Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11553 Replies


by Husker k

He misses out the part about him being unable to beat any stakes online.

Another classic Diesel for sure.

He is basically a full blown promogrinder at this point anyway, so he is forced to log hours at rooms that hosts promotions.

by LuvDaVlogs k

Trying to find a place to play pickup bball since moving to vegas, found this new gym and have to register online to play, they call the day im playing "Dr Diesel Day" thought that was funny. Cant wait to see el diesel there dropping 40 in his XXXL shorts

by Petrucci k

Another classic Diesel for sure.

He is basically a full blown promogrinder at this point anyway, so he is forced to log hours at rooms that hosts promotions.

Yep. I love how he says he doesn't chase promos but he's aware of them. Then he proceeds to play at Horseshoe and MGM most of the time in Vegas. You know, the two rooms where the promos rewards hours grinders. Rooms you can literally play 5% vpip and earn $10/hr from the promos.

by Koshka k

Yep. I love how he says he doesn't chase promos but he's aware of them. Then he proceeds to play at Horseshoe and MGM most of the time in Vegas. You know, the two rooms where the promos rewards hours grinders. Rooms you can literally play 5% vpip and earn $10/hr from the promos.

Lmao at him not chasing promos, i mean does he believes these BS claims himself? What he can squeeze out of the promos is accounting for more than 50 percent of his yearly income at this point, if not even more.

He is chasing promos so hard that he _tries_ to not win pots because then he is contributing toward the promo pot of money.

Edit: The thing that fascinates me with Diesel is that when i am sure he cant manage to be anymore stupid than he already seems, he goes ahead and does just that. Absolutely incredible.

by droopy0021 k

Short answer, yes. Too much politics and arguments with I got next. As you get older having a game where you know how many will be there, someone managing those who are a challenge and booting them out, limiting arguments well worth it. Parallels can be drawn to growth of private poker games over past few years vs casino.

I’ve played in a private hoops game at a local HS for over 20 years. Used to play more than that, now once per week is enough. Wouldn’t want to show up to a YMCA and try

Public games have their moments. I recall one "I got next game" in LA when almost everyone there suddenly pulled out blue hats and one guy discreetly told me I should leave .... because one other player had been made as a Blood. Took my leave, as advised.

by Petrucci k

Lmao at him not chasing promos, i mean does he believes these BS claims himself? What he can squeeze out of the promos is accounting for more than 50 percent of his yearly income at this point, if not even more.

He is chasing promos so hard that he _tries_ to not win pots because then he is contributing toward the promo pot of money.

Edit: The thing that fascinates me with Diesel is that when i am sure he cant manage to be anymore stupid than he already seems, he goes ahead and does just that. Abs

Diesel's whole life is an UNO reverse card.

Says he doesn't chase promos yet mostly plays at promo rooms.

Wants to play in sociable games yet he's not sociable at all unless it's baseball stats or who sings the songs coming from the PA every song and annoying everyone and wanting him shut up.

Says he wants to win the most money as quickly as possible so he can retire. Plays the lowest limits only and doesn't work on his game to raise his win rate.

Says inflation doesn't affect him and to just buy stuff not affected by inflation as he travels across the country in a beat up car with poor gas mileage.

Detailed oriented yet refuses to call Horseshoe by it's now proper name along with other places. Refuses to pronounce Nevada correctly cause he doesn't like how it sounds.

The list goes on and on.

by Gzesh k

Curious, at public courts in Chicago during the last century, your 5 (full court) or 3 (half court) called, "next". An informal system that worked well about 40 years ago, did it fall out of favor ?

i played NYC street ball for 20+ years and it was amazing for the most part. we played in almost all boroughs and north jersey.. i could write a book on how different the games were just on the different parts of Manhattan. i def don't see the same culture here but the weather is different and im 45+ so I don't visit courts like I used to

by Petrucci k

Rice is basically a full blown promo grinder at this point.

by Koshka k

Yep. I love how Rice says he doesn't chase promos . Then he proceeds to play at Horseshoe and MGM most of the time in Vegas. You know, the two rooms where the promos rewards hours grinders. Rooms you can literally play 5% vpip and earn $10/hr from the promos.

by Petrucci k

What Rice can squeeze out of the promos is accounting for more than 50 percent of his yearly income at this point, if not even more.

Rice will be playing 30 hours a week at [strike]'Bally's'[/strike] Horseshoe for the foreseeable future so he can qualify for the two free promo tournaments they hold each week.
Don't be surprised if Rice starts grinding the Westgate promos.

by LuvDaVlogs k

Trying to find a place to play pickup bball since moving to vegas, found this new gym and have to register online to play, they call the day im playing "Dr Diesel Day" thought that was funny. Cant wait to see el diesel there dropping 40 in his XXXL shorts

Remember, he does has a JD.

by Turdzilla k

Would you buy chunks of sugar from someone with rotten teeth?

It's also hot as ballz in the summer, outside on paved or concrete parking lots.

by Turdzilla k

How old do you have to be to play PB?

Have to be able to remember the Nixon administration. Or reminded that you lived through it even though you forgot it.

by droopy0021 k

Short answer, yes. Too much politics and arguments with I got next. As you get older having a game where you know how many will be there, someone managing those who are a challenge and booting them out, limiting arguments well worth it. Parallels can be drawn to growth of private poker games over past few years vs casino.

I’ve played in a private hoops game at a local HS for over 20 years. Used to play more than that, now once per week is enough. Wouldn’t want to show up to a YMCA and try

In Chicago I would imagine Glocks got next.

by iwasbanned k

Rice will be playing 30 hours a week at [strike]'Bally's'[/strike] Horseshoe for the foreseeable future so he can qualify for the two free promo tournaments they hold each week.
Don't be surprised if Rice starts grinding the Westgate promos.

He plays the Trooper game, right? What promos do they have?

by angle_shooter k

I agree. He's more likeable now that he's no longer pretending to be something that he's not. I mean his whole narrative of how he outgrew poker is total BS. He just can't admit that he wasn't cut out for poker, but I guess that shouldn't be a great shock to anyone. At least he has found something more productive, even if it is just piggy-backing off LTs business idea.

It was interesting him talking about wanting to do 3 farmers markets per week and being able to sell up to $800 candy at each mar

Farmer's Markets in June when it's 108 are going to be RIPE.

No way he grinds this 3x a week for a full year. NONE. She might.

by prairiebreeze k

Farmer's Markets in June when it's 108 are going to be RIPE.

No way he grinds this 3x a week for a full year. NONE. She might.

I don't know,he was parading around the strip last year in a hoody delivering 20 dollars worth of candy at a time.

by Gzesh k

Curious, at public courts in Chicago during the last century, your 5 (full court) or 3 (half court) called, "next". An informal system that worked well about 40 years ago, did it fall out of favor ?

Yeah Pick up games run by calling next are still around but they are dying out for organized/hosted games, just like poker. Games without a host go so slow due to arguing and fouling when the game gets tight. Covid played a part and at least by me, an increase in violence hurt outdoor games too.

Someone get Diesel in these Dr Diesel games, I doubt he would shoot much, he has a good frame for boxing out, and it will help his cardio so he can continue his 4 cigar a day habit without losing his breath climbing three stairs lol.

by Lionelhuttz k

Yeah Pick up games run by calling next are still around but they are dying out for organized/hosted games, just like poker. Games without a host go so slow due to arguing and fouling when the game gets tight. Covid played a part and at least by me, an increase in violence hurt outdoor games too.

Someone get Diesel in these Dr Diesel games, I doubt he would shoot much, he has a good frame for boxing out, and it will help his cardio so he can continue his 4 cigar a day habit without losing his bre

I would pay the subscription fee for a weekly basketball vlog from El diesel for sure

Footage of Diesel playing basketball.

by borg23 k

I don't know,he was parading around the strip last year in a hoody delivering 20 dollars worth of candy at a time.

And I bet he was ripe then too. Nasty old never washed black hoodie equally nasty unwashed black trucker hat in 108 degree heat. LOL.

by parisron k

Footage of Diesel playing basketball.

So you are saying “bricklayer”?

Once again, the YouTube comments section exposes Diesel's true self.

When asked if he's talkative at the table or quiet...

"The focus of the channel isn't strategy or tells. But I'm often very social. Trivia, sports, tv, Vegas attractions." - Diesel

Ah yes. Nothing says a great fun table then quizzing people about random stuff. Also LOL as I'm often very social.

Hey Diesel. Being social is saying hi to new players. Asking where they're from, how long they're in Vegas for, what do they do for a living etc. It's not talking about stuff that interests you or being silent.

how is "trivia" ever welcome at a poker table

Are There TOO MANY SLOT MACHINES in Las Vegas?

Rice, the casino executive.

I am working on a project for MGM Grand.

Should I hire him as a consultant?

I guess he doesn't understand that slot players like moving between machines.

Highways are essentially empty eight hours a day; let's eliminate them.

Maybe he should have tried to count at 10pm on Saturday vs 8pm on Friday.

IMO 8pm Friday is not that busy, as many people are at dinner and shows with their significant other.

by Turdzilla k

Are There TOO MANY SLOT MACHINES in Las Vegas?

Rice, the casino executive.

I am working on a project for MGM Grand.

Should I hire him as a consultant?

I mean, how could the world not be going under if we didnt have a "i know it all" guy like Rice at our disposal?
