Universally acclaimed art/artists...that just don't do it for you

Universally acclaimed art/artists...that just don't do it for you

For me: Bob Dylan.

I just don't get it, no matter how hard I've tried. Sure, the lyrics are interesting, but except for a handful of songs, they mostly bore me musically.

And although I will listen to a few of his songs if they happen to come on the radio, I have never willingly put on a Bob Dylan song or album.


David Hockney

Seriously, what is this crap?
I've seen better art on the walls of a middle school hallway.


What are yours?

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02 November 2024 at 08:14 PM

204 Replies


Butters is awesome

I love Butters!

by 2pairsof2s k

Basquiat: Just, whatever. IMO many who make their careers in the fine arts have reputations (and prices) which far outweigh the talent of the artist or the quality of the work. The idea that some mish-mash that Basquiat tossed off in an afternoon while nodding on heroin is now worth $Millions$ baffles me.

GTFO you ignoramus.

The act of being 'Baffled' as a insulation to ignorance is an ineffectual intellectual perspective.

by lastcardcharlie k

Mick Jagger's voice is annoying.

by MSchu18 k

Is this pro or con?

by D1iabol1cal k

Butters is awesome

easily my favorite character (after Jimmy)

the cripple fight between Jimmy and Timmy that is a shot-by-shot homage to the big fight between Roddy Piper and Keith David in They Live! is amazing

by Yeboah k




Man, at least play something from Satanic Majesties.


What an ****-ass. Always thought that since the very first time I heard him.

lol I hate that whiny bastard more than anyone. He just sucks. Bad singer, bad songwriting. It's a shame Johnny Marr was stuck with him for so long.

The Smiths are a great band despite the worst possible front man.

See the Rick Astley gig at Glastonbury last year where he just did Smiths songs. It ****ing rocked.

I love the odd Crooner every now and again...

by Phat Mack k

Is this pro or con?


Frank Sinatra


Pink Floyd.

by lastcardcharlie k

Pink Floyd.

Ah yes, that's one I forgot to mention.

It's strange, as Time is one of the few songs (another being Limelight) that speak to me--that I feel I get--and is one of my favorites of all time.

The rest of Pink Floyd is fine and all that, but doesn't really get me going.

by diebitter k

Frank Sinatra


by MSchu18 k


by lastcardcharlie k

Pink Floyd.

seconded if late career, early stuff is amazing.

Not sure it's universally acclaimed, but won an Oscar....I couldn't take Annie Hall.

I can say, with some experience, nobody from Chippewa Falls is like that. Couldn't get past it.

by lastcardcharlie k

Pink Floyd.

Agree. I find their music depressing and at times juvenile.

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by diebitter k

Frank Sinatra


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I can not stand this knucklehead or anything he is associated with...

I can watch Se7en and Margin Call... but I do not watch those for his performance.

Eric Clapton.
