RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.


A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.

well, duh

“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”

) 5 Views 5
14 February 2025 at 09:30 PM

562 Replies


They should just rename this thread "bUt mUh MeAzLes!!

by BGnight k

Excited to use it. I would love to harvest a bear to render it's fat.

I have a friend who renders it and is a bit obsessed so almost only uses it as a cooking fat (tallow).

my only suggestion is to have help cleaning the kitchen afterwards because it solidifies into an intractable compost at room temperature after using it (I mean the small parts that don't get absorbed).

he went into crazy arguments with his wife for a while for the state the kitchen was left in every time he cooked meat lol

by BGnight k

Just bought some grass fed beef tallow at walmart.

Well good for you.

Darkest timeline.

by TrumpsCuteButt k

Ha that's pretty good.
RFK brought back measles very fast. Record speed.

by tame_deuces k

Not necessarily the politics of this family, we do not know why this child was not vaccinated. We can however blame the politics of the anti-vax movement, its leaders, its influencers and its supporters. Without this, we would not have seen reemergence of measles outbreaks.´[...]

Now we actually do know why she was not vaccinated, namely that the parents were indeed anti-vaxxers.

"“Everybody has it,” he told me. “It’s not so new for us.” He’d also heard that getting measles might strengthen your immune system against other diseases, a view Kennedy has promoted in the past. But perhaps most of all, Peter worried about what the vaccine might do to his children. “The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust,” he said. “We don’t like the vaccinations, what they have these days. We heard too much, and we saw too much.”"

The outbreak has also spread, which is not strange considering how contagious measles are, and it has claimed the second victim in the US that we know of so far, this time an adult.

Did the child in Texas die of measles or with measles?

Nice source, df.

That guy is a mechanical engineer with a quack certificate from a bullshit school hawking the same **** that let Steve Jobs die of cancer

by tame_deuces k

Now we actually do know why she was not vaccinated, namely that the parents were indeed anti-vaxxers.


that's terrible, if things get worse we could reach the damage of a single bad car crash, how could the USA survive that I wonder

by Luciom k

that's terrible, if things get worse we could reach the damage of a single bad car crash, how could the USA survive that I wonder

I don't see you using same rethoric with trans topic.

by weeeez k

I don't see you using same rethoric with trans topic.

because omission isn't the same as action morally.

a kid dies because their parents refused to do something *they can legally refuse to do*.

for trans "youth" kids get harmed because things that is horrifying is allowed to be done to them, then people decide to do that.

if you want the state to forcibly vaccinate all children just say that. It can actually be defended better than most leftist preferences.

but you guys are scared to say that, dunno why.

I would be fine with forced vaccination of all kids if you agree with death penalty for of all violent criminals, deal?

not being willing to eliminate a minuscule risk isn't the same as actively damaging the body of a kid.

for example I am not against parents allowing 5y old to swim in pools even if 200-300 kids die per year in pools.

are you against minors accessing pools weez? why is a drowning baby less valuable to you than a baby dying from measles?

I also notice you didn't reply to the proof that the worldwide accumulated pre COVID knowledge about airborne diseases, decades of tens of thousands of experts studying the topic, didn't make people who spent their all loves dedicated to the topic favourable to lockdowns and masks for the whole population.

IE, that the overwhelming worldwide scientific consensus was fully against lockdowns (and a lot of other NPIs). even for a diseases exceptionally worse than COVID (Spanish flu)

yo calmdown, you have exceptionally bad read on everything.
fwiw I didn't get vaccinated vs covid.

by Luciom k

I also notice you didn't reply to the proof that the worldwide accumulated pre COVID knowledge about airborne diseases, decades of tens of thousands of experts studying the topic, didn't make people who spent their all loves dedicated to the topic favourable to lockdowns and masks for the whole population.

IE, that the overwhelming worldwide scientific consensus was fully against lockdowns (and a lot of other NPIs). even for a diseases exceptionally worse than COVID (Spanish flu)

idk man, you posted UK policy, do they speak for the whole world now?
also you convenientely highlited what served your narrative.

by weeeez k

idk man, you posted UK policy, do they speak for the whole world now?
also you convenientely highlited what served your narrative.

ok you can link me a pre 2020 pandemic plan from any first world country that includes state mandated lockdowns as a viable proposed and supported strategy in case a Spanish -flu level lethality disease appeared.

I highlighted what DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED the purported "scientific consensus* that never existed before about mask efficacy for the general population, and the reasonableness of mandating lockdowns.

keep in mind they denied suspending concerts made sense for **** sakes. they weren't even remotely close to even entertain the POSSIBILITY of stay at home orders for the entire population.

by weeeez k

yo calmdown, you have exceptionally bad read on everything.
fwiw I didn't get vaccinated vs covid.

you aren't very smart then. even if you already got COVID like j did when vaccination came around, one dose is very useful to build an exceptionally powerful and longer lasting protection (so called "hybrid" protection, the most efficacious one in many datasets).

For those of you that post random confirmation bias social media posts...

You should treat all sources on social media as extremely biased and not trust any single source of information as the truth without doing the bare minimum of fact checking.

by AquaSwing k

For those of you that post random confirmation bias social media posts...

You should treat all sources on social media as extremely biased and not trust any single source of information as the truth without doing the bare minimum of fact checking.

You could say the same about any media source tbf not just social media. I mean you've got people in this thread posting articles from the extremely biased rag "The Atlantic" as though it is somehow confirmation of anything.

by Luciom k

you aren't very smart then. even if you already got COVID like j did when vaccination came around, one dose is very useful to build an exceptionally powerful and longer lasting protection (so called "hybrid" protection, the most efficacious one in many datasets).

What a load of bullshit. Hybrid immunity was a con and you fell for it.

I took the vax because I have a strong body and am not a p***y.

by BGnight k

They should just rename this thread "bUt mUh MeAzLes!!

You should never get any vaccine or even see a doctor. I mean, why would you see a doctor that suggested getting an awful vaccine? Especially since they were required to get educated, and we know how education corrupts the mind. Humans survived without doctors for centuries. We don’t need them now.

by Brian James k

What a load of bullshit. Hybrid immunity was a con and you fell for it.

Yup. Total bullshit. Make sure you never go to a conventional doctor again. They’re liars and grifters and frankly you know better than they do.
