Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

how bad must he be when a girl falls asleep while making out and snores right after?

life fish..... food arrived but didn't eat it....

o well atleast the girl grinded him on the rails of a club, almost got kicked out for grinding? Kappa

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23 June 2015 at 07:07 AM

1573 Replies


by damian^ k

How come Amanda never rails him on these Pokergo streaming tables

because they don't have these events in DN's house.

by damian^ k

How come Amanda never rails him on these Pokergo streaming tables?

by borg23 k

Because they don't have these events in DN's house.

Someone in another thread asked if Amanda will be railing Daniel, in person, at the WSOP today?
That's a fair question.
I'm leaning towards Amanda will show up if and when Daniel makes the final three today.
This thing can literally go on for 10+ hours, and not to be picking on Amanda, but she's 'in no shape' to be out in public for a very long day.
And let's not delve into what I mean when I say 'in no shape'.

by Eeladam k

I like that part in the vlog which is just Daniel smiling along with Phil Ivey. No hands, no table talk, just two middle aged men, who grinded together as young men, made it, kept it, and now they are still enjoying their game.

Frankly motivating **** to aspire to.

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment of this post in a romantic sense and I’m actually a fan boy of both Ivey & Dnegs, this is utter jibberish Ivey was stuck basically infinite millions (not due to his divorce or the baccarat legals, but he was apparently down horrendous sports betting, craps and nosebleed cash), so he didn’t ’kept it’, although he’s been on a bit of heater of late in live poker mtts but I doubt he’s actually making much money, the stakes pales in comparison to what was rumoured lost in craps and sports. Dnegs also wouldn’t be in the position he’s in, from poker playing itself, he’s a great marketer and his endorsements are what has made him wealthy, he’s not a degen like Ivey at all. It’s cute he’s an Ivey fan boy though.

GL Daniel hope you ship it, really enjoy his vlogs and general out look on stuff.

by dappadan777 k

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment of this post in a romantic sense and I’m actually a fan boy of both Ivey & Dnegs, this is utter jibberish Ivey was stuck basically infinite millions (not due to his divorce or the baccarat legals, but he was apparently down horrendous sports betting, craps and nosebleed cash), so he didn’t ’kept it’, although he’s been on a bit of heater of late in live poker mtts but I doubt he’s actually making much money, the stakes pales in comparison to what was rumoured lo

I always thought it was wild people swear Dwan is broke but now phil ivey too? holy **** no wonder Trump has a chance we are literally living idiocracy.

by jinz3rd k

I always thought it was wild people swear Dwan is broke but now phil ivey too? holy **** no wonder Trump has a chance we are literally living idiocracy.

Dwan is beyond broke. Ivey was in big **** but seemingly back on track. Also Trump is an odds on favourite but I’m British and in the UK so I can’t vote.

Dwan's loose play can't keep winning. Ivey lost a lot at table games, but he is staking people so he probably has $s. Trump has the voters, but maybe not the boxes of ballots.

by damian^ k

How come Amanda never rails him on these Pokergo streaming tables

Your post didn't wear well. She's railing him at this PokerGo streaming final table.

by iwasbanned k

Someone in another thread asked if Amanda will be railing Daniel, in person, at the WSOP today?
That's a fair question.
I'm leaning towards Amanda will show up if and when Daniel makes the final three today.
This thing can literally go on for 10+ hours, and not to be picking on Amanda, but she's 'in no shape' to be out in public for a very long day.
And let's not delve into what I mean when I say 'in no shape'.

This post didn't wear well either. Amanda has been on Daniel's rail for the start of today's final table.

by namisgr11 k

Amanda is railing him at this PokerGo streaming final table.

by namisgr11 k

Amanda has been on Daniel's rail from the start of today's final table.

Amanda, You go girl !!

by iwasbanned k

Someone in another thread asked if Amanda will be railing Daniel, in person, at the WSOP today?
That's a fair question.
I'm leaning towards Amanda will show up if and when Daniel makes the final three today.
This thing can literally go on for 10+ hours, and not to be picking on Amanda, but she's 'in no shape' to be out in public for a very long day.
And let's not delve into what I mean when I say 'in no shape'.

Yeah let's not.

So, so bizarre

by spaceman Bryce k

You can learn many things from astrology even if it isnt popular on twoplustwo. Millions of people around the world seek its consul.

I wonder if the stars will align for Daniel tonight? I plan on looking out at the texas sky to detetmine his fate.

Millions of people are idiots.
But i know guys who pretend to believe it, and are somewhat knowledgable in it, to pick up stupid girls.
It's ofc not even a pseudo-science.

I like how DNegs always laments his bad luck when his "bad luck" only ever amounts to perfectly standard beats that online grinders face 10-20 times every single session. Most of them are literally 58/42 losses with the odd overpair losing to a lower pair all in pre.

Meanwhile he himself get a one outer for quads against top full house in a 300k tourney and now a one outer to scoop a massive pot on the final table of a 50k. Has he ever lost a pot in that manner? Not that I can remember.. now that would be some actual bad luck to whine about but hes always on the positive side of those situations.

There is no way he doesnt win this with the heater hes on.

by Kebabkungen k

Meanwhile he himself get a one outer for quads against top full house in a 300k tourney and now a one outer to scoop a massive pot on the final table of a 50k. Has he ever lost a pot in that manner? Not that I can remember.. now that would be some actual bad luck to whine about but hes always on the positive side of those situations.

He famously lost a 600k pot with set over set to a 1 outer on HSP so yes

by Parasense k

Millions of people are idiots.
But i know guys who pretend to believe it, and are somewhat knowledgable in it, to pick up stupid girls.
It's ofc not even a pseudo-science.

Your friend pretended to like astrology? Thats really mean.

Im a casual astrology fan. Astrology isnt psuedo science , it is more like a classical science, like classical music vs rock and roll.
It involves many complex formulas and celestial mappings that were done over thousands of years by many different cultures. Galileo and people like that used astrology so well that they renamed it astrophysics and astronomy. I think of regular astronomy as “international astrology” and astrology as a group of cultural astronomies. I think someones astrological sign does mean something, stars are the most powerful things in the universe.

by scottyno k

He famously lost a 600k pot with set over set to a 1 outer on HSP so yes

Didn't he lose to quads three sessions in a row on hsp?

Sixteen years and counting since Daniel Negreanu last won a WSOP Bracelet in Las Vegas.

looks like he's unstuck for the series

DN with a 2-1 lead.

daniel punting in razz hard for yockey to not have the 10-8 let alone better

by spaceman Bryce k

Your friend pretended to like astrology? Thats really mean.

Im a casual astrology fan. Astrology isnt psuedo science , it is more like a classical science, like classical music vs rock and roll.
It involves many complex formulas and celestial mappings that were done over thousands of years by many different cultures. Galileo and people like that used astrology so well that they renamed it astrophysics and astronomy. I think of regular astronomy as “international astrology” and astrol

Lets just agree to disagree, and move back on track.

Maybe Daniel can pay yockey to throw the match.

daniel has played a handful of pots bad overall but so has everyone at this FT. i know we bash him because his ego writes checks his skills usually cant cash but he's been playing his best poker in years this series culminating with this event. The trap with the flush in the plo hand was masterful

by namisgr11 k

Your post didn't wear well. She's railing him at this PokerGo streaming final table.

thats a good thing. I'm not one of those weirdos that actually wish bad on Daniel.

I don't understand the concept of hating/hoping for negatives outcomes on complete strangers

Wow he actually going to win for once

Daniel is insanely close, 10-1 one chip lead.
