RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.


A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.

well, duh

“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”

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14 February 2025 at 09:30 PM

562 Replies


by steamraise k

The idiots and *******s are in charge. Buckle. Up.

BJ is simply a troll. Almost guarantees he and his family are fully vaccinated for C19

I used to think all of these people were trolls. Then Trump got elected and covid happened. They are real. And not smart.

How are all the sheeple today? Don't forget to get your boosters.



Speaking of sheeple.

Sheeple who follow stevenmiller on Twitter….post stupid ****.

Weird. I just RSVP'd out of curiosity and it doesn't say that.

Not that it would matter if it did.

Gorgo how many boosters have you had?

by housenuts k

Gorgo how many boosters have you had?

housenuts how many diapers are you wearing

by Gorgonian k

housenuts how many diapers are you wearing


I got the initial vax, then a booster. Was basically required in Canada.

Wasn't planning on getting any more but they were giving boosters at the school across the street. So I walked over there at got the booster.

So I'm triple jabbed. Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna.

How about you?


by housenuts k


I got the initial vax, then a booster. Was basically required in Canada.

Wasn't planning on getting any more but they were giving boosters at the school across the street. So I walked over there at got the booster.

So I'm triple jabbed. Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna.

How about you?

Absolutely none of your business.

by Gorgonian k

Absolutely none of your business.

too embarrassed to share. love it.

by housenuts k

too embarrassed to share. love it.

Not embarrassed, just not jumping when you say jump.

Can you explain why anyone would be embarrassed about that number? Only number I would be embarrassed to admit is 0.

by Gorgonian k

Not embarrassed, just not jumping when you say jump.

Can you explain why anyone would be embarrassed about that number? Only number I would be embarrassed to admit is 0.

No, I can't explain why people are embarrassed to share. That's a you thing.

by housenuts k

too embarrassed to share.

******ed assumption.

by jjjou812 k

Sheeple who follow stevenmiller on Twitter….post stupid ****.

And are stupid.

by Gorgonian k

Can you explain why anyone would be embarrassed about that number?

by housenuts k

No, I can't explain why people are embarrassed to share.

Do you think this nonsense does anything besides make you look dishonest or illiterate? It doesn't.

by Gorgonian k

Do you think this nonsense does anything besides make you look dishonest or illiterate? It doesn't.

Thoughts are only as valuable as the brain that produced them.

by Gorgonian k

Do you think this nonsense does anything besides make you look dishonest or illiterate? It doesn't.

You're the lead shill for covid vaccine on 2p2 yet won't even share how many times you've taken it. That's dishonesty.

And such a weird thing to not share.

by housenuts k

You're the lead shill for covid vaccine on 2p2 yet won't even share how many times you've taken it. That's dishonesty.

And such a weird thing to not share.

Oh I'll share it. Just not with you. You've done nothing to earn even a base level of effort. And there's no legitimate reason for you to ask.

The truth is I don't even know how many. But if someone I had even a shred of respect for asked I'd go look it up.

That's not you.

Tip: if you legitimately want to know for benign reasons, convince me of that or get someone that's not a complete scumbag to ask me. Then I'll consider answering. Until then, go bother someone else.

Oh also, I don't shill for it. Don't take it. I don't care. I think you're stupid for not taking it, but feel more than free. What I don't do is allow lying about it.

trump's boosted to the max--dude's a walking spike protein factory.

by housenuts k

You're the lead shill for covid vaccine on 2p2 yet won't even share how many times you've taken it. That's dishonesty.

And such a weird thing to not share.

He's too embarrassed to admit how many he's taken because he knows how dumb it will make him look.

You can guarantee he's taken them all. For sure.

Sheeple are gonna sheeple.

I kind of look at it as an IQ test. The more clot shots you've had the lower your IQ and vice versa.

by Brian James k

He's too embarrassed to admit how many he's taken because he knows how dumb it will make him look.

You can guarantee he's taken them all. For sure.

Sheeple are gonna sheeple.

I kind of look at it as an IQ test. The more clot shots you've had the lower your IQ and vice versa.

The idea that you idiots think I'd be ashamed of getting vaccinated is hysterical. But this is exactly why I didn't answer the question. It was asked in order to get ammunition for you to attack. Sorry, you just have to guess how many I've had. All I'll say is I'm vaccinated. I will definitely tell you I haven't had a booster in at least 2 years, though, if you find that tidbit interesting.

by Gorgonian k

I will definitely tell you I haven't had a booster in at least 2 years, though, if you find that tidbit interesting.

Curious. I feel bad for the old people that aren't protected in your proximity. Really selfish.
