The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by FellaGaga-52 k

I'll take Vance out and Don Jr. in. Hard for me to think that the nation would go in that direction, but it damn sure might. At this point I think my "Trump wins" bet that gained so much value, price rising, is gonna fail. I hope so.

Meaning I'm thinking Vance will be withdrawn and replaced on the ticket.

by FellaGaga-52 k

Meaning I'm thinking Vance will be withdrawn and replaced on the ticket.

by steamraise k

Any chance they boot JD and go with another VP pick?


“free speech for me, not thee”

few political figures are more hostile to free expression than Trump

a few examples of Vance’s free speech tourism:

He told Tucker Carlson that the government ought to seize the assets
of non-profit groups who advocate for political initiatives he doesn’t like;

he called for raising taxes to punish corporations who engage in political activities he doesn’t like;

he sent a menacing letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Attorney General Merrick Garland
demanding a federal investigation of a Washington Post writer who penned an op-ed he didn’t like;

he expressed the hope that the U.S. would emulate Hungary’s authoritarian prime minister Viktor Orbán’s
move to take government control of universities and purge them of teachers and ideas he doesn’t like.

VP pick or not they need to send this man on the campaign trail

‘These guys are weird’: Gov. Walz

You know there's something wrong with people when they talk about freedom:
freedom to be in your bedroom, freedom to be in your exam room, freedom to tell your kids what they can read.

I forget who said this, I think it trolly after that new dude got banned for going HAM at the MAGA filth itt but I agree with this

You set a moderating expectation that people who troll in bad faith and wade in transparent hypocrisy are to be treated with respect when what they’re saying is at best disrespectful and poisonous world views and at worst complete lies they don’t care about your facts to refute. To which I say, lol

Anyone who quotes a playbig or Brian James or a bahahahhaha or a lozen or a fgators or an etc etc etc post and responds to them with total sincere engagement and civil debate is a ****ing simp. These clowns should be treated as such and disrespected regularly. At some point you’re so transparently a lost cause you should only be engaged with for mockery, not legitimacy and discourse

Prove me wrong

by StoppedRainingMen k

I forget who said this, I think it trolly after that new dude got banned for going HAM at the MAGA filth itt but I agree with this

You set a moderating expectation that people who troll in bad faith and wade in transparent hypocrisy are to be treated with respect when what they’re saying is at best disrespectful and poisonous world views and at worst complete lies they don’t care about your facts to refute. To which I say, lol

Anyone who quotes a playbig or Brian James or a bahahahhaha or a lozen

Agreed. Don't forget gmcarrol.

Yeah they are being much more bold now. Let's laugh at them denying project 2025 now.

Even the red flags have got red flags

Well that's a little bit of awful. Wonder if the Obamas could convince Trump not to run this time as well, go 2 for 2 from the charity stripe.

by jalfrezi k

I am sure the Trumpers here here will be quick to explain that he doesn't mean what the plain text of those words means. Housenuts, you're very skeptical of his dictatorial intentions - why don't you have a go?

by StoppedRainingMen k

I forget who said this, I think it trolly after that new dude got banned for going HAM at the MAGA filth itt but I agree with this

You set a moderating expectation that people who troll in bad faith and wade in transparent hypocrisy are to be treated with respect when what they’re saying is at best disrespectful and poisonous world views and at worst complete lies they don’t care about your facts to refute. To which I say, lol

Anyone who quotes a playbig or Brian James or a bahahahhaha or a lozen

I think it could be shown that clowns exist on both sides of the partisan divide.

by Luckbox Inc k

I think it could be shown that clowns exist on both sides of the partisan divide.

Last time you bothsided a similar sentiment you said you'd PM me with names and I'm still waiting for it.

by d2_e4 k

I am sure the Trumpers here here will be quick to explain that he doesn't mean what the plain text of those words means. Housenuts, you're very skeptical of his dictatorial intentions - why don't you have a go?

You rang? Here's my zero effort reply.

1) he's lying. Remember Trump always lies.

2) here's the first reply I see to that post

3) 250 years of election precedence isn't going to be changed by Trump

4) democrats are worse for democracy. see: Kamala nomination process

Good morning to you too

by Jimmy Proffett k

Well that's a little bit of awful. Wonder if the Obamas could convince Trump not to run this time as well, go 2 for 2 from the charity stripe.

I've watched the video a couple times now, and I shouldn't be so tongue-in-cheek with my response. I thought if Trump wins it would be a 4-year victory lap, he cuts taxes, people's 401K's go up, Fed Govt doesn't do much, 2028 we get some younger representatives.

I'm sick of the handwaving when he says something like this and everyone just goes, "That's just Trump! You can't take him seriously! He's always shooting his mouth off." This is downright scary.

by housenuts k

You rang? Here's my zero effort reply.

1) he's lying. Remember Trump always lies.

2) here's the first reply I see to that post

3) 250 years of election precedence isn't going to be changed by Trump

4) democrats are worse for democracy. see: Kamala nomination process

Good morning to you too

Ok, I watched it starting at that timestamp. The twitter response quoted above makes no sense. He does talk about the things mentioned, but that doesn't explain the "it'll be fixed, it'll be fine, in 4 more years you're not going to have to vote any more" comment. He doesn't say "in 4 more years we will have put in voter ID" or whatever. So unless you are suggesting that he meant to say something different (i.e. he means something other than the plain text of his words), you're going to have to do better than that.

What's he lying about exactly? Wanting to be a dictator? I think he's proved that sufficiently with his actions by now. As for democrats being a bigger threat to democracy because of how they chose which candidate they want to nominate for president, LOL.

Having now watched it from 1:00:45 I agree with d2.

At first it seems he's only blathering on about voter ID and preventing 'stolen elections', but then goes freeform into the segment quoted in the first tweet and I'm not sure he meant to be so open about it.

Shaun Maguire is a Trumpkin.

by jalfrezi k

Shaun Maguire is a Trumpkin.

2016 he donated to and voted for Hillary. He has now seen the light.

Suggest you unfollow him as he either doesn't know his arse from his elbow or tells lies as big as Trump's.

by jalfrezi k

Suggest you unfollow him as he either doesn't know his arse from his elbow or tells lies as big as Trump's.

Read the article in the tweet I posted. Not saying you need to agree with it but it's interesting to see someone's viewpoint

I skimmed it and er thanks but no thanks for that.

by StoppedRainingMen k

What does it say about Junior that his endorsement is why we’re here

Did Junior and Vance Eiffel Tower an ottoman?

pretty sure the obvious answer is Thiel and co gave a bunch of money to don jr and eric to deliver Vance.. and then when it looked like Trump was going to make the more sensible pick in the ND billionaire eric and jr threw a fit.

i think everyone its thinking to 4d chess.. remember trump is a selfish moron. he just means that people wont have to vote because he wont be around anymore. he doesn't give a single **** if people vote for the republican party if he isn't in charge.

by Slighted k

i think everyone its thinking to 4d chess.. remember trump is a selfish moron. he just means that people wont have to vote because he wont be around anymore. he doesn't give a single **** if people vote for the republican party if he isn't in charge.

But he will be around because he'll change 250 years of America and stay on as Dictator Donald. Open your eyes.

Why is the onus on me to give trump the benefit of the doubt and do some digging? He’s already literally tried to undo an election to the point of violence. Nothing he says from now until forever will further confirm or relieve me that he won’t do it again and soundbytes like this one don’t move the needle for me in one direction or another nor will I waste my time parsing through an entire speech for tea leaves or context. He’s already done it. That’s the end of the discussion
