POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You
It was an honor to spend 2o23 with yall. And I look forward to spending 2o24 here too.
Happy New Year!
50:50 obv
Gotta be higher than that
i bought a sword when i was like 18, which would have been 1989. i went downtown in SF, and there was some shop that sold knives and swords down there. i paid cash(probably around 80 1989 dollars) so fbi never knew about it afaik. it was a gift for my 14 year old brother.
i remember carrying it home, walking, and at the stop light downtown about a dozen or so people are standing with me waiting for the light to turn green, and on the other side of the street there about a dozen people also waiting. when the light turned and our 2 groups started walking towards each other, i imagined it was a battle, and we were two opposing armies. i was the only one with a sword
another sword story:
my friend was making a movie in london, and the assistant director was carrying a few swords(props for the movie). he was a sikh, so he was wearing a turban. this was like 2005. the london cops tackled him to the ground. no conversation, no nothing. they just saw a man in a turban with swords and tackled him.
he was a really sweet guy. he was in tears. really ****ed up
gotta post at 4:20
I think the sword would be a great complement to your tactical pen!
nice one mark!
Filthy, if you are looking for healthy "fastfood", you should look up California Fish Grill. They are expanding into LA county. Great food, great prices.
that place looks great! thanks mark!
I'm depressed. [emoji53]
hang in there irtm
it will pass
sometimes just taking a walk, and appreciating the sky and fresh air can be surprisingly helpful
Hey IRTM, hope you're doing OK and feel free to message me if you wanna chat with someone. Just talking can help and random strangers are sometimes the best people for it(I know we play games together here but I'd put myself in "random stranger" category)
As filthy said, it will pass. Just like happiness passes and goes away, so does sadness. The only constant is that emotions are fleeting. Such is life, you will feel good and bad plenty of times more
The only constant is Evan
the only constant is change
mark! i got a restaurant to pay me $5.50 for ordering a $2.25 side dish
i happen to know this place gives 8 dollars if your order is 40 or more. it's not an advertised thing. i know it just cuz im fat af
so i saw my order was 39.75, and knew i had to order something else lol
mark! i got a restaurant to pay me $5.50 for ordering a $2.25 side dish
i happen to know this place gives 8 dollars if your order is 40 or more. it's not an advertised thing. i know it just cuz im fat af
so i saw my order was 39.75, and knew i had to order something else lol
lol nice!
I think I've optimized the NFL Chargers McDonalds promo "Get a free Big Mac with $2 purchase" pretty well over 2-4 people. hehe
I just accidentally liked a message to my enemy that I was rereading and sent over a decade ago. How do I die now?
Quick help me
double down and send "just wanted to remind you that you ****ing suck"
What do y'all do in this spot?
My partner obviously wants to know when I have plans out of town/generally likes to know what I'm doing in life.
I go to a 12 hour car race for a week, every year.
I know that she doesn't give a **** about car racing.
If I don't invite her (just tell her that I'm going), I get the response you would expect.
When I did invite her I got chastised for liking "cars going in circles" (its not a circle!), not knowing her, and putting car racing before our relationship.
Even my therapist is kind of confused, so obviously I turn to POG.
For some things I say like, "we're talking about going to vegas in march, would you want to go", then when she says no I may say "do you mind if I go"
But it depends what the thing is. I don't have to walk on eggshells so the exact wording doesn't matter much either.
Not sure what I'd do with an antagonistic response, maybe say I like them you don't have to or nothing or break up depends how often it happens. It's good to have some seperate hobbies.