Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33741 Replies


anyone speak Arabic? bc it sounds like Israel just admitted what anyone who has paying attention already knew about Al Aqsa flood. it was a military operation with no purpose to attack civilians.

sometimes its hard to be right all the time.

I guess they added some extras to their main goal just for fun.

by Victor k

anyone speak Arabic? bc it sounds like Israel just admitted what anyone who has paying attention already knew about Al Aqsa flood. it was a military operation with no purpose to attack civilians.

sometimes its hard to be right all the time.

Israel is also conducting a military operation with not intent to attack civilians.

theyve killed over 100k civilians and 40k children. I think at some point, the intent of a system is what it does. and this system kills children.

by Victor k

theyve killed over 100k civilians and 40k children. I think at some point, the intent of a system is what it does. and this system kills children.

Most people thought Hamas reached that point by 10/7, or in reality long before.

by chillrob k

I guess they added some extras to their main goal just for fun.

well all you can do is guess bc Israel has blocked all requests for independent investigations.

by chillrob k

Most people thought Hamas reached that point by 10/7, or in reality long before.

bc most people are both stupid and incapable of reading.

So, you seriously think no civilians were killed or taken hostage on 10/7? Because otherwise your last two posts make no sense.

by Victor k

anyone speak Arabic? bc it sounds like Israel just admitted what anyone who has paying attention already knew about Al Aqsa flood. it was a military operation with no purpose to attack civilians.

sometimes its hard to be right all the time.

So what is your explanation for the mass murder of civilian men, women and children at the music festival and in the Kibbutzes?

If we even assume that document is authentic, I do like how it clearly has at least 12 points, and the author of the tweet decides to skip over 11 of them to focus on the one that fits his preferred narrative.

by Victor k

Hmm wonder what happened to that guy...I'll give ya one guess...

And no, he wasn't an "Islamist" not that it matters. (He was a godless commie).

Marxism is a horrible ideology by itself. That being said, there actually has always been few Arab Marxists because many Arabs believe Marxism/Communism is a Jewish plot to control the world. Hamas 1988 charter actually makes this exact claim.

Regardless, he was assassinated because he was a member of a terrorist group that was involved in killing a lot of Israelis. And it had nothing to do with being a Marxist, which was actually a MUCH more popular ideology in Israel than the Arab world at that time.

by Dunyain k

So what is your explanation for the mass murder of civilian men, women and children at the music festival and in the Kibbutzes?

If we even assume that document is authentic, I do like how it clearly has at least 12 points, and the author of the tweet decides to skip over 11 of them to focus on the one that fits his preferred narrative.

I think there should be an independent investigation to figure out what happened bc the Israeli gov has proven itself to be entirely untrustworthy.

furthermore, I think it is rediculous for people to clutch pearls about civilian deaths after witnessing what the IDF, with the nearly full backing of the Israeli population, has wrought on the civilians in Gaza.

to put even a finer point on it, why does at most a few 100 Israeli civilian deaths necessitate the murder of 100s of thousands of Gazan civilians?

by chillrob k

So, you seriously think no civilians were killed or taken hostage on 10/7? Because otherwise your last two posts make no sense.

they might not make sense to you. but it is not my job to explain how to think and read to you.

by Dunyain k

Marxism is a horrible ideology by itself. That being said, there actually has always been few Arab Marxists because many Arabs believe Marxism/Communism is a Jewish plot to control the world. Hamas 1988 charter actually makes this exact claim.

Regardless, he was assassinated because he was a member of a terrorist group that was involved in killing a lot of Israelis. And it had nothing to do with being a Marxist, which was actually a MUCH more popular ideology in Israel than the Arab world at

the Palestinian Resistance was largely Marxist through the 70s and some of the 80s and 60s. I keep pointing this out bc the current consensus is that the Palestinians are just crazy "Islamist" terrorists. but no, the Resistance has always existed in various forms due to the occupation and it has been led by godless commies as well as Christians. the current incarnation is Muslim based. but they have all maintained the same primary goal.

by Victor k

the Palestinian Resistance was largely Marxist through the 70s and some of the 80s and 60s. I keep pointing this out bc the current consensus is that the Palestinians are just crazy "Islamist" terrorists. but no, the Resistance has always existed in various forms due to the occupation and it has been led by godless commies as well as Christians. the current incarnation is Muslim based. but they have all maintained the same primary goal.

LOL. No it wasn't. "Arab socialism" was a component of the Pan Arab nationalist movement that was en vogue before Islamists took over, but it was completely disconnected from European Marxism. Any Arab nationalist identifying as a Marxist was extremely rare. If you want to learn more, here you go:

The ideological Marxists of that time were the Jews in the Kibbutzes.

Anyways, Article 22 of original Hamas charter, which articulates a highly believed Jewish conspiracy theory in the Arab world that Marxism/Communism is a Jewish plot. Again, many Arabs of this time conceptualized themselves as "socialists" but it had a very different meaning than Marxism/Communism, which were generally regarded as Jewish and evil.

Article 22 Makes sweeping claims about Jewish influence and power.[1][51] It specifically claims that the Jews were responsible for instigating multiple revolutions and wars, including the French Revolution, World War I, and the Russian Revolution. It also claims that Jews control the United Nations, and that they are supported by "the imperialistic forces in the Capitalist West and Communist East".[1]

by Victor k

I think there should be an independent investigation to figure out what happened bc the Israeli gov has proven itself to be entirely untrustworthy.

furthermore, I think it is rediculous for people to clutch pearls about civilian deaths after witnessing what the IDF, with the nearly full backing of the Israeli population, has wrought on the civilians in Gaza.

to put even a finer point on it, why does at most a few 100 Israeli civilian deaths necessitate the murder of 100s of thousands of Gazan civ

Do you think footage from Hamas own Go Pros where they filmed themselves murdering civilians and then bragged about it and uploaded them to social media should be included as evidence in said investigation? Apparently unlike you I am old enough to remember 10/7/2023.

I think that footage should be categorized and enumerated

by Dunyain k

LOL. No it wasn't. "Arab socialism" was a component of the Pan Arab nationalist movement that was en vogue before Islamists took over, but it was completely disconnected from European Marxism. Any Arab nationalist identifying as a Marxist was extremely rare. If you want to learn more, here you go:

The ideological Marxists of that time were the Jews in the Kibbutzes.

Anyways, Article 22 of original Hamas charter, which articulates a highly believed Je

wait do you think Hamas was leading the Resistance in the 70s?

by jalfrezi k

Wish they would have admitted defeat and taken the L back then.

by Victor k

wait do you think Hamas was leading the Resistance in the 70s?

No, of course not. But Hamas didn't conjure that trope out of thin air to put in its charter. Conflating Jews and Communists is a common trope that has been prevalent in the Arab world from the 1930s through today.

The point is you live in this bizarre alternate reality where Palestinian leadership were/are leftists. And reality couldn't be further from the truth. They were their own version of Nazi national socialists for most of the 20th century, and then pivoted to regressive authoritarian theocrats. You want it to be one way, but it is the other way.

by 5 south k

Wish they would have admitted defeat and taken the L back then.

They have been and continue to play the long game. Israel is small and the Ummah is big. The Palestinian leaderships MO is to refuse at all costs to make any sort of real peace. Including refusing to make their own state that doesn't include all of Israel, as doing so would be a tacit acceptance of Israel's right to exist.

Keep the fight going long enough and eventually Israel will crumble. And every Palestinian life lost will have been worth it (in the mind of their own leadership).

by Victor k

bro wut

sup bro
i respect ya bro
bronny james sucks bro

by Dunyain k

So what is your explanation for the mass murder of civilian men, women and children at the music festival and in the Kibbutzes?

please do not forget to mention the confirmed rapes also

by Victor k

they might not make sense to you. but it is not my job to explain how to think and read to you.

It should be your job not to post blatant lies here, but you have never done that job.

You think all we can do is "guess" whether or not Hamas killed civilians or took civilian hostages, when some of those civilian hostages have since been released. It is not possible to be more dishonest than you are being, and you should be ashamed to be promoting such clear misinformation.

by Dunyain k

So what is your explanation for the mass murder of civilian men, women and children at the music festival and in the Kibbutzes?

Bro, we have no evidence of that, you're just guessing! 🙄

as if on cue. (UN report mentioned this too)

again, we have no idea how many civilians were killed or by whom.
