SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.

Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.

29 June 2009 at 02:20 AM

295 Replies


This is degenerate behavior. In at dev buying his own token level.

Good and Evil are Entangled.


Ego is a pleasure-pain complex used for self training.


Toupee or not toupee
That's the question

Aging is an interesting phenomenon. Object and subject.

This is a 2+2 thread link for all poker scientists out there:

I wasn't sure where to post this thread because it mixes poker math and physics.

It's a stopwatch poker game which is time dilation resistant. Reading highly recommended.

Existence makes sense.


Existence transcends nothingness.


Language is anthropomorphic. Everything we say anthropomorphizes whatever we're talking about.


I like to take a peek at myself once in a while just to make sure I'm still there.


If you think you end outside of the epidermis, pinpoint on this here map do you think you begin.

Nothing could exist inside that bag of skin if it wasn't for everything outside of it.

All those stars and galaxies, You're doing that.

We take sides with only so much of what we call self. The rest we other.

Forget everything for a moment.... Close your eyes. I AM.

The world being made of stuff is just an idea, The world as just an idea, it also just someone's idea.

Therefore, I am not the body. I am not this mind. I am not this..thought. The thinker behind the thought is just another thought.

The bullet that whizzed by Donald Trump's ear is still in motion.

Redemption Red Eye Rye is the best beer in the world.

Ok who here was aware of this:

Granted it's only useful if at least one of the numbers involved is easy to handle (e.g. if you have 17% of 79, the reverse is not really easier to do), but still mind kinda blown. The math is trivial obv.

Unaware. Cool trick.

Edit: Works with any fractions: a/b of c/d = c/d of a/b (obv because fraction multiplication is commutative).

Yeah I usually don't use percent, so 16% is just 0.16 to me, and 0.16*50 = 16*0.5 is not that big of a reveal.

Cool. Unaware. However, 4.5*6 is not the same as 6.5*4.


I learned something that I didn't know also. Now I can't tell if it was this or something else.

It went viral and involved arithmetic is all I know.

anyone remember a news website that was 4 numbers?
it was like... or something?
and it was very basic news headlines.
no opinion based stuff.
