Universally acclaimed art/artists...that just don't do it for you
For me: Bob Dylan.
I just don't get it, no matter how hard I've tried. Sure, the lyrics are interesting, but except for a handful of songs, they mostly bore me musically.
And although I will listen to a few of his songs if they happen to come on the radio, I have never willingly put on a Bob Dylan song or album.
David Hockney
Seriously, what is this crap?
I've seen better art on the walls of a middle school hallway.
What are yours?
come on, Guys. Are Maya Rudolph, SOAD, and Lil Wayne "universally acclaimed?"
Do you Dylan haters not even like any other singers' covers of his songs?
I usually find Hockney at least interesting.
I just don't get Jackson Pollock. At all. Never seen a work in person.
Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower is better than anything Dylan himself has recorded.
My favorite Dylan cover.
i'm not a big fan of this genre very much - but this is a fun album
and every single tool album is amazing
favorite one off song
favorite album
Good question. I don't really know. Chevy Chase got film roles, but was he ever acclaimed?
He lands somewhere between Steve Martin and Dan Aykroid. There are a few actor/comedians from that era that I would call acclaimed: Bill Murray, John Belushi, Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin, John Candy and Chevy Chase.
If it was up to me, I'd replace Belushi with Martin Short. Add John Belushi to the list of universally acclaimed artists that just don't do it for me.
While we're on the subject of philosophers...
The essential mistake of most philosophers is that they start out with the colossal mistake that live is serious. This is also the quintessential mistake of the religious goons that have injected so much misery into the human condition with their inane babble.
David Lynch
Yep, don't find either George Carlin or Richard Pryor funny at all.
Pryor is great. Carlin loses me because he's so preachy. I like his observational jokes about looking at your watch and not knowing what time it is, or having too much stuff, but when he gets political, it comes off as pompous.