Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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And the entire time Hamas (and numerous other militant groups) was periodically firing rockets into Israel. If you feel Hamas is justified in breaking any "ceasefire" whenever they want because of Israeli actions that is fine. But you said you believe Hamas would abide by any "temporary ceasefire" out of some sense of honor; which is completely ludicrous and not supported by their own historical words or actions at all.
as long as Israel occupies the West Bank and blockades Gaza then yes, the Resistance has a right to armed resistance.
so anyway, an Israeli lawyer visited one of the "prisons" and said that he was told they put a fire extinguisher up someones ass and fired it.
its known the female guards are doing a lot of torture too so this isnt just boys will be boys.
But every army does this apparently so why on earth would you want to post that if you weren't anti-Semitic?
retract the part about women though. everyone knows lady soldiers are perfect lil angels
You both inherently know the truth in what I said above. Men know the nature of other men, even though they deny it. Let’s just be careful with attributing generalized behaviors to nationalities.
I agree with that but it's also the case theat the behavior of armies is in large part down to the leadership and enforcement of military discipline.
Arguably this decided the napoleonic wars. It's is not a small factor.
I agree with that but it's also the case theat the behavior of armies is in large part down to the leadership and enforcement of military discipline.
Arguably this decided the napoleonic wars. It's is not a small factor.
Agree there is also the abusive culture frequently found in militaries as well as the power imbalance between soldier and civilian.
Crossnerd I believe you need to think about the sexist statement you made earlier and also the anti Palestinian post you are making with regard to war crimes being committed by the IDF.
I do believe that humiliating the deceased by making fun of their clothes on social media is a war crime but I could just be in a bad mood
Ok. This was a "ceasefire" year. Makes my point.
August 5-7, 2022: 1175 rockets were fired at Israel, with around 200 rockets falling in the Gaza Strip or in the Sea. On at least three incidents Palestinian civilians were killed by misfired rockets that landed in the Gaza Strip, amounting to 11 people killed.[1]
November 3, 2022: 4 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel. 3 rockets fell inside the Gaza Strip.[2]
--I think it also illustrates the complete dysfunction of the entire Palestinian situation that over 1000 rockets fired from one country at another, where most of them miss and land on their own civilian population, has become completely normalized and is basically not even news.
Could you imagine if Northern Ireland had fired 1000 Russian supplied missiles at England over a 3 day period during The Troubles. I imagine it would have been a newsworthy event, even if most of them missed.
The underwear posts are ridiculous to the point that basically everyone just ignored them. You can’t get offended by someone holding underwear and at the same time be a hardcore rape denialist.
Yes. It does take a special level of cognitive dissonance to be completely agnostic to reports of woman having their breasts cut off and their corpses raped; and then screaming crimes against humanity to some (probably photoshopped) picture of a soldier posing holding underwear.
In other news, Israel media is reporting that the Hamas meeting place had actually been compromised a month before, but Israel intelligence sat on it for a month waiting for a big meeting. And when the opportunity presented itself they got 3 top commanders and their entire bodyguard retinues all at once.
And reports are Hamas is still reeling and communications between cells and political leadership in Qatar is completely cut off.
Crossnerd I believe you need to think about the sexist statement you made earlier and also the anti Palestinian post you are making with regard to war crimes being committed by the IDF.
I do believe that humiliating the deceased by making fun of their clothes on social media is a war crime but I could just be in a bad mood
The observation that certain nationalities of men are no more likely to commit acts of sexual humiliation than other nationalities of men is not sexist. It’s comparing apples to apples. Israeli IDF aren’t extra perverted, they’re just the standard.
Anyway, do you guys have photos of women IDF posing with underwear?
Boys will be boys, as they say?
Again, we’re viewing this issue through different lenses because we occupy different places in society. It’s just something to think about. I believe I’ve demonstrated that I operate in good faith, so I’m hoping my perspective is worthy of consideration.
The observation that certain nationalities of men are no more likely to commit acts of sexual humiliation than other nationalities of men is not sexist. It’s comparing apples to apples. Israeli IDF aren’t extra perverted, they’re just the standard.
Anyway, do you guys have photos of women IDF posing with underwear?
Boys will be boys, as they say?
Fwiw it does seem reasonable to assume that different people groups will behave differently in this matter and most matters. Behavior is more culturally mediated than your perspective seems to be allowing for.
I'm not saying that is or isn't the case here, just that the idea that "men are men" is a little overarching.
This may shock you, LB, but I’m more than accustomed to the overarching denial of what we all know to be statistically true.
This may shock you, LB, but I’m more than accustomed to the overarching denial of what we all know to be statistically true.
I'm not arguing that men don't behave badly...just that the Australians might be a smidge more likely to take advantage of a drunk girl than the Kiwis, or the Spanish or the Kurds or whoever.
I watch all these Japanese interview channels on YouTube and they'll go up to people and be like "hey do you know which country produces the most porn in the world?". And of course the answer is Japan and the interviewer will ask if they are surprised and the answer is typically "no not really because Japanese people are really perverted" and you're saying "no no no you can't say that they're all perverted"
On a related note, were you guys aware male bull elephants go through a male "heat" called musth where their testosterone levels elevate dramatically and all they want to do is fight and ****.
Could you imagine if Northern Ireland had fired 1000 Russian supplied missiles at England over a 3 day period during The Troubles. I imagine it would have been a newsworthy event, even if most of them missed.
In your analogy NI wouldn’t have fired any rockets; they’d have been fired by the IRA, an organisation not defined by national borders. As NI is and was part of the UK that’s where your analogy falls apart because the UK military wasn’t going to launch nine months of attacks on part of its own country but there would obviously have been terrible repercussions for people in catholic parts of NI including mass internment and torture, and for whoever supplied the rockets.
However I don’t believe that kids and babies would have been massacred.
Ok. This was a "ceasefire" year. Makes my point.
August 5-7, 2022: 1175 rockets were fired at Israel, with around 200 rockets falling in the Gaza Strip or in the Sea. On at least three incidents Palestinian civilians were killed by misfired rockets that landed in the Gaza Strip, amounting to 11 people killed.[1]
November 3, 2022: 4 rockets fir
Yeah, the only major attack that year and was done in retaliation for a targeted killing in Jenin.
The guy in Jenin was Islamic Jihad. Probably wasn't there handing out candy to kids. But ceasefires between two countries with their history isn't going to be perfectly clean on either side, there are going to be bumps in the road. Given nothing major happened that year as a result I'd guess you can chalk up the rocket attack to some face saving like Iran was afforded after the Soleimani assassination and the Syrian embassy strike.
But all this is beside the point. This was all part of a hypothetical I was asking Victor.
right, PIJ did not break that "ceasefire" (if there even was one), Israel did. they assassinated 2 people and then arrested a bunch of others in some raids.
this is a common theme with Westerners and Israel supporters. they seem to believe that ceasefire means that they get to continue killing and attacking whoever they please and the Resistance cant resist.
Yes. It does take a special level of cognitive dissonance to be completely agnostic to reports of woman having their breasts cut off and their corpses raped; and then screaming crimes against humanity to some (probably photoshopped) picture of a soldier posing holding underwear.
do you still believe the 40 beheaded babies story? baby baked in an oven? babies on a clothesline?
do you still believe the 40 beheaded babies story? baby baked in an oven? babies on a clothesline?
At this point anyone talking about "40 beheaded babies" is doing it in bad faith, normally to excuse some horrific act caused by Islamists. In the fog of war two different reports got distorted, merged and social media ran wild with it for a couple days. And President Biden, who has age related cognitive issues, kept referring to "beheaded babies" for a few days after everyone else stopped because the report were found to be unfounded.
And then when the smoke cleared the media/US govt officials made a point to clear things up.
And then Islamist apologists have spent the next 9 months doing bad faith "gotchas" to excuse horrible, inhumane behavior by their side.
FWIW, Haaretz has reported the names of 29 children killed on 10/7 with 30 more taken hostage. So that is something your heroes actually did, and no amount of bad faith "40 beheaded babies" gotchas can excuse this.
Yeah, the only major attack that year and was done in retaliation for a targeted killing in Jenin.
The guy in Jenin was Islamic Jihad. Probably wasn't there handing out candy to kids. But ceasefires between two countries with their history isn't going to be perfectly clean on either side, there are going to be bumps in the road. Given nothing major happened that year as a result I'd guess you can chalk up the rocket attack to some face saving like Iran was afforded after the Soleimani assassinat
Israel is fighting a lot of different groups on a lot of different fronts (Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, West Bank, Gaza, Yemen). If Israel assassinating 2 PIJ members in the West Bank is grounds for Hamas shooting over 1000 rockets at Israel from Gaza, then we have to accept that Hamas will be able to find any excuse they want at any time to break the ceasefire.
And history suggests this is exactly what would happen in such a hypothetic; although in this case I imagine Hamas would lay low for a long time because they have been so ****ed up they wont want any more of that heat for a long time. But the idea they would abide by a ceasefire because they are honest is completely laughable, given their past and present behavior, and that is the point I was making.