Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

I start this with some pictures:

nl2 -$8792.18 -82 buy ins below EV

nl5 (notice that pt4 shows party poker nl5 as nl4) -$5943.81

nl10 -$773.92 -15 buy ins below EV

Total loss -$15509.91

This is me playing nl2, nl5 and nl10 on party poker for one year.

My history begins somewhere in same period when they started to show WSOP shows in television. I think I have played 12-13 years nows mainly NL2, some amount of NL5 and little bit of NL10 what is the biggest stake i've ever played.

I've read all Sklansky, all Harrington, all Miller, watched huge amount of videos, bought trackers and calculators.

Still after those years and after that all I've lost huge amount of money on those stakes. I try to play my best but losing to huge suckouts like 95/5 favorite makes me really upset.

I've lost literally all my money including all my life savings to online poker. I want to try one last time to win those money back and little bit of extra. That's why $16k. What I need is support and guiding.

I had thread on micro forum but they deleted it just when people start to understand that this is real situation and not fake.

And if you wonder where that biggest loser comes from it was said by guy who has been playing for living many years. He said I'm the biggest loser in history counted as lost buy ins.

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18 March 2019 at 01:30 PM

1392 Replies


by Paisting k

Smaller raises are clear mistakes on those stakes I play.

Any thought of deviating from what you are currently doing would be a disaster. Clearly your poker strategy is sound and you never make mistakes and have no flaws in your process.

If only all the poker sites weren't rigged you would be a massive winner.

by Paisting k

It raises the question of what kind of deck they are using.
It feels like GG's games are full of bots and the play lines are really odd..

So.. why not quit? You know you lose 1k a month right?

Maybe time to give Zynga Poker a try. I don't see what incentive they'd have to cheat you? Maybe it will help improve your game and give you new perspective going forward.

Cant you buy playmoney on zynga? If they accept any amount of cash then Paisting will find a way to ship all his welfare money to them.

by Paisting k

A speciality of GG's games is that every time you have AK the whale has AA or KK

This sounds like the site for you ! Winning month incoming

I’ve talked a lot about how 888 favors whales and manipulates their RNG to turn most all ins into a 60/40 advantage for the whale. Now, after a couple of months of experience with GG’s games, I can say that something even worse is happening there.

Let’s have a little guessing game, and I’ll reveal the results with hand histories after this month.

1) How often have I lost this month with aces to a weaker pair?
2) How many times has the whale had AA or KK when I have AK?

As a hint, I can say that this will break all the records so far.

by Paisting k

I’ve talked a lot about how 888 favors whales and manipulates their RNG to turn most all ins into a 60/40 advantage for the whale. Now, after a couple of months of experience with GG’s games, I can say that something even worse is happening there.

Let’s have a little guessing game, and I’ll reveal the results with hand histories after this month.

1) How often have I lost this month with aces to a weaker pair?
2) How many times has the whale had AA or KK when I have AK?

As a hint, I can say that thi

Nobody on earth cares but yourself (and you shouldn't either because variance is a part of the game).

by MastaAces k

Nobody on earth cares but yourself (and you shouldn't either because variance is a part of the game).

There is no variance that makes you lose every aces you got all in whole month. My all big pairs are losing at the moment when those are normal up in EV.

Just read the first 5 pages of this thread and could not stop laughing. Quality entertainment.

I can teach you how to beat Micros if you'd like, Paistings. I'll do it free of charge.

by Paisting k

There is no variance that makes you lose every aces you got all in whole month. My all big pairs are losing at the moment when those are normal up in EV.

So every single site is against you and you alone?

Stop playing then, play golf or something. If you miss the green you can always say the green you see from the teebox is a hologram put there by the owners to make you miss.

Imagine being that stupid to lose six figures to the smallest games possible believing the game is rigged and continue to do that to prove a point. And get uppset when others mvoe up after getting rolled to the next stake instead of playing 100k hands to prove you can beat the game. You are so effing stupid it's just sad :p Also imagine being that stupid to lose yeat another 1k+ and using running bad with high pairs as some sort of excuse :p Blows my mind a bit that you are still alive being that stupid :p Also imagine being that stupid to warn posters gonna ban you LMFAO

by Paisting k

I’ve talked a lot about how 888 favors whales and manipulates their RNG to turn most all ins into a 60/40 advantage for the whale. Now, after a couple of months of experience with GG’s games, I can say that something even worse is happening there.

So all you have to do is become a whale... 🙂

by canofworms k

Just read the first 5 pages of this thread and could not stop laughing. Quality entertainment.

I can teach you how to beat Micros if you'd like, Paistings. I'll do it free of charge.

No, you can't.

I can't tell who is more delusional - Paisting or all the people replying to Paisting with advice or trying to talk sense into him lol.

Once was one(around page 250). I love the new people to the thread who think they can fix and help Paisting beat micro's. Like no ones tried that already lmfao.


Money not lost is money earned. Why not try sitting out for a couple years, and seeing how much money has piled up?

Can u dig in GG games Paistings?!Bring it on!

Sent from my SM-A528B using Tapatalk

Of course worst is happening to GG games!The r raking to death!

Sent from my SM-A528B using Tapatalk

5 years later and not much has changed.
Hope OP stop playing poker for his own benifit.

by 6betpot k

Yesterday I had the honor of joining OP in quite remarkable session. Although for him its pretty standard I guess.


Notice the sick run good 10bi above EV.

At about hand 500 OPs AA got cracked after which he started shoving any 2 for 200 hands in a row while 4 tabling.
About halfway I noticed the auto rebuy didn't rebuy to a full stack which means bankroll busted. After a short time sitting out doing a deposit the shoving continued.

I've been playing poker for quite

how much has bro lost to regain those 16k?

by DramaB k

how much has bro lost to regain those 16k?

Member enzet made some calculations. Still waiting the first winning month. It's very clear that if you run below EV with all your high pairs and lose every time you have the best you won't make any profit against those whales.

by enzet k

I had a couple of minutes to waste, since starting the thread he lost based on the monthly graphs:

-$41815 with an EV of -$40401

but he had couple of losing months worth of -$2693 when he was ashamed of how lucky he was and censored the EV info and a couple of times he didn't post monthly graph, probably for the same reason or w/e.

He dumped an additional $3k on tournaments.

A sound estimation of total losses are -$50k

Opening ripping 4 high for 387BB can't help either.


hilarious from the beginning but it only gets better and better...

then watch all of the rest of his videos and streams. they're great to have on during long grind sessions.

by Paisting k

Member enzet made some calculations. Still waiting the first winning month. It's very clear that if you run below EV with all your high pairs and lose every time you have the best you won't make any profit against those whales.

Are you happy with your expected value, or do you see room for improvement in your gameplay?
