 15.5% -- the most since 1950 -- from 14% in the first quarter, according to Commerce Department figures published Thursday.

here when u press on max for graph, u clearly see profits margin by corporations been steady from 1950 to 1990 and then started to go parabolic higher.
Which means the profitability from productivity been mostly capture by the corporations not by the employees.
if u dont get that i have no idea how to expressed it otherwise...
this is basically why trickle economy do not work, has profits from productivity increases , corporation get the profits not the workers !

if workers would get that taste of increase profits from productivity, those profits margins from corporations would obviously be stable not go higher like that right ?

by Luciom k

One in million no it wouldn't.

Keep in mind the UK current prime minister and London mayor are both immigrants, does that qualify as taking over? Trump and Biden as well.

No it doesn’t qualify as taking over. Are we flying a Slovakian flag at the White House? Do we serve trump, his family and their country?

by Luciom k

Guy claims Cuba is a fantastic place then 10 minutes later "my views aren't associated with the deaths caused by communists".

Guy claims that people who plan to violently remove constitutional freedoms should be dealt with lethal violence by the state , the commie calls him a fascist.

Nothing new under the sun.

Cuba is the first county to make a cancer vaccine

Supposedly also has highest literacy rate

and one of the lowest infant mortality rates.

by Luciom k

Guy claims Cuba is a fantastic place then 10 minutes later "my views aren't associated with the deaths caused by communists".

Why lie so often when people can look up and see you're deliberately misquoting?

Goebbels >>>>>>>> Luciom

by PointlessWords k

No it doesn’t qualify as taking over. Are we flying a Slovakian flag at the White House? Do we serve trump, his family and their country?

Is this a takeover then?

Cuba has perhaps the highest literacy rates in the Cuban islands yes

by Luciom k

Yes which is why the insanity passed march 2021 and the worst of inflation arrived later. Peak was June 2022.

I am not saying deficit in 2021 should have been 0, i am saying it should have been 1 trillion instead of the 3 trillions it was because of the insane act passed in march 2011.

march 2021
this is not how inflation works...

ok lets try this then.
trump pass a 2 trillons bill as well in march 2020 right ?
And most people wernt working right ?
so demands was much higher over supply right ?

So why the fack inflation didnt budge from march 2020 at 1.5% to januray 2021 at 1.4% if you think inflation works as quickly as u imply ????

Because it takes up to more then a couple of month to take effect !

It is a widely held view that monetary policy’s impact on the economy takes time – the conventional wisdom is 12 to 18 months.

from februry 2020 to janury 2021, money supply increased from 15 trillion to 19 trillions and yet no inflation ?
Why ?
because contrary to what u say IT TAKES TIME ....not 3 to 6 months...

Anyway believe what u believe.

So when biden print money it does create inflation but when republican do print money it does not create inflation -> baham rhetoric..

Mods can this thread be moved to BFI?

It took a matter of hours before it devolved into mud slinging, name calling, racist taunts, etc.

Washoe exposed the outrageous gas prices and his post was deleted. Moving it to BFI could lose his contributions and I'm not confident he knows how much a big mac currently costs.

by formula72 k

Washoe exposed the outrageous gas prices and his post was deleted.

Washoe deleted his own post, fwiw.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rule #1 of shitting on Billionaires: If it was sourced from reddit, it's at best misleading, but more likely just complete fabrication or pie in the sky bullshit.

Here's Buffett's entire commentary instead of a chopped up TikTok:

We don't mind paying taxes at Berkshire, and we are paying a 21% federal rate on the gains we're taking in Apple. And that rate was 35% not that long ago, and it's been 52% in the past, when I've been operating. And the federal government owns a part of the earnings of the business we make. They don't own the assets, but they own a percentage of the earnings, and they can change that percentage any year. And the percentage that they've decreed currently is 21%.

And I would say with the present fiscal policies, I think that something has to give, and I think that higher taxes are quite likely, and if the government wants to take a greater share of your income, or mine, or Berkshire's, they can do it. And they may decide that someday they don't want the fiscal deficit to be this large, because that has some important consequences, and they may not want to decrease spending a lot, and they may decide they'll take a larger percentage of what we earn and we'll pay it. We always hope, at Berkshire, to pay substantial federal income taxes.

We think it's appropriate that a company, a country that's been as been as generous to our owners, it's been the place… . I was lucky. Berkshire was lucky, was here. If we send in a check like we did last year, we sent in over $5 billion to the US federal government. And if 800 other companies had done the same thing, no other person in the United States would have had to pay a dime of federal taxes, whether income taxes, no Social Security taxes, no estate taxes, no… . It's open down the line.

Now… That's… I would like to… I hope things develop well enough with Berkshire that we say we're in the 800 club and maybe even move up a few notches. It doesn't bother me in the least to write that check. I would really hope, with all America has done for all of you, it shouldn't bother you that we do it. And if I'm doing it at 21% this year and we're doing it at a higher percentage later on, I don't think you'll actually mind the fact that we sold a little Apple this year.

Berkshire Hathaway is always in the top ten of the Fortune list. Usually top five. There aren't 799 other companies who have the kind of revenue required to even end up with a tax burden of $5 billion.

If you expand it to the top 1000 companies in the USA by revenue, you're looking at around $15-16 trillion in revenue. You'd need to take a third of every single dollar that comes in their door to meet the hungry desires of the federal government and do away with the individual income tax. This is impossible for very obvious reasons, not to mention it won't account for state and local tax and regulatory burdens.

Tax the billionaires so that they don’t exist

If you somehow took and efficiently liquidated 100% of every single on-paper dime the US billionaires have, you'd keep the federal budget solvent for a little over a year, with none left over to redistribute to the populace.

So, everyone else would just get to keep their tax money for a year. For the top 50% of Americans, who pay 99% of all income taxes, this would be a sweet one-time injection of disposable income. For the bottom 50% of earners who spend the most time complaining about billionaires, they'd see approximately zero benefit.

Companies that are majority owned by billionaires should also have a total asset cap, lets liquidate that stuff too

Liquidate all assets of companies valued over a billion dollars, or with active holdings of over a billion? Are we going to categorize certain assets as necessary for continued operation, or just create a hard cap? Who is in charge of valuation?

How many more steps until we get to the part where you suggest banning 2-ply toilet paper as a needless luxury of the bourgeois?

liquidating every asset we have while having more liabilities then assets is a sure way to go into a deep depression.
everyone bankrupts, middle class included.

when u have high debts u want to depreciate those liabilities, not making them stronger.
US problem been created over decades.
u cant solve these problems in 2-3 years ...

by PointlessWords k

Companies that are majority owned by billionaires should also have a total asset cap, lets liquidate that stuff too

by Inso0 k

Liquidate all assets of companies valued over a billion dollars, or with active holdings of over a billion? Are we going to categorize certain assets as necessary for continued operation, or just create a hard cap? Who is in charge of valuation?

How many more steps until we get to the part where you suggest banning 2-ply toilet paper as a needless luxury of the bourgeois?

Bro I didn’t say anything like that.

Literally nothing like that. I said A cap.

Ok here’s a better idea. If you’re found to have committed tax fraud after an extensive audit then you’re subject to a stricter wealth cap

... and that cap should be?

PW when Company hits $999,999,999 valuation and just splits into Company1/Company2, resetting the doomsday clock:

by Inso0 k

... and that cap should be?

PW when Company hits $999,999,999 valuation and just splits into Company1/Company2, resetting the doomsday clock:

This is a theoretical conversation

It won't be, once you're elected God Emperor of the Universe and start handing down orders.

The point of these little discussions is to prepare you for game time. As soon as that crown hits your head, you gotta be confident in your dictums and have already sussed out any clever workarounds that would erode your supreme authority.


You: Liquidate all billionaires
Them: Divest their capital to holding entities very loosely, yet legally, still under their control
You: DRAT!

Things like that are easily taxed and avoided. I don’t wish to sit here and explain the minute details of a theoretical question that will likely be answered in our lifetimes
