RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.


A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.

well, duh

“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”

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14 February 2025 at 09:30 PM

562 Replies


Serious question, though, BJ. Do you think that millions of unvaccinated people survived covid is remarkable given covid's IFR is somewhere between 0.5% and 2.5%?

Another serious question: do you know that death isn't the only negative outcome of an infection?

If you are able to answer those two questions reasonably, can you then explain how you think any of your posts are even partially logical and not just embarrassingly ignorant?

by MrDavitWilliam k

Please quote where MrDavitWilliam said, “If one is not vaccinated, they should be dead” or the equivalent. Otherwise retract your assertion.

FYI MrDavitWilliam fully acknowledges your right to refuse any and all vaccines and more importantly, to do your own research on what medical treatments will be best for you. In fact, MrDavitWilliam strongly encourages you and yours to do just that.

Another FYI, your dumb ass is on ignore, so I’m only gonna see your response if I’m logged out. Don’t get va

I strongly recommend adding Luciom to your ignore list, but half-heartedly recommend keeping BJ around for the laughs. His ignorance + arrogance combo, while usually annoying, actually cracks me up most of the time. If not, I totally get it.

by Luciom k

David Williams has been saying repeatedly that he is happy republicans didnt take the vax because so they die in droves and society gets better.

BJ just answers that saying well I am not dead actually.


MrDavitWilliam has clearly stated, numerous times, that he thinks everyone should consult their Doctor on whether or not a vaccine or medical treatment is best for them.

If they choose to listen to massive ****** SeanHannity or big fat stupid RushLimbsugb or some other college dropout right wing blowhard instead of their doctors, that’s their idiotic choice. But I will not shed a tear for them when GOOD information was out there and they just chose to listen to crackheads instead and end up dying in my spouses’s ICU (as many did). I am going to cash the paycheck and not bat an eye. They are the party of personal responsibility. They can own their ****.

If that cold reality is too much for you, I give not a ****. Toughen up, snowflake. The facts do not care about your feelings.

Make the undead great again. MUGA.

If you can learn to laugh at:

by Brian James k

I'm not dead AND NOT VACCINATED. How do you explain that genius? None of the other unvaccinated people I know are dead either.

and not be annoyed buy it, then by all means, don't block him. You'll get some good belly laughs out of him. Luciom will just make you want to jump into a wood-chipper.

by Gorgonian k

Serious question, though, BJ. Do you think that millions of unvaccinated people survived covid is remarkable given covid's IFR is somewhere between 0.5% and 2.5%?

Another serious question: do you know that death isn't the only negative outcome of an infection?

If you are able to answer those two questions reasonably, can you then explain how you think any of your posts are even partially logical and not just embarrassingly ignorant?

You’re not going to get a serious answer, as he knows he’s been check-mated. He’s just too much of a coward to own it.

by Luciom k

Well now you know it.

Statistics is the language of science, you cannot comprehend science without a solid basis in it, and you can comprehend all science with a solid basis in it (and enough time to dedicate to the discipline toh are interested into).

Yes if you know statistics and spend time reading papers you can evaluate the validity of any medical causal claim, almost always better than generic physicians who aren't specific experts about that medical niche itself.

English is the language of American doctors so I'm a doctor now too. This is pretty cool actually. I knew words would help me one day.

by MrDavitWilliam k

You’re not going to get a serious answer, as he knows he’s been check-mated. He’s just too much of a coward to own it.

I know. I don't do it for an answer from him. Like I said, I just laugh at him. It's to make sure everyone else knows he's not to be taken seriously.

by pocket_zeros k

English is the language of American doctors so I'm a doctor now too. This is pretty cool actually. I knew words would help me one day.

keep arguing in bad faith np, even after I wrote extensively about how completly different it is to be a doctor, and to be capable of evaluating causal claims in scientific literature (there is almost no overlap at all).

by Gorgonian k

Serious question, though, BJ. Do you think that millions of unvaccinated people survived covid is remarkable given covid's IFR is somewhere between 0.5% and 2.5%?

Another serious question: do you know that death isn't the only negative outcome of an infection?

If you are able to answer those two questions reasonably, can you then explain how you think any of your posts are even partially logical and not just embarrassingly ignorant?

The answer to your first question is, no.

The answer to your second one is, vaccination doesn't prevent you from getting infected.

Any more "tough" questions Einstein? LMAO

by Luciom k

keep arguing in bad faith np, even after I wrote extensively about how completly different it is to be a doctor, and to be capable of evaluating causal claims in scientific literature (there is almost no overlap at all).

We both know statistics and English so maybe we can cure cancer together.

by Brian James k

vaccination doesn't prevent you from getting infected.

Seat belts and airbags do not prevent wrecks, therefore BrianJames has them removed from all of his vehicles because of logics.

by Brian James k

The answer to your first question is, no.

The answer to your second one is, vaccination doesn't prevent you from getting infected.

Any more "tough" questions Einstein? LMAO

No. You've "answered" enough. It's quite telling that you thought the answer to "do you know..." could be anything other than yes or no. A simple yes or no question and your answer was to attack a straw man. Cool!

No one but you thought those were meant to be tough. The funny part is you still failed spectacularly.

Thanks for the laugh, again.

by Gorgonian k

I strongly recommend adding Luciom to your ignore list, but half-heartedly recommend keeping BJ around for the laughs. His ignorance + arrogance combo, while usually annoying, actually cracks me up most of the time. If not, I totally get it.

by pocket_zeros k

We both know statistics and English so maybe we can cure cancer together.

again: I never claimed or implied I would be good at running a cohort study, did I? nor at researching any claim as lead researcher or anything.

could I be good as a consultant for constructing proper studies? yes with some time dedicated to get domain knowledge.

could I be good at communicating scientific results to the public? yes, very

by Gorgonian k

Thanks for the laugh, again.

Likewise Einstein.

by Brian James k

Likewise Einstein.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Seat belts and airbags do not prevent wrecks, therefore BrianJames has them removed from all of his vehicles because of logics.

Hey, I thought you were going to put me on ignore.

Don't tell me you were lying again. I'm shocked.

by Brian James k

Hey, I thought you were going to put me on ignore.

Don't tell me you were lying again. I'm shocked.

Your weak attempt at deflection from your irrefutably ******ed logic is duly noted.*

Helmets do not keep one from crashing their motorcycle or bicycle. BrianJames ain’t wearing no helmet like a chump!

Diapers do not prevent babies from shitting themselves. BrianJames ain’t putting no diapers on no babies like a chump!

Modern medicines for blood pressure, cholesterol, chronic pain, etc. do not prevent any of those things. BrianJames ain’t taking no pills like a chump!

BrianJames ain’t no chump. Just ask him!!

*The severe limitations of the ignore feature have been discussed to death. To pretend to be unaware of them in a pathetic effort to deflect from your piss poor logic with respect to the Covid vaccine only further embarrasses your dumb ass. Do better.

by Gorgonian k

I always enjoy that the consensus of nearly every medically educated professional on the planet backed by literally mountains of data is "a con" but things posted by a nameless account on Twitter with absolutely nothing supporting it is instantly gospel truth.

What a world to live in.

I agree with most of the posts you make, Gorgonian. I will just state something that might be a little helpful--that a lot of people are not logical creatures. Showing them undeniable, irrefutable proof will still not be enough for many people. Individuals often make conclusions based on very limited information and simply based on their own individual experiences and/or emotions. Since this is a poker forum, surely you have witnessed this many times with regards to poker, but obviously also with regards to vaccines and politics as these are threads I've seen you post in. You sort of just have to decide quickly on whether an individual is going to debate/discuss in good faith or if they have already made their decisions and will not change them regardless of what information/data/proof is supplied to them.

I wholeheartedly agree with the end of your post, though.

What a world to live in.

JFC. Another "trust the experts" idiot.

I hope all you sheeple are up to date with your boosters. I recommend you get as many as you can.

Oh, by the way did you guys see the study I posted earlier? It's got lots of data and stats in it. I wouldn't blame you if you don't look at it though. It's not good news for the mRNA junkies.

by Brian James k

JFC. Another "trust the experts" idiot.

I hope all you sheeple are up to date with your boosters. I recommend you get as many as you can.

Oh, by the way did you guys see the study I posted earlier? It's got lots of data and stats in it. I wouldn't blame you if you don't look at it though. It's not good news for the mRNA junkies.

If one is not supposed to trust the experts in a particular field, who are they supposed to trust?

Where would humanity be if we didn’t trust the experts?

Of all the stupid things you’ve posted, this is the stupidest. Congratulations.

by MrDavitWilliam k

If one is not supposed to trust the experts in a particular field, who are they supposed to trust?

Where would humanity be if we didn’t trust the experts?

Of all the stupid things you’ve posted, this is the stupidest. Congratulations.

there is a significant number of cases where admitting we don't know enough would be far better than trusting experts peddling falsehoods.

but the main problem with "trust the experts" isn't even that, it's just that experts vehemently disagree among themselves most of the times about a big part of their fields.

so there is no expert consensus to trust (or not) in a wide range of cases, what we are asked to trust is usually the slice of experts that agree with the person telling you to trust experts.

by MrDavitWilliam k

If one is not supposed to trust the experts in a particular field, who are they supposed to trust?

Where would humanity be if we didn’t trust the experts?

Of all the stupid things you’ve posted, this is the stupidest. Congratulations.

Well to clarify, I would say don't trust an expert just because they are labelled an expert. Lots of experts are compromised financially, especially in the pharmaceutical/medical field.

Therefore the very first thing you should do is verify that there are no conflicts of interest before trusting them.

If you want an example of experts getting it badly wrong just look at the Thalidomide debacle.

by MrDavitWilliam k

If one is not supposed to trust the experts in a particular field, who are they supposed to trust?

Where would humanity be if we didn’t trust the experts?

Of all the stupid things you’ve posted, this is the stupidest. Congratulations.

My favorite part is:

A. You idiots trust the experts? Imagine!

B. Check out what these experts say. Bad news for you!

At this point, it has to be on purpose.

Spoiler: BJ, no. Nobody looks at the trash you post. Sometimes I do so I can make fun of it, but I doubt anyone else does. You've done nothing to make anyone think you are capable of determining what's worth posting, so no one bothers looking when you do.

Just for you, BJ, I looked. It took 15 seconds to find the first LOL moment.

Sorli AS OPEN ACCESS Freely available online
J Clin Trials, Vol.15 Iss.S32 No:1000001
Graphical analysis of global mortality based on Our World
In 2021, 6.08 million more people died than in 2020. In 2020
and 2021 there was a COVID-19 pandemic; in 2020 there was
no COVID-19 vaccination, and in 2021 there was a COVID-19
vaccination. The living circumstances on the planet were similar
in 2020 and 2021. In 2020 and in 2021, we had COVID-19
pandemics. The main difference in living circumstances of the
global population was COVID-19 vaccination in 2021. Our World
Data confirms that COVID-19 vaccination increased the "global
mortality" in 2020, which was 6.30 million, by an additional 6.08
million in 2021, which means 96.5%,

Whoever this one rogue clown is, he thinks the only difference between 2020 and 2021 was the vaccine. He has no idea that the pandemic was in full spread for 100% of 2021, but not close to 100% of 2020, and somehow conveniently forgot about the delta variant being twice as transmissible as the previous strains in addition to much more virulent. He also seems to think that the vaccine was instantly in 100% of the world's arms on day 1 of January 2021. To attribute ALL of the difference in mortality to "we had vaccines in 2021" is HYSTERICAL.

Surely you read it and caught that travesty? Why would you post that with a straight face? Are you really that gullible?
