Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33657 Replies



by chezlaw k


guys, its cool. they arent hostages. they are strategic assets.

this is from the Haaretz article which comes directly from the admissions of Israeli guards. so once again, Dun is completely incorrect to the point of possible deliberate misinformation.

by Victor k

guys, its cool. they arent hostages. they are strategic assets.

so it's semantics.

I wont feel too shamed.

its always semantics. those semantics shape the way people think.

they also had thousands of them before 10/7

"strategic assets" ftl

by Victor k

its always semantics. those semantics shape the way people think.

That is a shame

Unless you think they have received due process then we both think they should be released.

by chezlaw k

That is a shame

Unless you think they have received due process then we both think they should be released.

You actually don't release war prisoners before the war ends, or at least that's not automatic, nor obvious.

For the rest there are normal due process considerations yes.

by Luciom k

You actually don't release war prisoners before the war ends, or at least that's not automatic, nor obvious.

For the rest there are normal due process considerations yes.

seems weird to defend Hamas on the one thing they have done that is most likely really bad.

by The Horror k

What do you think drives the US-Israel relationship?

I dont really know the context of this question, but from a 40,000 foot view I think the answer to this question is real simple, and transcends Jewish conspiracy theories or AIPAC/Jewish lobby boogeymen.

Israel is generally liberal, democratic and shares many values with the US. Whereas the Palestinians, and the various ideologies and state actors they have aligned with over the years, have defined themselves as opposing the US, the free world and its values.

I think over the last 70 years because of Arab oil the US realizes how it is in their economic interests to align with the Arab states as much as possible. But despite this, the gravitational pull of shared values always draws them to support Israel, often at geopolitical cost.

Open to authoratative links but afaics israel has many thousands under administrative detention and that these do not qualify as prisoners of war. It's of dubious legality when use in high volumes and it stinks to high heaven.

3000 went to a court where the conviction rate is over 99%

by PointlessWords k

3000 went to a court where the conviction rate is over 99%

The convictions are probably legit.
When you can hold detainees indefinitely why would you send any of them in front of a judge without overwhelming evidence? The rest you can just keep rubber stamping their continued detainment every 6 months.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Do we think this is real?
I just don't know anymore...

It would be shocking if they didn't have extended tunnel networks given the impossibility of contesting Israeli air power.

Pretty sure it's real

by grizy k

It would be shocking if they didn't have extended tunnel networks given the impossibility of contesting Israeli air power.

Did you watch the video? Driving trucks and ****?

It looks more impressive than it is imo. I don't think it would do well against a bunker buster. Also since it's in the middle of nowhere there would be no human shields.

Good article on Shukr and how he was killed.

Yet despite being one of the most important figures in Hezbollah’s history, he lived an almost invisible life, appearing only in small gatherings of the group’s trusted veterans. He emerged in public early this year to attend the funeral of a nephew killed fighting Israel—but only for a couple of minutes, an acquaintance said. Shukr was so secretive that Lebanese media outlets reporting on his death published photos of the wrong man.

That evening, according to the Hezbollah official, Shukr received a call from someone telling him to go to his apartment five floors up. Around 7 p.m., Israeli munitions slammed into the apartment and the three floors underneath, killing Shukr, his wife, two other women and two children. More than 70 people were injured, according to the Lebanese health ministry.

The call to draw Shukr to the seventh floor, where he would be easier to target amid the surrounding buildings, likely came from someone who had breached Hezbollah’s internal communications network, the official said. Hezbollah and Iran continue to investigate the intelligence failure but believe that Israel beat the group’s countersurveillance with better technology and hacking, the official said.

After the war, Shukr oversaw a military buildup that expanded Hezbollah’s arsenal from some 15,000 rockets and missiles to about 150,000, including antiship and cruise missiles, drones, and rockets. He became the point man for Iran’s deliveries, through Syria, of components that turned unguided rockets into precision-guided ones, according to the Israeli military.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Can assassinate this guy, get a bomb planted in Tehran but don't know when a 3,000 person assault from their neighbor in a sandbox is coming.
I know, dead horse

by 5 south k

Did you watch the video? Driving trucks and ****?

The tunnels under Gaza are big enough to drive trucks through. It happened all the time. Also, keep in mind southern Lebanon isn't flat ground, it is hills. So they can build into the side of hills, which is presumably easier than going straight underground.

That being said, unlike Gaza which is one of the most populated places on earth, southern Lebanon is sparsely populated, and Hezbollah (as opposed to Hamas) acts more like a professional army and doesn't use their own civilians as human shields nearly as much.

Despite the prevailing progressive narrative, Israel does take some level of care not to hit civilians, which is why civilian casualty numbers in Gaza are relatively low given the scope of the war. Israel would not need to hold back as much versus Hezbollah; so despite their impressive tunnel infrastructure, Hezbollah is more vulnerable in some ways.

by 5 south k

Can assassinate this guy, get a bomb planted in Tehran but don't know when a 3,000 person assault from their neighbor in a sandbox is coming.
I know, dead horse

The IRI is much easier to infiltrate than Arab groups, especially Hamas. There is much more internal dissent in Iran than Gaza. Also, keep in mind the people that run Iran make Trump and Biden look like spring chickens (I exaggerate some, but not a lot). It is basically a poorly functioning gerontocracy.

Also, we dont talk about it much for geopolitical reasons. But China has recently been providing Hamas a lot of military assistance. They have provided them with new communication devices that Israel could not hack (at least not before the start of the war. given how Hamas commanders are dropping like flies recently this may have changed). And were providing a lot of technical assistance in building the underground tunnel cities.

At the end of the day this was an Israeli intelligence failure, and they admit it. But Chinese assistance to Hamas made the challenge more difficult, and obviously Israel was not up to it for many reasons. The biggest reason being the Netanyahu govt was distracted by his own numerous scandals and the Israeli right wing being very aggressive in stirring trouble int he West Bank.

by 5 south k

Can assassinate this guy, get a bomb planted in Tehran but don't know when a 3,000 person assault from their neighbor in a sandbox is coming.
I know, dead horse

It's likely as far as conspiracy theories go imo. They aren't directly comparable though. Having a specific goal and figuring out how to accomplish it is far different from something as broad as "prevent all attacks against Israel."

by Bluegrassplayer k

It's likely as far as conspiracy theories go imo. They aren't directly comparable though. Having a specific goal and figuring out how to accomplish it is far different from something as broad as "prevent all attacks against Israel."

TD addressed it pretty well the other day, just reading the description you posted I'm like how can this be the same organization?
