Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

how bad must he be when a girl falls asleep while making out and snores right after?

life fish..... food arrived but didn't eat it....

o well atleast the girl grinded him on the rails of a club, almost got kicked out for grinding? Kappa

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23 June 2015 at 07:07 AM

1573 Replies


by damian^ k

second time i see that word used on this website...probably by you in another thread if i had to guess lol

A completely standard word that describes a feeling there's really no other accurate word for. Why would that word stand out?

Watched the vlog and looked like he was the old humble negreanu. Like back in the big game and poker after dark. But in the end he gave the finger for all his vlog viewers. What a classy way to celebrate the bracelet. Almost feel bad for his fans, but then I remember they are as delusional as dnegs.

Your sourness is not my delusion. And the middle finger salutes were not for all of us, just that subset of nattering nabobs of negativity.

Class is what Negreanu displayed staying at the final table well after the bracelet award and interviewing was done in order to fist pump fans and sign whatever gear they wanted autographed.

The vlog for the PPC win was disappointing in a way. It was mostly key hands he picked out, showing the video, but no commentary. It kept my attention though, even though I watched the final table and had seen almost all of them.

The finger was obviously for all the people who have been attacking him ITT, in comments to the vlogs, etc. He is obviously aware of all that. He won the PPC, so he obviously isn't some fish.

by cringeanu k

Watched the vlog and looked like he was the old humble negreanu. Like back in the big game and poker after dark. But in the end he gave the finger for all his vlog viewers. What a classy way to celebrate the bracelet. Almost feel bad for his fans, but then I remember they are as delusional as dnegs.

No, he did not, so no need to blow that out of proportion. That being said, ofc it is not classy and you don't see such behavior from Ivey or even Hellmuth. And it is obv not really appropriate for a brand ambassador, but I guess GG does not care anyway.

by Defarse k

Here was the hand next door with the Millionaire Maker when the rail exploded

Holy crap! There have been some crazy hu moments in the milly maker

This midddlefinger thing shows how mature they are. She probably dont even understand what is going on lol and just does whatever he tells her to do. Similar to when he said more rake is better and fk the pros on camera.

by Helllsreal k

This midddlefinger thing shows how mature they are. She probably dont even understand what is going on lol and just does whatever he tells her to do. Similar to when he said more rake is better and fk the pros on camera.

It was aimed at people like you big guy.

Congrats Daniel, filed under things I loved to see.

Regarding the "fight" on the latest vlog, Amanda is right. Casinos are gross and guys are gross after a long day of doing almost anything. He gotta shower before crawling into bed

by LimpDitka k

They lost the trophy!?

Have they checked Men Nguyen’s room?

by iwasbanned k

The streak is over.

Worried about you , you going to be ok?

by herbalerv k

Worried about you , you going to be ok?

Yeah, he will be. He'll start counting how long it's been since Daniel won a bracelet at the Rio.

by iwasbanned k

The streak is over.

by herbalerv k

Worried about you , you going to be ok?

by namisgr11 k

Yeah, he will be. He'll start counting how long it's been since Daniel won a bracelet at the Rio.

Here's a fun fact about Daniel and his WSOP bracelets.
Daniel has never won a No Limit Hold'em bracelet in Las Vegas.

It's been more than 26 years and Daniel has never won a NL Hold'em WSOP bracelet in Las Vegas.

by iwasbanned k

Here's a fun fact about Daniel and his WSOP bracelets.
Daniel has never won a No Limit Hold'em bracelet in Las Vegas.

It's been more than 26 years and Daniel has never won a NL Hold'em WSOP bracelet in Las Vegas.

There you go. Your reason for being. Neither Daniel nor Ivey have.

by Mike Femton k

It has been nothing but winning for the haters the last 20 years. Maybe we can give him a one W. Good for you, Daniel.

The greatest losing streak in the history is over. I don’t know why to follow this guy anymore but maybe he will come up with a new thing.

I guess you are one of the people he was giving the finger to.

At least he broke the streak with a bang.

by Polarbear1955 k

Pretty sure you are wrong. I certainly do not want him to win a bracelet.

Just checking in to see how you're doing.

by namisgr11 k

Yeah, he will be. He'll start counting how long it's been since Daniel won a bracelet at the Rio.

A small amount of my drink just got spit up on my laptop screen, so thank you for that. 😀

The dealer choice run was good too. I wanted him and Ivey HU.

He busted 2 bullets in the $10K NL2-7 and has a big stack early on in the $25K PLO. I don't think he is changing the events he plays, despite what some people here think.

He has 2nd and 3rd place finishes in bracelet events. He isn't the big star GG makes him out to be, but he isn't as terrible as the people he gave the finger to think.

by spaceman Bryce k

People tell lies all the time. Stars never do.

Miss Cleo........is that you?

Can't wait for the PLO streets to get filled with vlog watchers who follow Daniel's hand breakdowns. They are literally hilarious.

by Mixedgamelover k

Can't wait for the PLO streets to get filled with vlog watchers who follow Daniel's hand breakdowns. They are literally hilarious.

I hope he makes another PLO high roller final table to annoy people, but I agree about some of his play and analysis.

by Kebabkungen k

A completely standard word that describes a feeling there's really no other accurate word for. Why would that word stand out?

not standard at all

isn't the main appeal about plo is that you got 4 cards so may as well go for it and equities always converge to 50/50 anyway you can do whatever you want
