Pet Pictures

Pet Pictures

It seems like there's a lot of conflict and unhappiness in the world these days. It gets me down. One of the few things

) 7 Views 7
03 February 2017 at 12:05 AM

663 Replies


hi Maggie! nice to meet you!
awesome stuff Didace...sorry about your friend.

Didace, so sorry to hear about your friend's situation. Hopefully Maggie fills you guys with lots of good memories.

Good folks!
Pretty dog. And a very lucky dog.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Best wishes to all!

Maggie is beautiful... welcome to your new home!

Maggie is going to be a very happy pup

Dino napping

is he an Italian Kat?

Lol no, he's named for Dean Martin...whose real name is Dino. I have another cat named Frankie, for Sinatra:


by REDeYeS00 k

found at a shelter today
she hasn't told us her name yet but then again we just started hanging out
8-10 week range

by REDeYeS00 k

a first month update

always amazing to see how fast they grow at this age
she's added half again her body weight and starting to sprout gangling legs
just the other day thought her silhouette resembled an at-at
sneaking up on fifteen weeks fully loaded with needle teeth and erupting molars
but more than willing to turtle back for belly rubs


consider eight calendar weeks ample warning for another update

same chair for scale, promise it wasn't posed
ears now fully upright i suppose constantly adjusting toward optimal signal reception
also thunk i seen shorter legs on a baby giraffe before spouse snuck up and captured our afternoon nap


Uh-oh. She has hit those awkward, seductive teenage years.


Change name to Lolita???

if i'm familiar with the Niko | Nikita connection it's at a professional level, doncha ya know?
the police sting for Lolita alias is something i have no interest in

Too complex for me.
Beware the Eyeds of Electra!

by REDeYeS00 k

if i'm familiar with the Niko | Nikita connection it's at a professional level, doncha ya know?
the police sting for Lolita alias is something i have no interest in

by Tom Ames k

Too complex for me.

i'll quickly admit to a few fairly obscure references

la femme nikita was written by luc besson, who also wrote leon: the professional starring a teenage natalie portman and jean reno
sting from the police once sung a song referencing a book by nabokov
but Niko will never become lolita hence no name change needed

by Tom Ames k

Beware the Eyeds of Electra!

you rip at this esophagus please homer if you believe i allowed loaded dice

Only Sting would think to rhyme cough with Nabakov.

Nice weather here, so every morning she comes charging out to start her shift of patrolling round the garden.

She seems to know the time as at bang on 5pm everyday she'll clock out and go back to chill in her house for the evening.

very cool!

Summer Cold...

by MSchu18 k

Summer Cold...

smoking a fat dobie
intentional wording

by REDeYeS00 k

found at a shelter today
she hasn't told us her name yet but then again we just started hanging out
8-10 week range

eleven weeks later, five months old in seven days
she's whip smart, only thing holding her back is us

Wow, she's getting big.

she is beautiful...

Nice pictures, Ted. Who's a good dog?

love watching them grow into their paws

Looks like you found a good 'un!

by Bidz k

love watching them grow into their paws

I've had a couple of Great Danes. I thought they would never catch up to their paws. They grew so fast at certain points that I could tell when I got home from work that they were bigger than when I had left that morning.
