The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
Detroit is actually pretty awesome now. One of the final frontiers of affordable housing.
The reason housing is affordable is that the population never recovered from the economic nuke dropped on the city. So your point largely stands. But the populated areas have finally bounced back quite a bit.
I once posted about being in downtown and some one told be to be careful and I was like bro, I'm standing next to a yoga studio.
lol 😉
nice, glad the downtown part has rebounded at least
ie stalin and mao did the equivalent of winning the wsop where they needed to hit a lot of 1 outers to do it - but they did it like tamayo or mckeehan did it as highly skilled pros who exploited small edges and ran very well rather than jamie gold or jerry yang
in the multiverse tamayo still wins the main event a few times every couple thousand sims, jerry yang and jamie gold never do it again
if we resim for stalin and mao, like tamayo they don't win nor even final table most of the time, but they'll be winning it quite a few times and it won't be a fluke
Hey guys, remember that one time, in downtown Detroit, when Robocop shot dude in the dick?
d2 - you see why hicks and rednecks love fishing with me now, you know they must love talking about that stuff 😀
Getting shot in the dick?
I saw Robocop 2 the other day and it sucked. No one got shot in the dick at all.
Calling yourself ‘the black Nazi’ on a porn website message board?
Party of family values indeed
MLK times twooooo
Let me be clear - I am not using social media to decide who to vote for. This was never about that.
This is about hypocrites who seem to think they will make their side look better while using the same tactics as the side they are bashing (name-calling, lying, etc).
I was merely pointing out that I haven't decided who to vote for yet because I think people on both sides are guilty of this.
I'll determine who I vote for based on issues that have the potential to have a direct effect on me. Nothing
I can only go by what you wrote
That said, my biggest complaint in general (not here necessarily) is the large nunber of people using personal attacks (especially based on appearance) towards the candidates, and then wondering why they can't get someone to take their opinion seriously. There are more than enough complaints without sinking to personal attacks based on appearance and if you can't use those, it makes me wonder about ones ability to think critically.
Social media is full of people on both sides attacking candidate
Your "biggest complaint" was definitely social media based. And yes, if you want to stay undecided, waiting for a candidate who's supporters are never hypocritical or engage in personal attacks will achieve that goal.
You write 500k as if that was a significant number.
4-5 million jobs are destroyed every year in the USA.
And every other american household gains from access to Mexican and Canadian tariff free goods.
And it's not like the people who didn't have the "privilege" (lol) of having manufacturing jobs are necessarily going to end up destitute anyway
The protectionists always act like their side is some unassailable moral good and it makes me mad.
The protectionists always act like their side is some unassailable moral good and it makes me mad.
I would understand them better if they were protecting actually awesome jobs.
Like, I do understand why European countries fight tooth and nail to have the seat of european agencies: those are well paid veeeeery comfortable jobs and congresses, conferences, rich people coming in, that I can understand fighting to keep.
But mindless droning in repetitive endeavours all your life? Even if paid more than usual for low education people (which btw isn't even that true anymore, you need to specialize in fairly complex roles) who would wish that for their kids?
I wonder if Donnie knew about any of these before he endorsed him, and called him, "Martin Luther King on steroids,” and, “I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two,”?!
Only the best people, as usual...
i just hope you guys don't rat me out when i run for governor
I would understand them better if they were protecting actually awesome jobs.
Like, I do understand why European countries fight tooth and nail to have the seat of european agencies: those are well paid veeeeery comfortable jobs and congresses, conferences, rich people coming in, that I can understand fighting to keep.
But mindless droning in repetitive endeavours all your life? Even if paid more than usual for low education people (which btw isn't even that true anymore, you need to specialize in
In the US it’s nostalgia for the 50s and 60s when a married man could support his family and 3 kids with a house and vacation money. What people forget is that unions were incredibly racist and forcibly kept people out of the workforce.
In the US it’s nostalgia for the 50s and 60s when a married man could support his family and 3 kids with a house and vacation money. What people forget is that unions were incredibly racist and forcibly kept people out of the workforce.
yup, that's why a blue collar person can comfortably support a household anymore as a single earner... because of racism... jfc man...